Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!
Click Here to Access Zoom Recording:
In this Issue:
Opening Reflection
One of our breakfast honorees shared after the event that she was “basking.” What can you bask in? What great good has God put within you that you can celebrate?
“Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” St. Catherine of Siena
1. MeckMIN Updates
Awards Breakfast was a great success – THANK YOU to everyone who helped to make it so.


Rabbi Dusty Klass will be celebrated Next Friday, May 20 at Temple Beth El before she departs Charlotte.
Registration required, deadline to register for dinner is Tuesday, May 17

We invite you to join us for the last remaining Food for Thought event before our summer break.
May 19 – 12:15 pm -- Affordable Housing Stories We will hear the stories of those who live in some of the affordable housing highlighted in an earlier Food for Thought event.
IN OUR OWN BACKYARD (IOOBY) | June 23-26 | Applications Open
SAVE THE DATE: JUNE 23-26, 2022

We will once again host our acclaimed interfaith youth camp.
Every year we hold our interfaith summer camp experience for high-school aged youth in Mecklenburg County. The purpose of the camp is to bring youth together from different faiths, races, cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds to learn more about each other’s faith traditions and to serve area residents in need. Participants visit various social agencies, visit different houses of faith for worship services and develop their own interfaith service on the last evening of the program. PLEASE SHARE WITH ANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT YOU THINK MIGHT BE INTERESTED.
Please help us spread the word by sharing the webpage on your social media accounts and within your personal networks
2. Community Information - Covid and other
Autumn B. Watson, MPH, REHS
Sr. Health Manager Community Outreach | COVID-19 Unit
Mecklenburg County Public Health
C: 704-621-5181 www.meckhealth.org
Pronouns: She/ Her/ Hers
Mecklenburg County Health Department has launched a free certification program for organizations (including churches, daycares, preschools, etc.) in Mecklenburg County. This program allows the organization to show patrons and customers they are COVID-19 conscious and are taking care to make a safe environment for their employees and their patrons. More information can be found on the attachment and by visiting our website here: Community Outreach and Engagement (mecknc.gov)
Our community spread metrics are currently quite high and Mecklenburg County Health Department has issued an Advisory as of last Thursday 5/5/22 noting that individuals should consider masking indoors, especially if they are immunocompromised or not fully up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters. www.mecknc.gov/covid-19 to see our most recent data (located on the main page).
Please reach out if anything else is needed or if there are any questions. Thank you!
3. Non-Profit Updates
Lauren Rogers
Volunteer and Outreach Manager
International House
1817 Central Ave. #215
Charlotte NC 28205
704-333-8099 ext. 110

Next week, International House is holding a workshop in collaboration with USCIS to go over current immigration programs for Ukrainians, including the processes for work authorizations and family reunification applications. It will be on Tuesday (5/17) from 6-7:30 PM, the evening before the Welcoming Interactive conference.
Please find the finalized flyer attached to this email, and here is the event link: https://www.ihclt.org/events-1/uscis-uniting-for-ukraine
Also, Welcoming Interactive has reached out to IH for help finding volunteers to support the conference! To show their appreciation, volunteers who sign up for a 4-hour shift will be given full registration to attend the rest of the 3-day conference (a $250 value). See request from the WA representative below:
We need the help of volunteers to make sure that this event runs smoothly. As a volunteer, you play an important part in contributing to our attendees' experience by being available to answer questions, be a guide to locations, and share that Charlotte charm!
Volunteers are required to commit to a minimum of 4 hours over the 3-day conference and will receive a complimentary registration to the full conference.
Sign up as a volunteer by Friday, May 13th! 2022 Interactive Volunteer Schedule – CLICK HERE to choose your volunteer times
COVID-19 PROOF OF VACCINATION All attendees of the Welcoming Interactive must adhere to the COVID-19 Guidelines that are required. You can review those guidelines HERE. One of the requirements for attendance is to upload your proof of vaccination to the BINDLE app. Please complete this process as soon as possible. An easy step-by-step guide can be accessed HERE.
Alma Hernandez
Legal Services Specialist
1817 Central Avenue, Suite 215
Charlotte, NC 28205 704-333-8099 ext. 111 www.ihclt.org
International House has an immigration legal department that serves Charlotte and surrounding NC counties. We are currently taking Afghan and Ukrainian clients. For Afghans, we are accepting SIV (special immigrant visas) and TPS (Temporary Protected Status); no humanitarian parole. For Ukrainians, we are accepting TPS; no sponsorships (Uniting for Ukraine). There will be a service fee for Afghan and Ukrainian cases.
All potential new clients must call our office, 704-405-0962, Monday-Thursday, 9a-5pm, to do an intake.
Vickie Craighead-Davis vickie@buildinghopebuildingcommitment.org
My name is Vickie Craighead-Davis I am the founder and exec director of Building Hope Building Commitment. Incorporated 501c3 non-profit since 2020.
Currently BHBC assist citizens of Mecklenburg County with housing search and placement, referrals, service connectivity and work force Development and job search. These are the fundamental areas toward self-sufficiency. BHBC provides community-based wrap around services for individuals between 30% and 60% ami.
BHBC is a membership nonprofit that seeks to partner with faith-based organizations to meet the needs of the community in a larger capacity. By partnering with local FBO of all denominations we can do together what no one congregation can do alone. Currently we have two partner churches who focus is on affordable housing, true affordable housing. We have a unique opportunity to build 200 homes that will uplift 400 souls and provide supportive services directly to them. Because we are a collaborative non-profit we want to build partnerships and maintain partnerships with other homeless service agencies to provide the mission component to almost every homeless service program " true affordable housing"
BHBC follows best practices of evidence-based models out of Asheville Buncombe County. With collaborative efforts BHBC can build affordable housing with congregations that are aligned with the mission and vision of BHBC.
BHBC mission is to offer a unique educational experience for individuals experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless, by providing the best supportive services to enhance self sufficiency.
BHBC provides the following services such as financial literacy, workforce development, housing maintenance and retention seevices, housing search and placement. Some service providers are already doing wonderful work especially in the area of substance use referrals and Mental Health we will partner with expiating agencies by making referrals to increase service utilization within the community.
Our vision is to collaborate with faith-based organizations to serve the community in a larger capacity.
BHBC core value is our dedication to providing the highest quality of supportive services through education, trust and understanding.
Thank you for your time today if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me. I will leave my contact information in the chat!
Iris Smalls-Hubbard ISHubbard@shsclinic.org
I am Iris Smalls Hubbard, Executive Director of Shelter Health Services. I am fairly new in this position, serving since October of last year. My background includes serving as Director of My Sisters House Transitional Living Center in Charlotte, Executive Director of Renew Our Community (The ROC)-a homeless Day shelter located in Rock Hill, SC, Director of The Day Center at Pathways Community Center, and Community Outreach Director at Carolina Community Actions in Rock Hill. I have served those in the Homeless field for over 15 years.
Shelter Health Services (SHS) is a 501c-3 Free Health clinic located on the grounds of the Salvation Army Center of Hope, just off Statesville Avenue. The Salvation Army Center of Hope is the largest Women’s homeless shelter on the east coast, sans Miami. We offer free medical services and healthcare to approximately 400 women, children, and a limited number of men residing within the Salvation Army Center of Hope, which includes the Booth Family Hotel for families just off Billy Graham Parkway.
COVID-19 brought pain, grief and distress to our front doors, its impact truly devastating to those living in situations already significantly threatened by earnings that didn’t allow them to make ends meet, with decent affordable housing for most, crudely out of reach. An unfair amount of this population was and still is homeless and on the streets of Charlotte, their situations exacerbated by the consequences of the Pandemic. As a part of the SHS Mission, we strive to identify and relieve barriers to equitable healthcare among this underserved demographic so that every one of the people we serve has a fair and just opportunity to attain their best health, regardless of the unequal factors that have affected access to compassionate and equitable medical care and health outcomes.
Offering Clinical services in the environment of homelessness challenges us to incorporate health equity within our efforts to address health disparities. In addition to operating a walk-in clinic that serves approximately 20 persons a day, we are creating, implementing, and operationalizing policies and programs that support health for all the people served through our programs and services. We provide a service that mitigates, and most times eliminates unnecessary 911 calls and visits to the ER experienced by people deemed impecunious with no insurance or established medical home or provider. We deliver medical care and support that our clients need to thrive within the bounds of homelessness. As we expand to cover the residents living off-site at the Booth Family Hotel, we are seeking support and funds to offer telemedicine in order to establish continuity of care and keep clients in touch with their providers after exiting Shelter services.
Operating with a clinical staff of 1 FT Nurse, a PT Nurse Practitioner, and 3 Medical Assistants, we are open Monday through Friday from 9 until 5, working a staggered team through the lunch hour each day. In addition, we have Doctors, Nurses, and Specialty Providers that volunteer their time, so we usually have a medical provider on site at least 3 days a week. We have partnered with another agency and in June will begin having a Dental Van on-sight weekly.
Clients must be active residents of the Salvation Army, but we will continue services for up to 60 days post leaving the shelter allowing time for them to establish continuity in services with another agency.
If anyone would like to do a "needs drive" for Shelter Health Services please contact me @ Lwitmer@SHSclinic.org
Laura Witmer, RN
Nurse Manager
Shelter Health Services
-Looking for anyone interested in working with juveniles in the justice system
It is a subcommittee that focuses on improving systems for our youth who become involved in the juvenile justice system (or are at risk of becoming involved). There are typically focal areas of concern based on current issues in the community, such as gun violence that we are currently seeing an uptick in. There are representatives from a multitude of diverse agencies and organizations that touch the lives of our young people and one of the missing reps was having someone from the faith community. It is our hope that by having ongoing diverse representation we can best serve our youth and prevent further court involvement, optimize community efforts, and create lasting positive connections for them.
Also, it’s a commitment of every other month meetings that typically last about 1 ½ hours and it occurs the 3rdWednesday of the month from 12:15p-1:30p, with the next meeting occurring in May. They are currently still virtual meetings, but they used to be held at the courthouse on the 9th floor.
Diana Moser-Burg, PhD
Integrated Care Clinical Manager, Hope Community Clinic
P: 704-910-5810 | F:980-207-0214

The Bahá’í Community of Charlotte is hosting a Global Community Building Conference in May. Here is the conference registration link and more information. Anyone is welcome to attend the conference. https://bit.ly/cltglobalconference
Baha’i’s believe in Oneness of humanity, free of superiority, come and learn and put this belief into practice\How to make a our world free from paternalism
Call for artist by next Weds Fran Mastry
Cluster Coordinator
Bahá’í Community of Charlotte
Fran Mastry bahaicharlotte@gmail.com, 919-579-9095; Charlotte Global Community Building Conference: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdaAHA_Lbrh_19OtXM4BKXI7yxHRII72H2ti2FXg2F-Sz1New/viewform
Kevin A Markle
Director of Education & Advocacy
Mental Health Americaof Central Carolinas
3701 Latrobe Drive Suite 220
Charlotte, NC 28211
704.365.3454 office phone ext. 225
704.365.9973 fax
Kathy H. Rogers
Pronouns: she,her
Executive Director
Mental Health Americaof Central Carolinas
3701 Latrobe Drive, Suite 140
Charlotte, NC 28211
704.519.2313 phone
704.365.9973 fax
-Since 1933, works towards the elimination of stigma around mental health
-Raising awareness & advocacy
-Services are free of charge
-They teach a Suicide Prevention Program
-Come Peer – a program that matches a volunteer with a person with a mental health diagnosis
-Counseling Program – can fund up to 6 FREE sessions, services are bilingual
-Young people are struggling, the 2nd leading cause of death b/w youth is suicide
-Emotional Tool Boxes available at:
https://mhaofcc.org (Mental Health America Website)
https://app.mobilecause.com/vf/MHAYouth (Wake Up for Wellness 2022)
1. We are hiring:
Warehouse Assistant – Part Time
Delivery Driver (Friendship Trays Meal Delivery) – Part Time
Chief Operating Officer
2. We need volunteers:
NALC volunteers this Saturday. Here is a direct link to NALC volunteer sign-up: https://app.initlive.com/JE/1wpzjedgusg620
Warehouse sorters and packers, groups welcome
Home delivery drivers for FT, M to F 10-12 and L&F M TH SA from 11-2
3. The National Association of Letter Carriers (NALC) will conduct its annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive on Saturday, May 14. Stamp Out Hunger is the nation’s largest single-day food drive to collect food for distribution to needy families. All local donations are shared between us and Second Harvest Food Bank.
Customers should leave their non-perishable food donations in a bag near their mailbox on Saturday, May 14, before their letter carrier arrives. In the days leading up to the food drive, letter carriers will be delivering reminder cards along with the mail to remind customers how to make donations.
While all non-perishable donations are welcome, foods that are high in protein such as canned tuna, salmon, beans and peanut butter are most needed. Canned fruits and vegetables, whole grain, low sugar cereals, macaroni and cheese dinners and 100% fruit juice also top the list of most needed items.
-Volunteers needed to help sort the food that comes in
-Wednesday, May 25 – Luncheon – tickets available at website
Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays: loavesandfishes.org 704-523-4333
Property Tax Relief Programs
Habitat Charlotte Region will be offering a free clinic for assisting with applications for property tax relief programs. This clinic will be at our offices at 3816 Latrobe Dr., Charlotte, NC 28211 on Saturday, May 14th 9AM-12PM; walk in, no appointment necessary.
Somali and Vietnamese language assistance will be available.
Focus Groups To Craft An ‘Advocacy Curriculum’ Around Affordable Housing
Our Advocacy team is putting together some focus groups to craft an ‘advocacy curriculum’ around affordable housing and Habitat’s mission. We’re looking for input among our constituents, including faith. The focus group will include leaders from a handful of Habitat’s faith partners, both lay and clergy leaders as well as interested congregants.
The curriculum will be used to train individuals interested in being affordable housing advocates in Mecklenburg and Iredell counties (ie: our service area). The purpose of the focus group is to examine the proposed draft, and provide feedback from a faith and congregation perspective. There’s no need to prepare anything ahead of time – we’re just soliciting opinions.
Here are the two upcoming virtual sessions that we’re scheduling:
Thursday, June 2nd 10:00am-11:30am
Monday, June 6th 2:00pm-3:30pm
If you are interested in joining, please contact Zach Surber, Faith Relations Manager at zsurber@habitatcltregion.org, including your faith group. Thanks!
Free Copier/Scanner – contact From Lucy Crain at lucy.crain@covenantpresby.org
BCDI-Charlotte will have a community event that will take place at Food Lion on May 21, 2022 12-3pm. Location is 2931 E WT Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28207. Information will be sent to LeDayne. Also, if you know someone who would like an opportunity to work over the summer break please reach out to fundamenteletc@gmail.com or charlotte@affiliates.nbcdi.org STEAM into Summer Camp.
Twenty Internet providers, including AT&T, Comcast and Verizon, have agreed to provide high-speed service at a discount to eligible households for no more than $30 per month. Community members can find out if they qualify and learn how to sign up and “Get Internet” here.
Caldwell Presbyterian Church Community Hall - 1615 E. 5th Street, Charlotte
Teachers have had it rough over the last two years. We want them to have easy access to mental health care.
Join us for Presby Psych's inaugural Embrace Mental Health Breakfast on Thursday, May 19th at 7:30 am! Supporters will have the opportunity to learn about the impact of Presby Psych’s services, agency updates and hear from keynote speaker, Justin F. Ashley - nationally recognized, award-winning CMS teacher, author and work-life balance coach, who will focus on the need for mental health support for our teachers. https://justinfashley.com
$500 per table of 8; $60 for individual tickets; sponsorships available
Learn more and register at: presbypsych.org/breakfast
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Month, Alliance Health will be hosting an in-person workshop on May 19, 2022- 11:00am – 3:00pm. The theme will be Breaking Barriers: Stigma & Disparities in Minority Mental Health.
Special guest speakers will include Carla Carlisle, a TEDex speaker, author and trauma expert, Revella Nesbit, Founder and Executive Director of Hope Matters, PLLC, a clinical private practice and Hope Matters 2 Me, Inc. a non-profit in Charlotte, NC. She serves as board President of National Alliance for Mental Illness, Jimena Watts, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Associate rooted in the Mecklenburg Hispanic/Latino community. She is a behavioral health specialist providing services at the Camino Contigo program and Lennin Caro, A cultural anthropologist, a research assistant at Camino Research Institute and teaches anthropology at UNC Charlotte.
Space is limited, so please register soon. Lunch will be provided. Please register at May 19th Mental Health Awareness Workshop: Breaking Barriers: Stigma & Disparities in Minority Health
Do you know a young person who may need assistance navigating their career journey? Youth ages 14 to 24 are invited to take a virtual "career cruise". The Youth Programs team at Housing & Neighborhood Services has partnered with Teen Services at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library to host a career development series. Youth will have the opportunity to learn about resume writing, applying and interviewing for positions, and soft skills.
Sessions include:
June 28, 4:30 p.m. - Resume Writing
July 19, 4:30 p.m. - Interview Basics
August 2, 4:30 p.m. - Networking panel
These sessions are free of charge and open to all youth in the community. Register online for the Virtual Career Cruise.
Karina Gonzalez, RD, LDN
Latino/Hispanic Community Liaison
Mecklenburg County Public Health
249 Billingsley Road
Charlotte, NC 28211
(980) 314-9061 (office)
(704) 591-6840 (cell)
Mecklenburg County Public Health’s Mobile Vaccination Program will bring the Covid-19 vaccines to your home, office, business, church, or school. Please see attached flyer (Eng/Span). Please share.
Programa de Vacunación del Departamento de Salud de Mecklenburg lleva vacunas para el Covid-19 hasta el hogar, oficina, negocio, iglesia o escuela. Información en Ingles/Español adjunta. Por favor comparta.
4. General Information
WHAT IS THE NATIONAL WEEKEND OF PRAYER for FAITH, HOPE, & LIFE? The National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s (Action Alliance) National Weekend of Prayer for Faith, Hope, & Life is an annual event during which faith communities all across the country pledge to join in prayer for those who have been touched by suicide, those who are dealing with mental health concerns or feelings of hopelessness, and those who love and care for them. The National Weekend of Prayer offers resources to help communities wherever they pray—at home, online, alone, or with others. Join the movement to empower faith communities nationwide to support those who are struggling and to promote hope, resiliency, and recovery.
Pledge. Pledge today to join the National Weekend of Prayer, and encourage others to pledge too.
Plan. Plan how you will incorporate the National Weekend of Prayer into your online services, groups, classes, outreach, and other efforts. Check out our sample tools and other resources for ideas on how to address the topic in sensitive and caring ways.
Promote. Share information early and often with your members about your organization's participation in National Weekend of Prayer. Post your community's prayers for Faith, Hope & Life to social media using the hashtag #PrayFHL.
To learn more about National Weekend of Prayer for Faith, Hope, & Life, visit http://www.faith-hope-life.org.
This week, NC Child released County Data Cards with information on education, health, and economic security of children in all 100 counties of North Carolina. Most of the data is broken down by race and ethnicity. The data cards can be helpful to a wide range of nonprofits in promoting health and well-being for children and families across the state.
“Let no one be discouraged by the belief there is nothing one person can do against the enormous array of the world's ills, misery, ignorance, and violence. Few will have the greatness to bend history, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events. And in the total of all those acts will be written the history of a generation.”
― Robert F. Kennedy
May you do what is yours to do and have a sustaining vision of how you are part of a greater whole.
Next meeting – FOUR weeks from today JUNE 9 - Thursday at 11 a.m.