Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
A one-minute peace prayer created by Ana Lucia Divins, Therapeutic Singer and founder of Azul Healing. For more information about Azul Healing, visit: www.AzulHealing.com
1. MeckMIN Updates
Aug 10, 2024, 10:00 AM – Aug 11, 2024, 4:50 PM
Myers Park United Methodist Church, 501 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207

The Youth Summit is a great opportunity for middle and high school students in Mecklenburg County to get to know their peers from a variety of religious traditions and cultures. This year we'll visit Baha'i, Unitarian Universalist and Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints communities, meet young people who are part of those traditions, and learn a little about how their beliefs and practices impact how they live. We'll also do some community service, visit an escape room, share some great meals, and just have fun together.
Upon completion, attendees will be awarded with a certificate in religious-diversity. *Registration fees are on a sliding scale / Pay what you can
Sign up HERE
THIS AMAZING EXPERIENCE IS OPEN TO THE FIRST 20 APPLICANTS. Register NOW!! The interfaith youth summit is an eye-opening and wonderful experience. WATCH a short rundown of last year’s activities.
I loved learning about different religions and experiencing new cultures with people my age. By participating, you can learn a lot about the community around you and also have a bunch of fun!! See you this summer!
-- 2023 Youth Summit participant Maya Ayoubzadeh
POLITICS & FAITH TOWN HALL: Reflections from Northern Ireland
August 8 | 6:30 - 8 PM | Belk Chapel

Four Charlotteans recently traveled to Northern Ireland, along with 21 other faith and community leaders from several U.S. states, to examine the aftermath of that country’s 30 years of political violence known as “The Troubles.” The trip was jointly sponsored by the Carter Center and Rethinking Conflict, a nonprofit working on conflict transformation, peacebuilding and reconciliation.
During the meetings with various leaders of Northern Ireland, which included victims of the political violence, terrorism and bombings, the group got a glimpse into the abyss – what a community looks like when it devolves into two armed camps, groups of people who have dehumanized each other, and then afterward tries to pick up the pieces. The vivid images of destruction, fear and trauma will long remain in the memory of each person who was part of the visiting group.
The delegates will discuss what they learned, its relevance to the tensions that the US is feeling right now, and lessons they brought home to the communities they lead. We will also have a time for Q&A to engage with the community!
The four speakers include:
Casey Crimmins, COO of FORCLT and Pastor of Multiply Church
Dr. Hadia Mubarak, Associate Professor of Religion, Queens University of Charlotte
Jennifer Roberts, Former mayor and current consultant for The Carter Center
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Moore Hand, United Methodist Church and Community Leader
Faith can play an important role in finding common ground among different partisan perspectives and in keeping our democracy strong and peaceful.
Register HERE
Faith Club is a long-standing MeckMIN program for women of all faiths -- we gather monthly to discuss books, essays, videos and more. As you'll see below, we have a RICH variety of topics! We also create rich, deep and lasting friendships across lines of difference. We WELCOME new members. Email meckmin@meckmin.org to learn more.
Aug. 28 - Welcoming the Stranger by Sorens and Yang
Sept. 25 - Repentance and Repair: Making Amends by Dayna Rutterberg
Oct. 20 - (Sunday) Sukkah event; Discuss In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life Margaret Wolff
facilitated by Crisis Assistance Ministries
September 7 | 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM | Caldwell Presbyterian Church - Hope Hall
Join us on Saturday, September 7 for a Poverty Simulation sponsored by JustFaith Charlotte, co-sponsored by MeckMIN, and facilitated by Crisis Assistance Ministries, at 10 AM, at Caldwell Presbyterian Church Hope Hall (1609 E 5th St, Charlotte, NC 28204).
Register HERE
A Poverty Simulation is a facilitated two-hour “hands-on” experience designed to help participants understand what it might be like to live in a typical low-income family. Participants are assigned to “families” who do their best to survive week to week over a simulated one-month period. The objective is to sensitize participants to the realities of those who are fiscally challenged in our community. The simulation provides real-life scenarios and challenges for participants to overcome. The exercise is immediately followed by a group debrief, during which participants reflect on the experience, discuss insights, and consider next steps. For details, contact Kate at charlotte@justfaith.org.
September 19 | 6/6:30 PM | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 19, at 6:30 PM, at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day (2500 Rocky River Rd. Charlotte, NC 28213), for a Potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths. Arrive by 6 PM if you'd like to participate in a service project.
SEPTEMBER 17 11:30 AM To 1 PM
Gather with other faith leaders to eat and talk among other leaders. More details to come.
In partnership with the Charlotte Clergy Coalition for Justice, meet with Mayor Lyles. Agenda.
October 6 | 2 PM | Belk Chapel, Queens Univ

Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Sikh, Muslim and Jewish leaders to gather for this discussion.
MeckMIN offers a number of training programs on topics that are especially relevant in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism, and conflict transformation. We also offer interfaith panels for workplaces and schools. Prices and further information are available HERE
These trainings can be brought to you -- perhaps your congregation, school, neighborhood association, or nonprofit would like to host your own event.
The Back to School edition – August 29
If your org works with k-12 students and you want to share your work with the faith community - please reach out to LeDayne (Ledayne@meckmin.org) to present 3-5 minutes about your work on our August 29 Zoom call. Feel free to share with others who might benefit from presenting as well.
If you want to get minutes from our Thursday meetings, please reach out to meckmin@meckmin.org. We're eager to get your feedback on the new look and enhanced information!
Since March 2020, MeckMIN has been convening regular Zoom meetings for faith, community and nonprofit leaders. These meetings allow diverse leaders to share information and resources to foster a robust, coordinated, and effective response to the needs of our community, especially our most vulnerable neighbors. We meet every other Thursday at 11 a.m. We usually get about 50-60 people. If you would like the Zoom link, please email meckmin@meckmin.org
Pool Table
Lucy Crain, lcrain@firstpres-charlotte.org
She has a pool table available for donation if a youth center or house of worship needs it. The owner is willing to pay to move it. If you are interested, reach out to Lucy Crain lcrain@firstpres-charlotte.org
Clothing for Older Adults
Amelia Stinson-Wesley: Do any organizations accept clothing for older adults, especially for those in care facilities. If so, reach out to Amelia. Amelia Stinson-Wesley <astinsonwesley@yahoo.com>
Embrace All Latino Voices has been able to take the medical trailer that was mentioned in a prior call. Yay! These meetings are all about connecting needs and resources, and we love it when we have such a tangible example.
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.
For Mecklenburg County, the COVID wastewater data is at an average level of 5 detection across all wastewater monitoring sites based on today’s NCDHHS dashboard (Level 5 is defined as 80-100% of samples testing positive). The last time we had a ‘5 detection level’ was in February 2024. All of Charlotte’s sewersheds tested at the highest detection level with 80-100% of samples testing positive. According to the CDC, national COVID test positivity (14.3%) and hospitalizations (2.9, rate per 100,000) continues to increase. Percent of deaths due to COVID remains fairly low and unchanged (1.1%).

Para el condado de Mecklenburg, los datos de aguas residuales de COVID se encuentran en un nivel promedio de detección de 5 en todos los sitios de monitoreo de aguas residuales según el panel de control NCDHHS actual (NCDHHS dashboard) (el nivel 5 se define como 80-100 % de las muestras que dan positivo). La última vez que tuvimos un “nivel de detección 5” fue en febrero de 2024. Todas las alcantarillas de Charlotte dieron resultados al nivel de detección más alto y entre el 80 y el 100 % de las muestras dieron positivo. Según los CDC, la positividad de las pruebas de COVID a nivel nacional (14.3%) y las hospitalizaciones (2.9, tasa por 100,000) siguen aumentando. El porcentaje de muertes por COVID se mantiene bastante bajo y sin cambios (1.1%).
David Sweat of the Health Department echoed the stats above – Covid transmission in our area is VERY high at this time. Please encourage people to stay home when sick and to isolate until they’ve been fever-free (without taking fever-reducing meds) for at least 24 hours.
Liz Graham, marketing coordinator | Elizabeth.Graham@mecklenburgcountync.gov
HOMES (Helping Out Mecklenburg homeowners with Economic Support) https://dcr.mecknc.gov/Housing/HOMES
Grant funds are available to assist Mecklenburg homeowners with their property taxes. If they are residents of Charlotte or Davidson, they may also be eligible for additional assistance.
Flyer is attached.
Looking to connect with churches and nonprofits to table and/or share information and take applications.
Contact: yvonne.reed@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Homeowners Encouraged to Apply for Economic Assistance Grant through HOMES Program
HOMES (Helping Out Mecklenburg’s homeowners with Economic Support) provides economic assistance grants of up to $648 to qualifying Mecklenburg County homeowners. Residents within the Charlotte city limits may qualify for additional grant funding up to $367. Qualifying residents in the Town of Davidson could get an additional grant of up to $566.
There is no age requirement to participate in the program and the home does not have to be paid off. Mecklenburg County homeowners who may qualify for a HOMES grant are those who have lived in their home for at least the last three years (it is their primary residence), have no more than one delinquent tax bill in the last three years, and meet a qualifying total household income level. Please visit for more details and other program considerations. This year’s application period runs from July 1, 2024, through Nov. 22, 2024.New applicants and previous grant recipients are encouraged to complete and submit the easy, one-page application online, by email or in person.
Applicants may drop off their completed applications and verifications at the Valerie C. Woodard Community Resource Center, 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 1000, Charlotte; the Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center, 430 Stitt Road, Charlotte; the County Assessor’s Office, 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 3500, Charlotte; or the Wallace H. Kuralt Center, 301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte.
For more information on the HOMES program, visit MeckNC.gov/4HOMES, email 4Homes@MeckNC.gov, or call 980-314-HOME (4663).
Please share information with your congregation and also feel free to reach ou tto Yvonne who will come to your congregation to share info.
2. Veterans Benefits Live event, August 22 – 24 at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
https://news.mecknc.gov/veterans-benefits-live-three-day-open-house-offer-person-support-vetsDuring this three-day event, Veterans Services and other community partners will be on-site to assist veterans and their families/caregivers with benefits, claims, and more.

3. Need: Foster Parents
Mentioned before, but now the team is looking to connect with churches and nonprofits for support and to share information. You can be any family structure to be a foster parent. Our team can come and provide information and share the need with your community.
To stay current on County initiatives, please join our email list. You can select which topics you are interested in! https://home.mecknc.gov/Subscribe
Daniel Glaser-Reich | Daniel.GlaserReich@charlottenc.gov | (O) 704-432-1168, (M) 704) 497-3325
Emergency Management Coordinator,
Paige Grande | Paige.Grande@charlottenc.gov

About Us
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Emergency Management Office is dedicated to protecting our community by preparing for, responding to, and recovering from disasters. We work closely with local partners to build a strong, resilient community.
Emergency Preparedness
Make a Plan
Know what hazards are in your area
Talk with your family about what to do in an emergency
Include family meeting location
Build a Kit
Have potable water on hand (1 gallon, per person, per day)
Non-perishable food and a manual can opener
Flashlight and batteries
Portable charger for electronics
Change of clothes and sturdy shoes for each family member
Copies of important documents saved digitally and in waterproof container
More information at ready.gov/kit
Be Informed
Sign up for CharMeck Alerts: https://www.charlottenc.gov/Public-Safety/Emergency-Information/Get-Emergency-Alerts
Follow us on social: @CharMeckEM
Get Involved
We will beginning having volunteer opportunities starting early next year, sign up to be informed about those. Use the personal emails of Daniel and Paige above.
If you are interested in having us speak to your congregation or community group and discuss emergency preparedness, email us.
Jamila Freelain | Jamila.Freelain@charlottenc.gov
Community Engagement Liaison, Office (704) 336-5004, Cell (704) 591-9014
Civic Leadership Academy Applications are Open Through August 9
Cynthia Woods | Cynthia.Woods@charlottenc.gov,
The City of Charlotte’s Civic Leadership Academy is a free program specifically designed for Charlotte residents who are ready to take the next step in being community leaders and improving the quality of life in all of Charlotte’s neighborhoods.
Housing & Neighborhood Services will offer its 14 cohort of the Civic Leadership Academy (CLA) September through November 2024. The experience will provide participants an opportunity to grow in their leadership, connect with city staff and decision makers, and make a difference in their communities. Participants will gain a better understanding of how the City of Charlotte works to advance City Council’s strategic priorities and key policy initiatives in service to the community.
During the Civic Leadership Academy, participants will:
Receive a personalized leadership assessment
Learn how to build their leadership skills to positively impact the community
Enhance their understanding of Charlotte’s history and culture
Develop relationships with other leaders in the community and local government
Learn how to navigate issues through local government
Commit to using their leadership skills in the broader community
Capacity is limited, therefore the application process is competitive. Applicants are encouraged to be thoughtful and thorough in completing the application.
Those who are interested in applying for the fall 2024 CLA series may apply online using the application link on our website: Civic Leadership Academy. The application period closes at 11:59 pm on Friday, August 9.
National Night Out
Nichelle Wilson | Nichelle.Wilson@Charlottenc.gov
National night out is scheduled for Tuesday August 6th. Please register your event with the city so they cab send firefighters and others to join you. And check the schedule to find a night in your neighborhood.
2. Non-Profit Updates
Backpack event August 17th from 9-noon:
Jomaira Ortiz | hello@rootedhearts.org | www.rootedhearts.org
Co-founder and Executive Director, Rooted Hearts Ministries (serving families of children diagnosed with autism)
Rooted Hearts is hosting a back to school event to pack autism sensory boxes and backpacks.https://sharecharlotte.org/opportunities/back-school-sensory-toolbox-packing-event.
Join us for a morning of creating a joyful experience for children recently diagnosed with autism! We will be volunteering alongside our friends at Eastgate Charlotte, packing sensory education toolboxes for autistic children and their families. The event is suitable for kids 13-17 and volunteer groups are welcome. It is wheelchair accessible and Spanish instruction is available. Please join us Saturday, August 17th, 2024, 9am - 12pm
Duration of 3 hours
As a previous Master Community Calendar subscriber, you likely relied on this resource – and the dedicated duo who operated it. When Cynthia Bass and Judy Ranson retired last year and the calendar needed a new home, it found one at Foundation For The Carolinas. We are excited to introduce the Charlotte Area Community Calendar, hosted and managed by FFTC. The relaunched calendar includes new features, but the purpose remains the same: to help our region’s nonprofits and other organizations research and select dates for events that maximize audience attendance, participation and fundraising.
What’s New
Name: Charlotte Area Community Calendar
Platform: Online at www.communitycalendarCLT.org
Event Submissions: A simple online form can be completed at any time. Events will be reviewed with the goal of publishing to the calendar within 5 business days.
Access: The calendar is accessible at no charge and no longer requires a membership fee.
To Note
We depend on you to ensure the Calendar is accurate and useful for your peers, other organizations, planners and the community by submitting your events!
You’ll find – and should submit – free and ticketed events such as fundraisers, festivals, performances, lectures, exhibition openings, sporting events and other similar events.
The Calendar serves as a coordination resource for local nonprofit professionals and volunteers involved in planning events and programs. It is not a promotional or marketing tool and will not be promoted to the general public.for considering this wonderful opportunity for service, fellowship, and community building.
Ideal for long-range, advance planning, we encourage organizers to submit event as soon as dates are confirmed. The submission form only requires basic information.
What's Next:
Visit www.communitycalendarCLT.org to submit your events.
Share the calendar link with colleagues or nonprofit peers who may find this a useful resource.
Find more information about the calendar’s history, instructions and guidelines for submitting events and the calendar itself at www.communitycalendarCLT.org.
Bookmark the website for easy access. You can also find a link on fftc.org.
Contact communitycalendarCLT@fftc.org with any questions.
This August 1 is Poll Worker Recruitment Day, and Interfaith America is partnering with Protect Democracy to help ensure every eligible person can vote and every valid vote is counted. Play a role in helping the 2024 elections run smoothly by signing up to become a poll worker in your community. Our election system includes 117,000 polling locations across 3,000 counties, requiring about a million poll workers. Faith-based and civic organizations can play a vital role in recruiting nonpartisan poll workers to meet this need. Here are two ways you or your organization can get involved in poll worker recruitment efforts on Thursday, August 1:
Share the link to become a poll worker with your network via email or on Facebook, Twitter/X, or LinkedIn.
Become an official partner of Power the Polls, a nonpartisan organization that makes it easier than ever to sign up poll workers.
Hear more from faith leaders who served as poll workers in their communities: "Working alongside my fellow poll workers on Tuesday, I had a profoundly renewing experience of we, of being part of this unprecedented experiment in multicultural democracy. I say that my faith was renewed – and that is because in working together to make our democracy work, we lived out and renewed the covenant we share, the covenant that is expressed in the first words of the Constitution:
We, the People."
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons, Baptist Joint Committee “I took election processes for granted, but now I understand what a tough and important role poll workers play. Making the promise of democracy real requires neighbors to help neighbors, and my Christian faith teaches me that loving my neighbors is tantamount to following Christ.”
Rabbi Josh Feigelson, Institute for Jewish Spirituality
Join us in ensuring free and fair elections by signing up to be a poll worker today, and find more information about how faith-based organizations can help fill this need in the Faith in Elections Playbook.
Casey Mesaeh | casey@charlottetranshealth.org

Charlotte Trans Health (CTH) is a nonprofit with a mission to reduce health disparities for Transgender and Gender Diverse people in the Charlotte Metro Area by increasing access to competent affirming healthcare. We currently have a program that offers free case management, mental health, and medical services to uninsured and underinsured TGD people. We would love to partner with one or more congregations to host a panel discussion on the mental health and spiritual well-being of trans people in the fall/ winter. We want to debunk issues around gender affirming care and partner with you to create events around transgender care.
Liz Schob | lizs@charlottepride.org

Interfaith service is the Sunday before the week of Pride events. All are invited to the interfaith celebration, and we hope you will share information about the event which will be at Sacred Souls United Church of Christ. The theme this year is the intersection of faith and queerness: being both a person of faith and a member of the LGBTQ community.
Joe Hamby | jhamby@roofabove.org

Will you make the holidays special for one of our Scattered-Site tenants by sponsoring a gift? We need 480! This year the gift will include an umbrella, a new doormat and a $10 gift card to a local store or restaurant. To many of us, these may seem like mundane gifts, but they help our tenants to feel a comfort that is so welcome during the holidays.
Here’s how you can help:
Option 1: Purchase a $10 gift card to Food Lion, Walmart, Family Dollar, McDonald's, or Bojangles. You can purchase a gift card, and then drop off the gift card at our Day Services Center (945 N. College Street), Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 3:30, or Saturday – Sunday, 9 – 12. Email Christine DeLia at cdelia@roofabove.org to arrange a time to drop off the gift card. If you’d rather we purchase the gift card for you, click the "Holiday Gift Cards" button to donate.
Option 2: Purchase a door mat and/or umbrella on Roof Above’s Scattered-Site Holiday wish list. If you’d like to participate in a community-building group activity at one of our campuses during the holidays, please email Christine DeLia at cdelia@roofabove.org.
Rev. Dr. Stefan Weathers Sr., | stefan@democracync.org
Program Manager for Young Adult Engagement | Democracy North Carolina,

Democracy NC youth engagement leader. He is a part of the Mecklenburg Multifaith Revival events happening across the state. There will be one here in Charlotte at CN Jenkins Presbyterian Church. The purpose is to offer an alternative to Christian Nationalism view of democracy.
Multiracial Faith Coalition - Revival Reimagined Series
Mecklenburg Registration - https://www.mobilize.us/downhomenc/event/635872/
For questions, you can reach out to me at stefan@democracync.org
Information for the main organizer of the series across the state is below:
Rev CJ Brinson | cj@downhomenc.org | 336-327-1826
Black Constituency Organizer
Down Home North Carolina
CN Jenkins Presbyterian Church
September 28, 1-4
Rich Armenia |
This will be the first of an annual event. There will be speakers about global hunger, local speakers and others. Tina Postel from Nourish Up, Angie Bush from Hospitality House and others. This is an all-ages experience that will be high-energy and educational for all the attendees.
We're grateful for any help in promoting and getting the word out about it! We have a 500 attendee cap for this year so seating is limited but we can use help finding the 500. Tickets are free this year and the ticketing page for the event is: https://secure.givelively.org/nonprofits/feeding-charlotte-inc/event-ticketing/food-sustainability-summit-24/event_details
Here's a breakdown of the day:
On September 28th, a collection of organizations in Charlotte will host the first annual Food Sustainability Summit! The event will be an all ages, high energy experience, focused on the problem of food insecurity and several ways to combat it.
The event kicks off with an interactive panel discussion with some of the top leaders in the food insecurity space, passionate culture-shapers and a local FFA member. Special attention has been paid to make sure the discussion will be engaging for people of all ages.
After learning about the issues, we do something about it! The event will transition into a large volunteer experience where attendees will work as a team to be a part of the solution. Three nonprofits will engage the entire group in a volunteer experience for the ages while the DJ keeps us movin'!
Nourish Up - 75 volunteers will be building Grocery Boxes for families in need around the Charlotte area.
Rise Against Hunger - 200 volunteers will be packaging 25,000 meals that will be shipped internationally through school feeding programs in developing countries.
Feeding Charlotte - 175 volunteers will be building boxed lunches that will be distributed throughout the Charlotte area to community feeding programs.
This event will be high energy fun for the entire family and is a great way to get involved in being the change! Kids will be engaged and all of the attendees will leave truly impacted from the experience. Seating is limited to 500. Don't miss your chance to be a part of this!
Questions? Info@FeedingCharlotte.org (704)654-9667
FIRST IN FAMILIES, A Program of InReach
Keiba Young, MPA | (O) 704-536-6661 | Direct: 704-343-5205 | Fax: 704-536-0074
Director First In Families of Mecklenburg County, a project of InReach
4014 Monroe Road, Building 4, Suite 170 Charlotte, NC 28205
InReach provides a wide variety of services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
We are in need of hand gel, facial tissue, and disinfectant wipes for kids with Autism. Our 2024 Backpack Project giveaway is scheduled for 8/22/2024. Population of kids they serve have particular need of these supplies to stay well groomed in school.
Monique Weeks | mweeks@cwwilliams.org
Please reach out by August 2nd if you can support the 10th annual Back to School Community Health Fair from CW Williams.
There will be free food, school supplies, school physicals, health screening, PrEP, HIV Testing, COVID-19 Vaccinations & Tests, Music, Vendors, Games and More!
Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2024. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Location: 3333 Wilkinson Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28208. Parking available at Walmart.
School Physicals: $25
Immunization: Free for uninsured children up to the age of 18.
By Appointment Only. Bring insurance cards & immunization records, For more information, call 866-CWW-4-YOU (866-299-4968)
Avery Payne | avery@ncdiaperbank.org
Trying to increase the distribution in the community. Need a donation box site in South Charlotte. Send him an email. It can be private or public. Last year they distributed 400K diapers in Mecklenburg but that was only 4% of the need. We need help from congregations. You can also donate $ and they can get diapers at a deep discount over what you can find. We are happy to accept open, unused items as well (e.g. when babies grow out of one size of diapers.)
Donate Dollars or supplies - https://www.ncdiaperbank.org/ways-to-give
Maureen Krueger | maureen.krueger@toolbank.org
We provide tools and special event equipment to charitable organizations, like Faith Communities! charlotte.toolbank.org
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)
Sterling PattersonYouth Programs Coordinator | (704) 386-7417 | sterling.oliver@charlottenc.gov | charlottenc.gov
Housing and Neighborhood Services (Engagement and Customer Service)600 E. Trade Street |First Floor |Charlotte, NC 28202
The attached slides provide some insights of youth outreach in our violence prevention efforts.. We are pleased that City Council is dedicating funding to youth programming focused on this work and will share out our progress along the way.
NC SALUD HEALTH HOTLINE: A Vital Resource for Spanish-Speaking Community Members
Aubrielle Wallace, MPH, CCHW | 980-253-9406 | MeckNC.Gov
Health Equity Fellow, Mecklenburg County Government
The NC Salud Health Hotline is designed to provide accessible, reliable, and culturally sensitive health information and support to Spanish-speaking individuals and families throughout the state. Our bilingual call representatives are equipped to assist with a wide range of services, including:
Bilingual assistance with questions related to Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
General information on qualifying for Medicaid
Application referrals to bilingual individuals who can help with filling out Medicaid or ACA applications
Information about low-cost medical services available in the caller’s county of residence
We believe that this vital service will greatly benefit the communities you serve. Therefore, I am reaching out to discuss how we can collaborate to promote and refer individuals to this free resource. We are eager to see the NC Salud Health Hotline become widely known and utilized, and your support in sharing this information within your space would be invaluable.
We would appreciate any assistance you can offer in spreading the word about the hotline. Whether through flyers, social media, community events, or direct referrals, your help will ensure that those who need this service the most can access it.

From the North Carolina Council of Churches:
As we approach the upcoming elections, we believe every member of our community must be informed and engaged in the voting process. To assist you, we have prepared bulletin inserts containing vital voting information that you can easily include in your congregation’s bulletins. Download the inserts and share during your worship services! The inserts provide basic nonpartisan information about voter registration and ID requirements.
The USDA has launched a new, permanent program to provide food assistance to children and families during the summer. The SUN Bucks program has officially launched in North Carolina! SUN Bucks will provide grocery-buying benefits to qualifying families with school-aged children during the summer months when schools are on summer break. SUN Bucks is sometimes referred to as Summer EBT.
SUN Bucks benefits are issued to debit-like cards (EBT cards) that families can use to purchase nutritious food. Beginning in summer 2024, families will receive $120 per eligible child for the summer period. This program goes through the end of September so it is still worthwhile to sign up now!
HOPE COMMUNITY CLINIC is Hosting its Annual Back to School Event
Margie Lugibihl | Ph. 704-910-5810 | www.hopeeastclt.com
Director, Hope Community Clinic of East Charlotte

Hope Community Clinic is hosting its Annual Back to School Event at the Project 658 Center on Wednesday, August 14th from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm. Free school health assessments, immunizations and vision testing will be provided for children new to CMS schools or entering kindergarten. Please call the clinic at 704-910-5810 to schedule your appointment.
Lauren Rogers | (704) 333-8099 ext. 110
Director of Community Engagement | International House

International House has our next Welcome to Charlotte orientation on the calendar and we would love your help sharing the invitation with newcomers in your network. It’s going to be on Friday, August 30th from 10AM-2PM at International House. The first half is a “big picture” overview of major resources in Charlotte, followed by optional 1:1 appointments for families to sit down with our community navigator interns and volunteers.
I’ve attached a PDF to this email, that includes flyers in multiple languages.
The flyers are available in
Please let me know if you need anything else! The RSVP form is only available in English and Spanish, but we’ll have additional interpretation available August 30th. Folks just need to request their language when they RSVP, and we’ll make sure we’re prepared for them. They’re also welcome to call or visit our office with any questions or trouble with the RSVP (Mon-Thurs from 9-5).
Folks can also RSVP by clicking the link HERE. (RSVP’s are not required but are STRONGLY encouraged, especially if additional interpretation is requested).
Useful (Nonpartisan) ELECTION TIPS

Because nonprofits play a critical role in promoting a safe and accessible voting process during elections, our friends at National Council of Nonprofits tapped three nonprofit leaders – including the Center’s David Heinen – to video share election tips and actionable steps to help nonprofits and our communities navigate the pitfalls of the current political landscape and stay informed, prepared, and engaged this election season.
They’ve also partnered with Nonprofit Vote on the Nonprofit Voter Engagement Guide to help organizations engage in elections on a nonpartisan basis, leverage networks for greater impact, and build relationships with elected officials. The guide lays out the rules of nonpartisanship, how to make a plan, tips for engaging potential voters, and permitted nonpartisan activities.
In addition to this guide, Nonprofit Vote provides an entire library of tools, templates, and other resources to support voter engagement. Nonprofits can also participate as partners in National Voter Registration Day on September 17 and tap toolkits, webinars, event swag, and more.
DEMOCRACY NOW is also compiling a non-partisan voter guide.
Reach out to Stefan for more information - "Stefan Weathers Sr." <stefanweathers@gmail.com>

Charlotte has no shortage of coffee shops where you can work remotely. There's even a growing number of mobile ones popping up around town. And a handful specialize in community outreach.
Why it matters: These cafes stand out because of the good they do in our community.
Bitty & Beau's in South End employs individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Cakeable Cafe in Uptown offers a development program for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Change Please in the Belmont neighborhood uses 100% of coffee sales to support people experiencing homelessness.
Join US FOR FAITH IN HOUSING WEBINAR SERIES: Discovering Charlotte’s Housing Trust Fund

Next week, we're hosting an online webinar for you to learn more on how Charlotte uses public funds to foster affordable housing. We'll start with a simple presentation about the Housing Trust Fund and a quick overview of the development process. Afterward, we'll open the floor for questions and discussions.
Event Details
Date and Time: August 7, 2 p.m.
Location: Microsoft Teams
Register HERE
This event will be recorded and shared online. If you need any accommodations or language assistance, please contact us by August 2 at hnsinfo@charlottenc.gov or call (704) 336-5860.
For more information about the Faith in Housing initiative, please visit our website.
Let yourself feel all things, but this I say to you: Refuse the spread of despair. We are part of what happens next. Each of has power, in our sphere of influence.
– Valarie Kaur