Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings
Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
Intercessory Prayer 8.25.24
JD McDonald
Associate Pastor for Children, Youth, and Families Park Road Baptist Church
A prayer for those going back to school.
Lord as we go back to school... things could go a couple different ways.
Nervousness and excitement feel the same... The satisfaction of a hard day’s work and exhaustion do the similar things to our bodies... The joke of good friends and the laughter of making fun sound the same to an untrained ear... Let us enter this school year and find the good.
Let our routines be structuring and not restrictive.
Let new classes and classmates be opportunities for fulfilling friendship and not lonely landscapes.
Let our lessons taught be unifying and deepening, and not battles that are divisive.
Let our extracurriculars be places for being ourselves, and not comparing ourselves.
Let planning periods serve as times for planning, and not putting out fires.
Provide for administrators and school board members so that policy is based on principle and not in pettiness or pride.
Make moms and dads and grandmas and cousins and foster families and aunties and friends, all who are a part of a school community, desire the flourishing of the whole and not just their one.
May every forgotten boy and girl and child know they are precious and beloved, even for just a few hours with caregivers who actually give care.
May every teen losing hope witness a flash of life as your followers choose courage and self-offering kindness towards them.
May every teacher, new and old, find energy and creativity and joy in their work.
May all of us enter this new school year with the wisdom to recognize that we are all learners and that you, God, are the teacher.
1. MeckMIN Updates
Reflections from Northern Ireland
September 15 | 5 - 6:30 PM | Belk Chapel

Four Charlotteans recently traveled to Northern Ireland, along with 21 other faith and community leaders from several U.S. states, to examine the aftermath of that country’s 30 years of political violence known as “The Troubles.” The trip was jointly sponsored by the Carter Center and Rethinking Conflict, a nonprofit working on conflict transformation, peacebuilding and reconciliation.
During the meetings with various leaders of Northern Ireland, which included victims of the political violence, terrorism and bombings, the group got a glimpse into the abyss – what a community looks like when it devolves into two armed camps, groups of people who have dehumanized each other, and then afterward tries to pick up the pieces. The vivid images of destruction, fear and trauma will long remain in the memory of each person who was part of the visiting group.
The delegates will discuss what they learned, its relevance to the tensions that the US is feeling right now, and lessons they brought home to the communities they lead. We will also have a time for Q&A to engage with the community!
The four speakers include:
Casey Crimmins, COO of FORCLT and Pastor of Multiply Church
Dr. Hadia Mubarak, Associate Professor of Religion, Queens University of Charlotte
Jennifer Roberts, Former mayor and current consultant for The Carter Center
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Moore Hand, United Methodist Church and Community Leader
Faith can play an important role in finding common ground among different partisan perspectives and in keeping our democracy strong and peaceful.
Register HERE
Faith Club is a long-standing MeckMIN program for women of all faiths -- we gather monthly to discuss books, essays, videos and more. As you'll see below, we have a RICH variety of topics! We also create rich, deep and lasting friendships across lines of difference. We WELCOME new members. Email meckmin@meckmin.org to learn more.
Sept. 25 - Repentance and Repair: Making Amends by Dayna Rutterberg
Oct. 20 - (Sunday) Sukkah event; Discuss In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life Margaret Wolff
Facilitated by Crisis Assistance Ministries
September 7 | 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Caldwell Presbyterian Church - Hope Hall

Join us on Saturday, September 7 for a Poverty Simulation sponsored by JustFaith Charlotte, co-sponsored by MeckMIN, and facilitated by Crisis Assistance Ministries, at 10 AM, at Caldwell Presbyterian Church Hope Hall (1609 E 5th St, Charlotte, NC 28204).
Register HERE
A Poverty Simulation is a facilitated two-hour “hands-on” experience designed to help participants understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family. Participants are assigned to “families” who do their best to survive week to week over a simulated one-month period. The objective is to sensitize participants to the realities of those who are fiscally challenged in our community. The simulation provides real-life scenarios and challenges for participants to overcome. The exercise is immediately followed by a group debrief, during which participants reflect on the experience, discuss insights, and consider next steps. For details, contact Kate at charlotte@justfaith.org.
September 19 | 6/6:30 PM | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 PM, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2500 Rocky River Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213), for a potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths and perspectives. *Arrive by 6 PM if you'd like to participate in a service project.
TRUST is a critical component of building and maintaining healthy families, communities, institutions and countries. What happens when it starts to dwindle or is lost entirely? Trust is built over time. It can be challenged by people with different views or backgrounds as well as events that call into question the intent of our institutions and media. Increasingly, concerns about access to voting and election integrity have led to a questioning of election results. This conversation is designed to encourage reflection on key disconnects we are currently experiencing.
What happens when we don’t trust our elections?
How can we move forward to build local trust?
We're very pleased to join our partners at Living Room Conversations in their nation-wide effort to create trust-building conversations among people of many differing perspectives in this election season. To learn more about Living Room Conversations and their Trust In Elections initiative, visit: https://livingroomconversations.org/trust-in-elections-2/
Register HERE
SEPTEMBER 17 | 11:30 AM To 1 PM | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Purchase a ticket HERE
October 6 | 2 PM | Belk Chapel, Queens University

Join us on Sunday, October 6, at 2 PM, at the Belk Chapel in Queens University, for a wonderful panel in which women from Christian (Protestant & Catholic), Muslim, Buddhist, and Sikh traditions speak on the status and ministerial roles (clergy and lay) of women in their respective traditions.
Register HERE
MeckMIN offers a number of training programs on topics that are especially relevant in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism, and conflict transformation. We also offer interfaith panels for workplaces and schools. Prices and further information are available HERE
These trainings can be brought to you -- perhaps your congregation, school, neighborhood association, or nonprofit would like to host your own event.
If you are not yet receiving our regular email newsletter be sure and sign up here: https://www.meckmin.org/contact-us
Mecklenburg County Health Department
David Sweat | David.Sweat@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Covid-19 Response Unit Director
-Covid still in level 5 of transmission locally
-The FDA approved a vaccine for this year, currently shipping (on its way) -- you can get it as soon as its available
-Everybody is recommended to get 1 dose until same time next year (no second dose for those 65+)
-MPOX: The Republic of Congo is having the worst recorded epidemic ever, over 27,000 cases, same general category of other pox viruses, transmitted thru skin contact, clothes, household transmission etc,
-Causes severe skin lesions – seek medical care immediately
-US is monitoring the situation -low risk for the US at this time but those traveling in affected areas should practice caution and be alert for symptoms
2. Non-Profit Updates
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.
Dan Morris, LCSW | 704-375-0100 | 704-975-6509 (cell)
Grief Counselor | Via Health Partners
A program of Via Health Partners
Chameleon’s Journey is a FREE overnight grief camp for children and teens (7-17) who are coping with the death of a family member or other significant person in their life. It is based on a journey of discovery by a chameleon that lost a special friend. This year marks the 25th anniversary of the camp.
Chameleon’s Journey is a part of Via Health Partners, (formerly Hospice & Palliative Care Charlotte Region) but you DO NOT have to have had a family member under our hospice care to attend. Over half of our campers come from “community referrals” from schools, hospitals, funeral homes, and houses of faith like yourselves.
At CJ, children and teens quickly learn that they are not alone in their grief. In a safe and caring environment, trained counselors guide campers along a path to the development of coping skills.
Location: YMCA Camp Thunderbird on Lake Wylie
Dates: October 12-13, 2024
Cost: Free (VIA HP and Partners cover $450 per
Camp Includes:
Group Therapy (small groups by age)
Canoeing and Archery
Alpine Ropes Course
Music Therapy
Memorial Service
Parent Group
Link for registration and additional information can be found through our website
-For kids who suffered a loss thru death
-Hoping & Coping Program
-Open for CLT area and anyone willing to make the drive
-All group leaders are Clinicians
-Can accept well over 100 campers
-Registration is through the website https://www.chameleonsjourney.org/
-There’s an optional 1 hr group conversation for parents at drop off
Cara Maddox | cara.maddox@heartmathtutoring.org
Alexa Baldridge | alexa.baldridge@heartmathtutoring.org
-Served over 64,000 students in the CLT area
-97% of our students have made growth in their competence
-Founded 10 years ago
-Only 35% of 4th graders in North Carolina are proficient in their mathematical skills
-Looking for Volunteers to tutor for this 2024-2025
-The more volunteers we have, the more students we can serve
Join us in supporting local elementary students with just 1 hour per week! Heart Math Tutoring is looking for volunteers to help provide foundational math skills and confidence to the 1,300 CMS students being nominated for the 2024/25 school year. Read more details below and choose your time and location here – school locations range from Huntersville down to Pineville. See what tutoring looks like on the short video here.
· 1 hour per week with the same student
· Fun, hands-on, game-based curriculum provided
· On site coordinator present during all sessions to support
· Basic math (counting, adding to 10, comparing numbers)
· Choose the school, day, and time that works best for your schedule
· In person and virtual opportunities available
Padgett Vaughn | padgett.vaughn@heartmathtutoring.org | 704-651-2133
Director of Volunteer Operations, Heart Math Tutoring
Mailing Address: PO Box 30623, Charlotte, NC 28230
Office Address: 4601 Charlotte Park Drive, Suite 145, Charlotte, NC 28203
Heart is recruiting volunteers! Click here to sign-up.
www.hearttutoring.org , @HeartTutoring (Twitter, Instagram)
George Miles | gmiles85@hotmail.com
Andrea Howell | ahowell@alpcharlotte.org

When our boys were little, we took them to the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge, TN. Daniel was in the second grade and Andrew was still in preschool. My
wife, Ann, recalls being struck seeing the two boys standing in front of a display where Daniel was reading to himself the placard describing the exhibit while Andrew just stood looking, not engaged. And then Daniel read the placard aloud to Andrew. And Andrew lit up. Now, he knew what he was looking at.
This experience from 35 years ago still resonates with me, illustrating the power of reading. How reading can light up our world. Reading can help us understand what we see, what we feel. Reading can transport us to places we cannot dream of, it can teach us how to do and be; and it helps us understand ourselves and our world.
I marveled at the process of our boys learning to read. I felt it was a miracle. And as I saw and experienced this process again with my granddaughter, I still marvel at the miracle of learning to read. I was present when Daniel and Andrew – and Andra – leaned to read. But I didn’t teach them. I have always been amazed at how anyone could teach someone else to read.
Then I was introduced to Augustine Literacy Project. ALP uses the Orton-Gillingham approach and a specially developed curriculum that is –A-- multi-sensory, explicit, systematic approach to reading instruction that has been proven effective. Training has
evolved into a just-in-time model with a free, 3-day initial training period, with additional training offered during the year. A newly developed curriculum of pre-written lessons leveraged the knowledge and expertise of some super-tutors. And it has cut prep time dramatically.
When N and I met this past fall, he knew most of the letter sounds except for the digraphs -“2 letters that make 1 sound” - /sh/, /ch/, /th/, /wh/, /qu/, and the c-k /ck/. Our
sessions were spaced between recess and lunch. N didn’t always sit, but he never went to sleep either. He learned how to tap - /c/-/a/-/t/, and smear, learned some songs to remember spelling rules (“ck comes at the end of a word, when a short vowel is heard”), and the BED hand sign to help him remember which side the hump goes on. He worked hard.
I knew N was doing well, but I didn’t realize just how well until shortly before Spring Break when I was notified that N had “graduated from ALP”. He had achieved Green status on the DIBELS reading diagnostic tool, up from Red in the fall. In our last session he read to me an Elephant and Piggie book and a Pigeon book, both of which I had read to him in the fall! His teacher let me know that by the end of the year, he was evaluated as Blue – above grade level!
I then started working with J, who was reading at even a lower level than N had been in the fall. We worked hard over the next 6 weeks or so and made some progress. We are committed to working together again this fall.
So, why did this child have to wait until April to get the extra help she needed? There are just NOT. Enough. Tutors. ALP estimates that there are as many as 20,000 children in Title 1 schools within CMS who need the kind of help ALP provides. And ALP currently has about 350 tutors.
The kids need you!
Just think, as an ALP tutor, you can be involved in changing a child’s life:
- helping a child learn to read
- seeing a child’s face light up as she realizes that she CAN learn
- opening a child’s life up to unlimited possibilities
Is being an ALP tutor easy? Not really.
Does it take time? Yep.
Is it frustrating? Sometimes – but remember, you will be working with a 6 year old!
Is being an ALP tutor worth it? Oh, my, yes!
The next step to become a tutor is to join us for an information session. I do them weekly in person and on zoom. All information about upcoming information sessions, training dates and the application to become a tutor can be found at Become an ALP Tutor – Augustine Literacy Project – Charlotte (alpcharlotte.org)
-Have 15 partner schools
-Tutors tutor once a week
Elyse Berrier | eberrier@cmlibrary.org
Library Program Coordinator | Charlotte Mecklenburg Library | ImaginOn
Read WITH your child using the ABCs of Active Reading!
C. 704-607-5912 O. 704-416-0553
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library provides educational support to students in K-5th grades through numerous programs, resources, and services! The fall semester for educational programming support will take place September 16th-December 20th. Three programs to highlight with families you serve include:
Student Success Centers- 18 Library branches will open Student Success Centers this fall! The Student Success Center is a pop-up learning space for elementary students to work with trained volunteers on completing an assignment, practice a skill, or get connected to professional tutoring with Tutor.com. Visit https://cmlibrary.org/ssc to view dates and times when centers are open. All Charlotte Mecklenburg Library branches will have a Student Success Center by Spring 2025.
Reading Buddies- all Charlotte Mecklenburg Library locations now have an in-person Reading Buddies program! Elementary students can register by visiting or calling their local branch to sign up for a weekly 30 minute appointment to read with a trained Library volunteer. Children select what they would like to read and volunteers share in the joy and power of reading with children. Visit https://cmlibrary.org/reading-buddies to view dates and times when appointments are offered at library branches.
Tutor.com/ONE Access- Everyone in our community needs to remember that all children enrolled in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools automatically have a free Library card! The ONE Access account stands for ONE Number Equals Access, meaning the child's student ID number is their Library card number. Use this number to access free professional tutoring every day online from 3:00-11:00 p.m. on Tutor.com. Tutor.com is an online platform for students in all grades in English and in Spanish to access professional tutoring in all subjects, as well as essay review and test prep. All Library account holders can access 15 free sessions every week. Please help us spread the word!
Jeanne Smith | jesmith8412@gmail.com
Co-chair, LWVCM Education Team
The League of Women Voters Education Team is now focusing on providing Voter Education information related to K-12.
We find that the public - even parents - are not aware of the impact of public schools on their community and who makes decisions about the policy, implementation and funding of public education. I can talk about this (make a presentation) and we have fact sheets to share.
-Educating ourselves on where these candidates stand regarding Public Schools is essential in this coming election
-Hopefully this Nov you’ll vote in favor of Public Education
-Sept 9 Increase pay rate by 5% - You are invited to Sign the petition
Avery Payne | avery@ncdiaperbank.org | (980) 900-7364
Diaper Bank of North Carolina
Branch Director – Greater Charlotte Area
Equity & Inclusion Director (State-wide)
We have an initiative called our "Period Power Initiative" where we distribute free period products to public schools in our local area. We have a partnership in the works with CMS to distribute these items to Title I schools and I am hoping to get some applications in benefit of those schools getting period products.
We also have open volunteer opportunities such as Onsite Diaper Wrapping, Diaper Dudes/Divas (pick up donations from donation sites across the city), and I have an open internship opportunity for any one interested in volunteering as an Office Assistant for the Charlotte Branch (low commitment).
Ashton Glenn | aglenn@mecked.org
Kellie Cartwright | Kellie@mecked.org | 704-335-0100 (o) 704-574-9392 (m)
Chief Executive Officer
24-25 State of NC Career Development Plan Requirements
● MeckEd is a career readiness organization serving high school students in Title I
schools in CMS. We currently serve West Charlotte, Harding, Garinger and Chambers High Schools.
● We provide students with paid work experiences, soft and technical skill training, life skill development, and positive personal and professional relationships with adult mentors who can help them to navigate career success.
● As of this school year, all middle and high school students must have a formal Career Development Plan in place in order to move to the next grade. The plan is designed to help them be prepared for life after high school.
● These plans are to, minimally, be initiated in 7th grade and revised in 10th grade.
● This year, CMS will start with 10th graders, and work with students from there.
● The plan includes things like career assessments, evidence of course alignment with the Plan, and a portfolio that includes things like Resumes, FAFSA completion, awards, work experiences, etc.
● This legislation is brand new, so CMS is working on how best to integrate the legislation requirements into the work that was already being done.
● MeckEd is partnering with the CTE department to assist in implementing the legislation, because the legislation requirements are what MeckEd is already doing with our students.
Contact Information:
● Ashton Glenn, Career Pathways Manager, aglenn@mecked.org, (704) 335-0100
● Kellie Cartwright, CEO, kellie@mecked.org, (704) 574-9392
-We invite you to provide your support and share with your contacts to help us continue to do this work
-We can set up a win-win both for businesses and students – we pay students to do internships and volunteer opportunities
CT Anderson | info@springclean.org

The 2nd annual AfroCare CLT Gala will celebrate education with a West African inspired fashion show by Springclean, fantastic food by Chef Awo, a fine-dining Ghanaian chef, and auction art--all for a good cause.
Purpose: To completely finish the middle school building we are constructing outside of Kumasi, Ghana (a Charlotte sister city since 1995). We are 80% toward our goal and just $20,000 away from completion. The first level is already in use and we want to finish the second level. If we reach our goal, the next item is a technology lab.
Attire: Look nice and consider formal attire, African attire or Traditional African wear.
Parking: Complimentary onsite
Location: Project 658, 3646 Central Avenue, Charlotte, NC, 28205
Schedule at a glance:
6:15 pm Doors open
6;30 pm Fashion Show
7:00 Dinner Served
8:00 Keynote Speaker
8:15 Art Auction
Buy Tickets HERE: 2024 AfroCare CLT Gala and Fashion Show Early bird ends September 3!

Greg Jarrell | gjarrell@redressmovement.org | (980) 399-7174
Sr. Campaign Organizer, The Redress Movement

"Lineages of Displacement & Legacies of Power." (That's a registration link)
Sept 10, 6:30 (registration) 7:00 (program)
Friendship Missionary Baptist, 3400 Beatties Ford Rd.
We will hear from several guests about the two stories of Charlotte: one of displacement, often to the same families and groups across multiple generations; the other about Black-led, multi-racial power building and resistance that helps create alternative possibilities for housing and neighborhoods. Attendees will also work together to identify and commit to small actions towards building strong coalitions to help solve our local housing issues.
Kimberly Morrison-Hansley | kimberly@tkfnc.org
The Kaizen Foundation of NC
-The KAIZEN Foundation providing access towards economic success through free classes
-Sept 26 through October – meet at a church

Kate Dennstaedt | kgdenn@gmail.com
There is still time to REGISTER for the Poverty Simulation on Saturday September 7th
Tanya Varanelli
Consultant to Nonprofits and Social Impact
FirmsEmail: TVconsulting704@gmail.com | Phone: (704) 625-6167
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/tanyavaranelli/
Foster Village Charlotte is seeking a Development Director to lead its strategic fundraising goals as the organization enters its next phase of growth and impact. The ideal candidate is deeply committed to FVC's mission to support and strengthen foster, kinship, and reunifying families in our community. This is a great opportunity for an engaging, collaborative strategic fundraiser to design and implement a diverse fundraising plan.Please check out the position description and application information here: https://tinyurl.com/3jxnwha6
Kimberly D. Roseboro | kroseboro@firmfoundationsinc.org | Phone: (980) 202-1772 210
Executive Director Firm Foundations Youth & Family Outreach Inc.
E. Arrowhead Dr., Suite 03Charlotte, NC 28213
www.firmfoundationsinc.org "Establishing tomorrow...by building TODAY"
We partner with Title 1 Schools by providing youth development programs, mentoring initiatives, family support programs and afterschool and summer camp programs for students.

Sharing this exciting news: Building Skills Employers Need: Carolina partners to offer two no-cost opportunities connecting young adults to employment
Carolina Across 100 is excited to bring these 2 No-Cost Opportunities for Upskilling Young Adults in North Carolina, through partnership with North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS), Microsoft, Carolina Across 100, UNC School of Government’s ncIMPACT Initiative, NC Association of Workforce Development Boards and NextGenNC.
1. 7 Steps to Get Hired: The Keys to Building Your Future is a new self-paced employability course, offered free of charge through NCCCS, made possible through funding from the Golden LEAF Foundation to Carolina Across 100 and the ncIMPACT Initiative. The course material responds directly to employer feedback and offers a uniquely interactive approach to Human Resource Development courses. While designed with Opportunity Youth in mind (ages 16-24 and not engaged in school or work), it holds value for all young adults.
Access to 1 Microsoft Fundamentals Certification Course is a time-limited cost-free opportunity made available to Opportunity Youth. The certification exam must be completed (either online or in-person) by September 26, 2024. To request a course code for fee exemption, please contact Alecia Matthews: matthews@sog.unc.edu.

The Epoch Storytelling Intensive: Nonprofit Executive Cohort
One of my greatest joys has been serving as a storytelling facilitator and guide for community leaders. I have nurtured elected officials, artists, educators, corporate executives, entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders in the process of unearthing their stories and sharing them in community.
I am taking that process to the next level, and this is your official invitation to join me on the stage. We've heard the story of your organization and now we need to hear the story of YOU.
We'll journey through a consolidated but powerful process to learn the intimate art of personal storytelling for community impact & coalition building. The grand finale is a live storytelling show where you'll share your story with a community audience.
Complete an Interest Form HERE

OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)
LIVING WATERS Inc. Youth & wellness Summit - Oct 10
Living waters Inc – org that aims to decrease the economical & health disparities
Share Your Voice
Jamila Freelain-Holly, MPA | Jamila.Freelain@charlottenc.gov
Community Engagement Liaison
Housing & Neighborhood Services
Neighborhood Engagement Services Team
600 East Trade Street |Suite 308 |Charlotte, NC 28202
Office (704) 336-5004, Cell (704) 591-9014 | charlottenc.gov
Please share and mark your calendar for the upcoming Community Area Planning workshops. You are invited to participate for a virtual or in person workshop to share your input about projects & programs that will support future development in the community. These plans complement the 2040 Comp Plan and are an important part of the City’s planning framework. Registration is required. The first workshop is Tuesday, September 3rd in the Westside. See the attached flyer for more detailed instructions.
Keiba Young | fif@inreachnc.org | 704-343-5205
Backpacks are available from First In Families of Mecklenburg County, a project of InReach for Mecklenburg County students' in Pre-K to 12th grade. If interested, please contact Keiba Young at 704-343-5205 or fif@inreachnc.org to arrange a pick up date and time.
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 and 22 | 4 - 6 PM

Patricia Malone | prmalone@yahoo.com
Patricia Malone, Founder of Girl Magic Incorporated will be starting another round of mentoring sessions for girls ages 10-16, starting Saturday, October 5th.
There will also be opportunities for tutoring in reading and math for all youth grades 3-5.
Please reach out directly to Ms. Malone if you have additional questions. She can be reached at prmalone@yahoo.com
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Back to School is an exciting time for students, teachers and families. As students launch into a new year of learning and engagement in school activities, there’s a very important to-do item and that’s being up to date with vaccine requirements to attend school. All students must comply with state-mandated immunizations. Public Health is supporting families with an opportunity for students to be vaccinated in the new school year with the Big Shots Back-to-School Immunization Clinic and health assessments on Saturday, Sept. 7, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center at 430 Stitt Road, Charlotte, N.C.
Pre-registration is preferred as it will expedite service. Please visit Public Health's Immunization page to access the Appointment Request Form or call 704-336-6500. Public Health plans to utilize its two mobile units for a drive-through service for pre-registered students in sixth through 12th grades.
More info: health.mecknc.gov/services/school-health
Kristine Arnau, MPH | Kristine.Arnau@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Program Coordinator |Department of Social Services | Services for Adults
Mecklenburg County Government
980-355-2971 | MeckNC.Gov
I want to call to action each of you as we survey our aging communities to guide the 2025 - 2028 Action Plan. If each person gathers just 10 surveys, we will have nearly 1,000 voices to guide our planning. I have included a digital copy (attached), the online link (below), and a promotional flyer for print at various locations. If anyone would like print copies for completion, please feel welcome to reach out directly for coordination.

This Is My Brave (TIMB) is a national non-profit that brings awareness to mental health and substance abuse.
“We believe in the power of storytelling to break down the stigma surrounding mental illness. This Is My Brave – The Show is a live presentation of touching essays, original music, poetry and comedy performed by a dozen individuals living with – or loving someone with – a mental illness or substance use condition. Shows are held in cities and towns across the United States, as well as in Australia. Auditions are held in each city in advance of the show, creating a cast made up of members of the local community. They rehearse together with a local producer before presenting their stories live on stage in front of an audience. There is strength found in people coming together as a community, propelling a movement forward toward a common goal.” (This Is My Brave www.thisismybrave.org)
This is My Brave “The Show” CharMeck 2024 is coming to our community September 27-28. We have 3 shows: Adult Mental Health, Youth/Young Adult, and Adult Community Violence. We have many cast members who will share their stories of hope and healing live on stage through poetry, essay, original music, and more.
Jessica Montana | 980-312-4897
Health Program Supervisor | Public Health | Case Management & Health Partnerships
Mecklenburg County Government

ReCAST (Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma) II, is working to provide community agencies with opportunities to grow their organizations and achieve their sustainability goals. We have launched the Thrive Together Cohorts, a 4-part sustainability workshop for local organizations. This dynamic workshop series equips leaders who are passionate about making a lasting difference in the community with the tools and strategies to build a sustainable and impactful organization.
**There is no cost to participating agencies. To learn more, and to apply, see the attached flyer.
Who should attend the series?
Individuals from non-profit or for-profit organizations who have been existing for at least 2 years.
Individuals with decision -making authority in the organization.
Individuals/organizations providing services to underserved youth, young adults, and families.
Cohort participants will gain knowledge and skills to build a thriving organization that empowers your community. You will walk away with:
Actionable strategies to propel your organization forward.
Increased confidence in your organization’s long-term success.
A network of passionate community change leaders.
Cohorts are held virtually:
Cohort 1- Tuesdays at 10:00-11:30am EST (Sept. 3, 10, 17, & 24)
Cohort 2- Wednesdays at 6:00-7:30pm EST (Sept 4, 11, 18, & 25)ReCAST (Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma) II, is working to provide community agencies with opportunities to grow their organizations and achieve their sustainability goals. We have launched the Thrive Together Cohorts, a 4-part sustainability workshop for local organizations. This dynamic workshop series equips leaders who are passionate about making a lasting difference in the community with the tools and strategies to build a sustainable and impactful organization.
**There is no cost to participating agencies.
Who should attend the series?
Individuals from non-profit or for-profit organizations who have been existing for at least 2 years.
Individuals with decision -making authority in the organization.
Individuals/organizations providing services to underserved youth, young adults, and families.
Cohort participants will gain knowledge and skills to build a thriving organization that empowers your community. You will walk away with:
Actionable strategies to propel your organization forward.
Increased confidence in your organization’s long-term success.
A network of passionate community change leaders.
Maria “Joy” Hill, BA | maria.hill@mecknc.gov
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Team (IECMH)
3205 Freedom Drive Suite 7500 |Charlotte, NC 28208
Work cellphone: 704 560-8786

New program, IECMH (Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health).
Services are free to eligible families who reside in Mecklenburg County, have young children birth to age 3, and parent/caregiver has concerns like the ones below:
• Feeling overwhelmed with being a new parent
• Helping build a strong relationship with their baby or toddler
• Helping families support their child with regulating emotions and behavior
• Dealing with difficult events such as-loss of a loved one, frequent moves or changes in caregivers, scary events such as break-ins, car accidents, or community violence
• Ongoing significant stress due to divorce, substance use or domestic violence at home.
We have licensed clinicians ready to help and provide evidence-based early childhood models for mental health services such as Attachment and Biobehavioral Catchup (ABC) and Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP).
To make a referral, please complete the referral form here: https://health.mecknc.gov/maternal-and-child-health/infant-and-early-childhood-mental-health-services Please indicate that referral is for IECMH in “reason for referral” box or contact us over email at CDSA-IECMH@mecknc.gov or call our referral line: 704-336-7130.
HOSTED BY The Foundation Fighting Blindness
September 7th

We are excited to invite you to our very first Vision Connection.
Learn from the Experts: Join us for a valuable workshop led by Jacob Clements, Vision Rehabilitation Services Program Coordinator (VRS Program Coordinator) & Ian Smith, Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist for the O&M demo/info, from the Metrolina Association for the Blind. You will gain practical skills and knowledge to help you navigate your surroundings with confidence.
Network and Connect: Meet fellow members of the Charlotte community, share your experiences, and build connections.
Food and Drinks: Enjoy refreshments and light snacks while you socialize with others.
Don't miss this opportunity to get pumped for VisionWalk, acquire valuable skills, connect with your community, and enjoy some delicious food and refreshments! Spaces are limited.
P.S. Spread the word and invite your friends and family to join us at Vision Connect.
We look forward to seeing you there!
RSVP BY CONTACTING: Chelsea Warr at cwarr@fightingblindness.org
THERE IS HOPE: 988 Weekend of Faith in Action
August 29, 2024 at 2 pm ET

Join us for an informative and hopeful webinar focusing on the three-digit 988 lifeline and crisis response in faith communities. In times of crisis and distress, studies reveal that people often seek help from their faith communities and faith leaders who can offer hope, guidance, emotional well-being, social connection, affirmation, and resources during challenging periods. This webinar will provide important information about suicide prevention and crisis response. As the country celebrates the first observance of 988 Day (9/8/2024) in 2024 with the theme, “No Judgement. Just Help,” HHS is seeking to encourage diverse faith leaders and faith communities to be part of the conversation over the entire weekend of 9/6-9/8 at their regular religious observances. Come prepared to hear and see exciting and informative presentations from key leaders with the HHS Partnership Center, SAMHSA 988, and Behavioral Health Crisis Coordinating Office, videos, and testimonials from dynamic national faith leaders who have been doing innovative suicide prevention and behavioral health work in their faith communities and achieving positive, life-changing results.
Speakers include:
Rev. Dr. Que English, Director, HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Imam Hossam Musa, Imam, Islamic Center of Greater Cincinnati
Rev. Dr. Sarah Lund, Minister for Disabilities and Mental Health Justice, United Church of Christ
Rev. Horace Sheffield, III, Pastor, New Destiny Christian Fellowship; Executive Director, DABO
Engaging Faith-Based Communities in Philanthropy and Foundations | September 19
Join us for an in-person only event "Reimagining Partnerships: Engaging Faith-Based Communities in Philanthropy and Foundations," a dynamic convening designed to explore and enhance collaborations between philanthropic organizations and faith-based communities. This event will bring together leaders from the worlds of philanthropy, foundations, and faith-based organizations to discuss innovative strategies for meaningful partnerships.
Throughout the convening, participants will delve into effective approaches for aligning philanthropic goals with the unique needs and strengths of faith-based communities. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and panel discussions, attendees will gain insights into best practices for fostering impactful relationships that leverage the strengths of both sectors.
Key topics will include:
Identifying shared values and goals between philanthropic entities and faith-based organizations.
Developing strategies for impactful community engagement and support.
Navigating challenges and opportunities in faith-based philanthropy.
Building sustainable and effective partnerships that drive social change.
The gathering aims to facilitate a deeper understanding and foster collaboration that can lead to transformative outcomes for communities served by faith-based initiatives. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a forward-thinking dialogue on shaping the future of philanthropic and foundations partnerships.
Free voting educators for nonprofits’ virtual or in-person events. Note that your organization will need to request a voting educator at least two weeks in advance.
Note: If you missed previous 2024 Election Tips of the Week or want a refresher, (re)read it now: 501(c)(3) nonprofits can engage on ballot measures
Free Webinar on North Carolina Nonprofits and 2024 Election
With the 2024 general election approaching quickly, it is important for your nonprofit to understand what you can and cannot do in an election year. The Center is hosting a free webinar on September 20 from 10:00-11:30 a.m. to answer all (or at least almost all) of your questions about the 2024 election. Register today!
After you register, let us know if there are any specific topics you would like us to cover or questions you would like us to answer so we can be certain to address these during the webinar.
Double check your voter registration
Double check your voter registration to verify that you have an active status. Sometimes, if you miss an election or two, you may be removed from voter registration rolls, and if you’ve moved recently, be sure to update your records with your new address. You can doublecheck your registration in one minute.
Public records show that many of my constituents are not registered to vote at their current address, but the process to register is simple. Please print the form at this link, add in the missing information and sign and date it at the bottom. If any information is incorrect, cross through it and handwrite the correct information. Fold the registration form inside an envelope, write the address provided for the NC Board of Elections, then mail it.
Thursday, August 22 - Tuesday, October 15Various Dates and Locations
Join the North Carolina Network for Fair, Safe, & Secure Elections for a Trusted Elections Tour, a grassroots project initiated by The Carter Center. The tour consists of 27 town halls across the state to provide information on the electoral process, build trust in our voting system, and strengthen civil discourse. These town halls will feature cybersecurity experts, election officials, and election law attorneys from both sides of the aisle. They will address public concerns about electronic voting machines and hacking, explain the secure process for collecting and counting votes, and advise on how challenges, recounts, and fraud allegations are dealt with through proper legal channels. Click here to register to a town hall near you!
A Blessing for the Start of a New School Year
Kate Bowler | Katebowler.com
The year is tilting toward the start of school again,
but truth be told, we’re not ready.
We’re still hanging on to summer, to the promise it held
for long-awaited connections and celebrations,
for refreshment for our bodies and souls
in water and sky and color and sunlight,
and all those little moments given to us
where we could linger just a little longer.
Now that it’s almost over, we don’t want to let it go.
The beauty. The freedom. All that was life-giving.
God, could you help us stretch it, extend it,
and maybe even blend it
into this coming school year?
Parents, students, teachers, all,
may your newly-structured days breathe with creativity,
your new duties be infused with delight.
As you write on those fresh new calendars
may you trust that your plans are a lot like magic ink.
Much may seem to disappear into obscurity,
but whatever is done in love will remain.
Next meeting – Two weeks from today - Thursday at 11 a.m.