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March 13, 2025 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer: meckminmeckmin

Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings

These meetings are open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response, especially in partnership with the most vulnerable among us. 

Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.

NOTE: If you did NOT get an email meeting reminder at 8 a.m. on Thursday, will you please let us know by emailing


Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording

63 participants



Lead with Love by Melanie DeMore



THANKS SO MUCH TO RECAST for sponsoring 5 upcoming newsletters! Also to Crossnore Communities for Children for sponsoring 2 upcoming newsletters.

It will be a true win-win – great publicity for them and great financial support for MeckMIN!  

"Although I am relatively new to the work of MeckMIN, it has already been an invaluable resource for me as [my organization] endeavors to connect with others who hope to strengthen the well-being of Mecklenburg neighborhoods and communities. Among the greatest challenges in our county are the inefficiencies and miscommunication that result from the silos that exist . . .  the biweekly MeckMIN Zoom meetings have introduced me to new partners, new initiatives, and useful information. After meeting with me and taking time to understand our mission, LeDayne has also provided personal introductions to important allies in my work. In coalition work, relationships are key, and MeckMIN is a strong advocate for relationships grounded in shared values." 

We were so heartened to get this great feedback above from a nonprofit leader who's just recently started attending these meetings. 

MANY of you have shared similar reflections -- these meetings have given you solid information, new connections and partnerships, funding leads, volunteers, and more. 


If these meetings are useful to you, please help us continue to offer them. 


We are delighted to offer these meetings as a service to the community AND it takes a lot of staff time to make them possible SO we need solid financial support to make them happen. 


The good news is that your financial support will also support YOUR work. Here's how: 

If you become an affiliate member, you can publicize your work as often as you like throughout the year through our e-newsletter, website, Facebook and Instagram. You'll also get recognition of your membership on MeckMIN's website. Depending on your budget, affiliate memberships are as little as $100 a year and give you access to share the good work you are doing all year long. It's a true win-win! To become an affiliate member, use this link.

As an addition or alternative, you can also sponsor a Faith, Community and Nonprofit Leader newsletter for $100. As a newsletter sponsor, you will be thanked in the newsletter as a sponsor, have your logo featured, and be able to share an announcement as the featured article. To sign up for a specific date, use ​this link.

As an addition or alternative, your organization can also sponsor a general MeckMIN newsletter for $200. We have a reach of almost 4,000 people and a 53% open rate. To sign up for a specific date, use this link.


Sunday, April 6 | 5 - 7 PM, Myers Park United Methodist Church

Join us for a Meet & Learn where you'll hear youth from various faith traditions narrate their religion's values and traditions and share how they live their faith. Stay for the conversations and the snacking!

Open to Middle and High School youth and their companions or guardians. Publix is providing sandwiches and there is time for conversation afterwards.


April 24 | 11:30 AM - 1 PM | Friendship Missionary Baptist Church | Conference Room A | TOPIC OF DISCUSSION: LOSS & GRIEF - FINDING MEANING

At an Open Tables gathering, individuals from diverse congregations come together for fellowship and dining; with the goal of building relationships based on our shared humanity that go beyond the divides of tribalism.

Everyone is invited to bring a vegetarian potluck dish to share. (Vegetarian meals make it easier to accommodate a variety of preferences and religious dietary restrictions.) 


We sit at tables of 6-8 people making sure that each table has a variety of faith backgrounds and traditions. 


Using some wonderful resources from Living Room Conversations,  we have substantive conversations on topics that matter. 


May 8th, 7:30 am at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

We hope you will come and join us at the 2025 Community Leader Awards Breakfast.  We are looking for table sponsors at all levels. Please consider buying a table of 8 seats ($600) and inviting your friends to learn about the work of MeckMIN and the work of the amazing award winners. They are sure to be engaged. A recent attendee attested, “I have never been in a space where I saw diversity as clearly as I did today. I didn’t know Charlotte had all these different communities!”

Purchase tickets HERE


Wednesday, May 14th, 11am to 1pm

We invite all who are interested to join us in at Heart and Hands Food Pantry for our service project. The project will include cleaning up their food pantry and other assorted tasks. This is a great way to connect with others while collaborating.

Registration information coming soon


Goal: $36,000 in individual, organizational, and congregational giving by March 31 

Raised: $23,593.95 (as of 3/13/25)

Remaining balance: $ 12,406.05

THANK YOU for your much-needed support! If you have not yet made a personal or organizational gift, we hope you will! 


The MeckMIN board is asking for your feedback: 

  1. In the midst of this time of political transition, what primary concerns are being expressed within your particular communities?

  2. In what ways can MeckMIN work within our broader network to help support your community during this season?

Please email with your feedback and/or reach out by phone if you would like to have a conversation

The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations. 


Community Support Services' Veterans Services Division provides counseling and the development of benefit claims for veterans and their families. Many veterans are eligible for benefits even if they did not retire from the military and discharge status may not disqualify you.

  • Assistance for Veterans Experiencing Housing Instability

  • Be A Battle Buddy

  • Building with our Veterans

  • Death of A Veteran: Surviving Spouse and Dependent Children Benefits

  • Home Loan Guaranty Benefits

  • Outreach and Community Programs

  • Special Benefits

  • Transitional Services

  • VA Benefits

Mecklenburg County veterans and surviving spouses seeking help can call the main office of the Veterans Services Division to make an appointment. Walk-in hours are available at Entrance A of the Valerie C. Woodard campus (VCW),  3205, Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC, 28208 as well as the Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center,  430 Stitt Road, Charlotte, NC 28213.

To Make an Appointment:  New Clients - 704-336-2102, Existing Clients - Call your veterans service officer directly. Walk-in Hours available as well.

Chantel Lowery, DrPH, CHES | Health Program Supervisor, Office of Violence Prevention | 704.533.1545

Quaneka Falls Edmonds, MHA | Health Program Supervisor, Office of Violence Prevention | 704.607.6158

The Carolina Violence Prevention Collaborative (CVPC) is a coalition of local community-based organizations, service providers, business and government agencies in the Charlotte Metro region. We hold monthly Zoom meetings and select in-person meetings held in rotating community sites around Charlotte.

We invite you to join us for our March 18th community chat and learn about innovative and proactive solutions centered around education, advocacy, and collective impact as well as meet other organizations focused on this issue. These community chats happen every month and RSVP is requested:

Date: 3/18/2025

Time: 6:00pm

Location: Valerie C. Woodard, 3205 Freedom Dr., Entrance E


Please RSVP by 3/12/25.

Danielle Crawford | Clinical Outreach Coordinator, Mecklenburg County Government |


In July 2021, a bipartisan coalition of state attorneys general announced the National Opioid Settlement – a historic $50 billion agreement that will help bring desperately needed help to communities harmed by the opioid epidemic. The state of North Carolina and all 100 counties, including Mecklenburg County, joined the agreement. Mecklenburg County is expected to receive $73 million over an 18-year period.

Mecklenburg County invites members of the community to attend the County’s Opioid Settlement Community meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025, from 9 to 11 a.m., at CPCC’s Harris Conference Center, 3216 CPCC Harris Campus Dr, Charlotte, NC. Please register.

The community is invited to participate in this annual meeting on March 27 as part of the National Opioid Settlement. This year's meeting will feature an immersive experience, in collaboration with Charlotte is Creative and RIZE Consultants, that will highlight key intervention strategies that Mecklenburg County has funded to address the Opioid epidemic and the impact of these investments to date. The public's participation and input will inform the county’s ongoing investment in strategies and priorities related to the awarded settlement funds.  Registration is free and open to the public. Residents interested in attending this event are required to register online, before March 24, 2025.

Doors will open at 8:30 a.m.; light breakfast will be served.   


Mecklenburg County Public Health is encouraging parents to make sure their children are up to date on their vaccines, especially the Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, as national cases of measles rise. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 222 cases of measles have been reported from 12 states in 2025 (as of March 7) – including outbreaks in Texas and New Mexico. There has been one death associated with the Texas outbreak and one death associated with the New Mexico outbreak. No cases have been reported in Mecklenburg County this year. Last year, there was a confirmed case in Mecklenburg County that was the first case of measles in North Carolina since 2018.

“It is frustrating to see a disease that was once eliminated in the U.S. start to circulate again in communities across the country,” said Dr. Raynard Washington, Mecklenburg County Public Health director. “Measles is a highly contagious and serious illness and our best tool to protect against it is vaccination. I encourage parents to make sure their children are up to date on their vaccines to protect their health and prevent outbreaks in our community.”

Measles is a viral illness that can have serious health complications and can easily spread. The symptoms of measles include a fever, runny nose, cough, rash and red eyes. Around 90% of unvaccinated individuals who are exposed to measles will become infected. And about one in five people in the United States who get measles will be hospitalized.

The CDC recommends that people of all ages keep up to date with their vaccinations. Children should receive two doses of the MMR vaccine – the first dose at 12 through 15 months of age and the second dose 4 through 6 years of age. One dose of the vaccine is 93% effective at preventing measles and two doses is 97% effective.

If you see symptoms of measles, call your doctor, clinic or emergency department right away. It’s important to call a healthcare facility before you go to get instructions to prevent further spread of measles.

The MMR vaccine is widely available at healthcare providers and retail pharmacies across Mecklenburg County, and it is offered for free or low-cost at the Mecklenburg County Public Health Immunization Clinic. Public Health’s mobile health unit will be providing vaccines on-site at CMS schools throughout the spring.


The CoC's Membership/Nominating Committee is seeking applications to fill one vacant seat on the CoC Governing Board. They are looking for a business community representative active in ending homelessness.  This person would provide feedback on how businesses interact with persons experiencing homelessness and educate the business community about the CoC's work. Application period closes Friday, March 14, 2025

The CoC's Membership/Nominating Committee is seeking applications to fill one vacant seat on the CoC's Ranking Committee. .The Ranking Committee (RC), a committee of the Continuum of Care (CoC), is responsible for developing fair and transparent processes and recommending the ranking for projects eligible for funding under the CoC Program and under the Emergency Solutions Grant Program. More information can be found here. Apply for Ranking Committee.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Continuum of Care fosters collaboration by having an open and inclusive process for inviting new members to participate in the CoC.  Organizations and individuals are welcome to join the CoC at any time.  If you are interested in becoming a member click here.

If you would like to receive the Blog, please sign up.


Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Council Member Dimple Ajmera will be hosting The State of Our Air, Water and Soil on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at CMGC Room 267. Join Council Member Ajmera for an important town hall discussion on the state of Charlotte’s air, water, and soil. This event will focus on how these critical resources impact the health of our children and families and contribute to a healthier community.

When: Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Rm 267

Contact: Natasha Hursey,, 980-467.5934

Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM

Mayor Pro Tem Danté Anderson will be hosting a town hall - 2025 Updates Navigating Through the Queen City on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at CMGC - Room 267. 

Guests: Charlotte Area Transit System, Economic Development, Housing & Neighborhood Services, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations and Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Services.

When: Thursday, March 20, 2025 | 06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

Location: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, Rm 267

Contact: Robin Lo Furno,, 704-591-9014


MECKPre-K, a high-quality, free pre-kindergarten program open to all four-year-old children in Mecklenburg County, is now taking applications for the upcoming school year. All children in Mecklenburg County who will be four years old on or before Aug. 31, 2025, are eligible.


To apply or learn more about the application requirements visit Interested parties unable to apply online are encouraged to email  or call 704-368-3370 to schedule an appointment to apply in person.


Jomaira Ortiz, LMSW, CAS | Co-founder, Executive Director | 

Rooted Hearts is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, serving families and caregivers of children living with autism.

Our founders, Andrew and Jomaira Ortiz, understand firsthand the challenges many parents face when trying to navigate everything that comes with an autism diagnosis.  When their son was diagnosed at 21 months old, they realized they would need to learn all that came with looking for services and therapy to support their child. 

Long waitlists are the norm for many, waiting up to 12 months for therapy to begin.  Let us help you and your child to “close the gap” and provide you with tools to make developmental gains while you wait. Applications are available today!

WHAT IS THE SENSORY TOOLBOX: Many families throughout the United States face long therapy and healthcare provider waitlists—an average of 12 months—leaving children without the support they need and parents feeling hopeless through the process.  The Autism Sensory Toolbox serves as a bridge to therapy, equipping children with sensory-friendly tools to help regulate their environment, improve focus, and enhance daily life while they wait for professional services. Each toolbox is individually curated to meet the unique needs of the child and family.


Greater Bethel AME Church at 5232 The Plaza is a host church - Bobbi Hague

Be part of a powerful, nationwide event that brings together thousands of people of faith to explore how we can care for creation and take meaningful climate action. On March 27, the 2025 National Faith + Climate Forum will be a live-streamed broadcast, accessible online from your home or office, or in person at host locations across the U.S. This hybrid event offers a dynamic day of interactive sessions, inspiring keynotes, and practical resources to equip you and your congregation to integrate climate care into your faith practices and communities authentically. Whether you’re just starting your journey in creation care or are a seasoned advocate, this event has something for everyone! Register today.

Community Advocate, Community Engagement

WellCare of North Carolina is a managed care plan that provides health coverage to North Carolina residents through Medicaid, Medicare, and Marketplace plans, offering a range of benefits and services, including care management and behavioral health support. Doug is their Community Advocate and he is looking to collaborate with organizations and communities that can affect the social determinants of health like food, shelter and social connection. WellCare is also focused on connecting North Carolinians with Medicaid Expansion and you are invited to reach out to him for help in connecting your constituents.  

He has spent his career in non-profits as well and is happy to respond to anyone who is looking for tips on fundraising, volunteer management and more. 

ext one is March 28th on how to collect and use data to make changes.


Julie Alexander | Coordinator for Healthy Meck | 

This free, half-day, in-person training, led by Kenya Joseph of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Food Policy Council is designed to empower you to use your data to uplift your work and your cause.

Join us and other mission-driven colleagues at the Rafters at Historic St. Mark's for this hands-on, interactive workshop.

Together, we will demystify how to collect, manage, and use data to tell a compelling story to decision-makers and those that you serve.

Program registration is limited to the first 50 participants and the registration deadline is tomorrow March 14 at noon. We still have 10-15 spots left.

Registration limited to 50. Reach out to Julie for more information or to sign up for their newsletter.

Join us for the launch of the Wedgewood Film Series, a new initiative bringing thought-provoking films to our community. Our first screening features "God & Country", a powerful documentary by director Dan Partland that examines the rise of Christian Nationalism, its impact on our constitutional republic, and how it distorts Christianity itself.

Date: Sunday, Date: April 13th

Time: 1:30 PM

Location: VisArt Video (3104 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, NC 28205)

Tickets: $5

​Post-Film Discussion – Stay for a conversation about the film’s themes and their impact on faith, democracy, and justice. ​

For more information or to inquire about sponsorship opportunities, contact Liz at

Day of Visibility Event Monday, March 31st | The Grove Presbyterian Church | 6 pm.

Charlotte Trans Health (CTH) is a compassionate collective of healthcare providers from diverse backgrounds committed to a mission centered on reducing health and healthcare disparities for those with diverse sexual and gender identities.

Charlotte Trans Health invites you to join us at The Grove Presbyterian Church (5735 E W.T. Harris Blvd) on Monday, March 31st (03/31/2025) at 6pm for a panel discussion on trans mental health in Christian organizations and communities. During the event, transgender faith leaders and mental health providers will discuss the relationship between mental health and spiritual well-being, trans allyship for Christian organizations and communities, and answer audience questions. The panel will be followed by food and fellowship. Please RSVP to indicate any dietary restrictions or request childcare during the event. Email with any questions.

Roof Above has a mission to unite the community to end homelessness, one life at a time. There are several imminent opportunities to support this mission:

  • THERE IS NO PLACE FOR US: HOMELESS AND WORKING IN AMERICA Book Event, Monday, April 7, 5:15 – 7 p.m.

CEO Liz Clasen-Kelly in conversation with Author Brian Goldstone about his new book


    • 5:15 – 6 p.m.  Reception & Refreshments

    • 6:00 – 7 p.m.  Conversation between author Brian Goldstone & Roof Above CEO Liz Clasen-Kelly

    • Book signing to follow

  • WHERE: 

    • Oxford Hall at Myers Park Presbyterian Church

    • 2501 Oxford Place | Charlotte, NC | 28207

  • WHAT: 

    • Tickets cost $40 and include a signed hardback copy of the book ($30 value)

    • Additional books will be available for sale

  • Subscribe to 2x4, the Roof Above newsletter: The “2x4” is an education and advocacy email with four bullet points about issues affecting homelessness locally and nationally that goes out twice a month. The “2x4” aims to be informal, in-the-moment, and impactful. And we want it to be a conversation.

  • Support the last few months of Room in the Inn. RiTI is a program that supports our homeless neighbors with a place to stay and breakfast during the winter months. As we near the end of the season, we are still in need of supporting communities. To learn more about how your faith community can participate in Room In The Inn, contact our innkeepers Jayne Barto and Cher Lindblom at 704-334-3187 x0321 or

Also, be aware that Federal funding cuts may result in a 25% cut to Roof Above’s budget.  If you can support their work financially, you are encouraged to do so. They are also asking for advocacy against the cuts.


September 11, 2025, 6-8 PM

Becky Horton |, Kidville Director | Pineville Church, 918-269-0774

Pineville Church of the Nazarene is hosting “Suicide Speaks”, a mental health conference event September 11th featuring organizations as diverse as Nami, CMS, Atrium and many others. It will feature programming for youth and adults around suicide prevention. If you are interested in collaborating on this event, please reach out to Becky to learn more. 

Beth Morrison-North, MPA. | Executive Director | (O) (704) 266-1195 | (C) (704) 898-5338

Tela DuRant, she, her, hers,, Volunteer & Events Manager, Direct (980) 285-1179, Office (980) 236-0979.

Rebuilding Together works on critical home repair in Mecklenburg and surrounding counties. 

Join Rebuilding Together of Greater Charlotte for our inaugural Rise to [Re]Build Breakfast, Wednesday April 9th. This will be a morning of inspiration, impact, and action. As we celebrate 15 years of strengthening communities, we’ll explore the lasting effects of redlining and discuss tangible ways to advance housing equity and support affordable homeownership.

This special event celebrates 15 years of impact and features guest speaker Leah Rothstein, co-author of Just Action, along with a panel of community leaders who will share insights on redressing segregation and building a more inclusive future. Following her keynote, local leaders will engage in a panel discussion around what is happening locally. Your ticket includes a complementary copy of either Color of Law or Just Action and an opportunity to meet with the author.

Every dollar raised supports our mission to repair homes, revitalize communities, and rebuild lives—ensuring our neighbors can live in safe, healthy homes for years to come.

Reserve your seat today and be part of the movement to create lasting change. 


Sunday, March 23rd at noon

​​Lashanda Faye |

Friendship is hosting the fifth annual “Loving Me, Mind, Body and Soul” Mental Health Symposium on March 23rd at noon in the conference center.  Come join to hear from Reyard Washington from the Mecklenburg County Health Department as well as A. Maurice Harvey,, founder of Choose Better 4 U and Black Male Therapists of CLT .


Chaplain Gonzalez, Fatima Gonzalez, MTh., CPC, RRT, LECTP, CIT,

(980) 314-5465, C: (704) 491-6654 | 

The Sheriff’s Department is looking for Chaplain Aides to assist in their work.


What a Chaplain Aide can do;

  • Chaplain Aide – does talks with the residents (inmates)

  • Teaches classes (faith based studies)

  • All will assist in Chaplain Office needs/duties


Schedule – Monday to Friday

  • 9 am to 11 am  or

  • 1 pm to 4 pm 

Volunteer – Monday to Sundays - Evenings & Weekends

  • Only teaches faith based studies


  • 8 pm to 9:30 pm


If you are interested, please reach out to Fatima via email.


Lois Johnson | 

Chair, Charlotte Convocation, Episcopal Church Women

Come join us to view the movie SIX TRIPLE EIGHT followed by a moderated discussion with a small group of veterans telling their stories.

When: Friday, March 28th 2025, 5-8pm

Where: Trinity Episcopal School, Arts and Science Building, 750 East 9th Street Charlotte, NC

Rev. Glencie Rhedrick, M.S., MDIV., PhD student | | 980-202-9866

UMBA has a survey that is part of a fundraising tool. The survey takes from 5-10 minutes to complete and UMBA Bright Stars gets donations from each completed survey. We hope you will share this survey with the brand and company of your choice. 

Trinity Presbyterian Church

Join us for a Sensory Friendly Concert on Sunday, March 16th at 3:00 pm. Admission is free. This concert features ensembles, students and faculty from Queens University of Charlotte. Individuals of all ages with autism spectrum disorder or sensory sensitivities will find this an inclusive and welcoming experience, with relaxed house rules and a judgment-free environment. Members of the Queens Music Therapy faculty and students will offer support to attendees and their families.

Sensory-friendly concerts provide an inclusive and welcoming experience for individuals of all ages with autism spectrum disorder or sensory sensitivities, as well as their families. With relaxed house rules that encourage audience movement, these events create a judgment-free and supportive environment. 

Date: March 16

Time: 3 pm

Where: Trinity Presbyterian Fellowship Hall, 3115 Providence Road

We wanted to lift up a recent piece from NextStage Consulting’s Impact Insider. It feels like useful research at this moment in time.

“The social impact sector stands at a critical crossroads, where traditional approaches to mission-driven work are being challenged, and survival increasingly depends on collective action. But what if there's another way? What if the current crisis could be the catalyst for a transformative approach to social impact?

While research regarding the effectiveness of social good collaborations is limited, Sustained Collaboration Network’s findings quantify just how powerful these collective efforts can be.

 In their latest report, 73% of studied nonprofit collaborations demonstrated quantifiable success.

For nonprofit leaders, community organizers, philanthropists, and anyone passionate about creating meaningful social change, this figure represents more than just a number – it suggests a roadmap for resilience.

Because the future of social impact isn't about individual heroism. It's about collective strength, shared purpose, and the recognition that our greatest resource has always been – and always will be – each other.”

Subscribe or Read their Impact Insider for the full article.

Christians, ORDER ECO-PALMS FOR YOUR CHURCH: How many palms do you think you might use for Palm Sunday? Whether it's 20 or 2,000, you can make a difference by ordering them from a sustainable source. 25% of the cost of each frond is going directly back to the communities that harvest them. This means fair wages, access to education for community children and much more. Order your palms this month and get ahead of the game. The order deadline is March 21st. Visit to learn more

The 2025 Centralina Aging conference theme, Tackling Aging, will empower attendees to conquer obstacles and provide quality service to the older adults we serve. Please join us (in person!) on March 28th, 2025, at the Harris Conference Center in Charlotte, NC!

Standard registration is $150 per attendee and includes conference admission, breakfast, lunch, snack, and parking.


As the year 2025 unfolds, we find our country divided and polarized, perhaps to an extent not seen since our Civil War. We know that there is turmoil at the national level, but we also know that in our local communities we can and must work to find more civil and peaceful interactions. Our democracy can be supported locally no matter what is happening in Washington, and we can learn from others who have descended into violence about how to avoid the worst.

The Carter Center has partnered with an organization from Northern Ireland called Rethinking Conflict.  Spearheading their work is Gary Mason, a Methodist minister who played a central role in peace building in Northern Ireland after decades of violence. Gary will share lessons learned in his peacemaking efforts with us, with the Carter Center network and Catawba College's Center for NC Politics and Public Service, in a coming series of discussions. These webinars will include conversations with former combatants and victims of the violence of The Troubles in Northern Ireland. 

Registration is available here through the Georgia Democracy Resilience Network website.

In addition, Gary will hold an in-person conversation in Charlotte on April 22 with the four North Carolinians who traveled to Belfast in 2024 in a program organized by Rethinking Conflict.  These speakers will discuss the lessons from Northern Ireland that they have brought home to North Carolina at 7 pm at Project 658, 3646 Central Avenue. There is a Zoom option for this session as well.


Communities of Faith and the Changing Refugee Landscape

As the U.S. government suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) and halts all funding to support newly arrived refugee families, faith-based organizations involved in refugee resettlement have been severely affected.


Join us for a conversation with Kristyn Peck and Cristine Krieger about the evolving policies surrounding refugee services and the vital role of faith communities in this work. We will discuss how congregations can offer support at various levels and what it means to engage in this work through a religious lens. 

Kristyn Peck is the Chief Executive Officer of Lutheran Social Services of the National Capital Area (LSSNCA). She led LSSNCA’s response to the largest humanitarian crisis in a generation, providing refugee resettlement services to 4,500 Afghans in the D.C. metro area in fiscal year 2022. She currently serves as the vice chair of the Refugee Council USA (RCUSA) board of directors.

Christine Krieger serves as the Program Director for Congregations at the Institute for Islamic, Christian, and Jewish Studies (ICJS). She leads a year-long fellowship for Muslim, Christian, and Jewish clergy and lay leaders to increase inter religious literacy, engage in dialogue, and build community in the Greater Baltimore area.

Date: Wednesday, March 26

Time: Noon–1:00 PM ET

Place: Online Via Zoom

In 2019, the Canopy Housing Foundation instituted the YES Award to recognize and celebrate the area’s youth who are engaged in improving the quality of life in the region.

Young people who are engaged in service mature into adults who serve the community. This award was established to encourage youth to address a broad spectrum of needs in an effort to build a stronger community. This program has donated $3000 to the recipient’s designated non profit since inception.

If you know a young person aged 10-18 who is actively engaged in improving our community, please nominate them for the Youth Excellence in Service Award.


Antonio and Tonya Tolson, Co-Founders 

Founded with a vision to make a meaningful difference, AJ and the Cool Kids works toenhance the lives of children and families navigating the journey of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Together, we celebrate the unique strengths of every individual and foster a community where acceptance and opportunity thrive.

Join AJ and others as they walk to raise awareness and support. You can Donate, Walk, Sponsor, Volunteer, or be a Vendor. And of course you can always cheer us on!

When: Saturday, April 12, 2025

Where: Caromont Health Park, Gastonia, NC

Tickets Include:

  • Entrance to the walk

  • A commemorative T-shirt

  • A ticket to a future baseball game!

We need YOU to make this event a success! We’re looking for:

Together, we can support and celebrate families living with autism. Let’s raise awareness and build a stronger, more inclusive community.


We invite you to spread the word about the 2025 Age-Friendly in Action: Insights and Ideas Forum, a free virtual event designed to share strategies, spark ideas, and strengthen age-friendly efforts nationwide. The forum will take place on March 19 and 20 from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET.

This is a great opportunity for advisory groups, work groups, age-friendly teams, resident advocates and community partners to gain valuable insights and connect with peers. Please encourage those involved in your age-friendly work to register today:

Forum Overview:

March 19 – Strategies for Effective Engagement

Discover ways to actively involve residents, foster trust, and build strong collaborative networks that drive age-friendly goals forward.

March 20 – Sustainable Approaches for Lasting Change

Learn how to ensure age-friendly efforts endure, address community-specific needs, and create lasting impact.


Medicaid recertification (renewal) is the way your information is reviewed to make sure you are still eligible for Medicaid health coverage. It is also called eligibility redetermination, renewal, ex-parté review or case review.  Letters will be going out soon.  Please inform those who are Medicaid recipients to be on the lookout!


UISAC is a small nonprofit that supports 84 senior citizens with chronic illness and loneliness. It hasn’t received Meck County assistance since Dec 2024. They need assistance in getting groceries (veggies, dairy products, real juice) from large supermarkets as well as used cardiac small gym equipment. Please contact LeDayne if you are able to help.


The Youth Recruitment Fair at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church on May 17, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. offers a chance to explore summer job and internship opportunities in Charlotte. Employers from various industries will be present, and some will be hiring on the spot! Youth aged 14-24 can attend and connect with potential employers. Register here.



The Latin American Coalition (LAC) is hosting Community ID Clinics twice a month to issue photo identification for individuals who are not eligible for driver’s licenses. This service is especially important for undocumented individuals, as carrying a cedula or passport at all times can pose risks.According to LAC, the photo ID provided is recognized by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) and should be sufficient for issuing tickets, as it contains the necessary biographical information.Clinics are held on the second and fourth Thursday of each month.

Location: Latin American Coalition, 4938 Central Ave, Charlotte, NCRegistration: Call 704-531-3848Cost: $40

Requirements to Obtain an ID:

  • A government-issued photo ID from their home country (passport, cedula, or an expired/valid driver’s license).

  • A utility bill showing their current address.

  •  Participation in the "Know Your Rights" workshop offered by LAC.This ID is a benefit of LAC membership and serves as an essential resource for those in need of alternative identification.Please share this information with anyone who might benefit from this service. You can find more details in the attached flyer.





In today’s political climate, it’s more important than ever for immigrants and their allies to understand their rights. The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) has created Red Cards—powerful tools that help individuals assert their constitutional rights when interacting with immigration enforcement or law enforcement officers. What Are Red Cards? Red Cards are wallet-sized cards designed to help individuals in vulnerable situations by providing clear statements that can be shown to an officer if approached. The cards:

  • Inform officers that the person is exercising their right to remain silent.

  • State that they do not consent to a search or to answering questions without an attorney.

  • Are available in multiple languages to ensure accessibility.

Why These Cards Matter Many individuals, particularly undocumented immigrants, may not know their rights when faced with an encounter with law enforcement or ICE agents. Red Cards provide a simple, legally sound way to assert those rights and prevent unlawful questioning or searches.How to Get Red CardsRed Cards are available through ILRC and can be downloaded for free here. Organizations and advocacy groups can also request physical copies to distribute in their communities. 

Take Action:

  • Share this resource with friends, family, and your community.

  • Educate others about their rights to remain silent and refuse searches.

  • Support immigrant advocacy by amplifying resources like this that protect vulnerable communities.



Our city is in urgent need of foster parents to provide safe, loving homes for children in care. This session will cover the requirements and steps to get started as a licensed foster parent. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions and gain a clear understanding of the process. Register HERE



March 15, 2025 12:30 PM



Dear God,

All I can think to say this morning, is please guide my attention to that which is worthy of it.

When I am overwhelmed by everything that has to get fixed in this broken down world, show me what is MINE to do then please give me the strength to do it and the humility to rest afterwards.

Open my eyes to behold that which is hopeful and lovely and to know that the terrifying and malicious will always be there and that looking away for a moment is not callus, it’s calculating.

Guide my attention to that which is worthy of it: making art, cooking food, loving people, noticing birds, petting dogs, contacting friends, and doing the work that is mine to do. 

And when I am scrolling through meaningless videos, once again wasting more precious moments on this Earth than I realize, snap me out of it, Lord and help me just go for a walk or something.

In your holy name, 


-Nadia Bolz-Weber 

NEXT MEETING: Two weeks from today – Thursday at 11 a.m.






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