Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Want to learn more about we do on our calls? Watch this short video clip!
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
As the Rain Has Washed our Land
As the rain has washed our land this season, may we enter this morning with hearts washed clean of complaints or bitterness. May we begin this morning by intentionally relaxing the tensions we carry, the strains of those things we cannot abandon, the responsibilities of our lives.
As the sun has warmed our land this season, may we allow the warmth of this community to heal our broken places . . . may the fog be lifted so we can see each other clearly. May we rejoice in the blessing of companions who, if we will open ourselves just a little, will truly greet us with compassion and care.
As the earth, nourished by rain, brings forth flowers to surround us with beauty, may we too allow our spirits to bloom even as we acknowledge the complexities of our days.
Maureen Killoran
Source: https://www.uua.org/worship
1. MeckMIN Updates
In addition to being a wonderful celebration, the annual breakfast is MeckMIN's biggest fundraiser of the year. Its success is absolutely crucial to funding our work throughout the year. Thanks to your generosity in buying tickets, sponsoring tables, and contributing to the offering, we were able to exceed our fundraising goal. We had budgeted to raise $25,000 and ended up raising over $33,000. This is especially helpful since we missed our fundraising goals on some events earlier in this fiscal year. YOU came through for us in a big way at this event, and we are deeply grateful.
In addition to all the other good news of our recent breakfast, you donated 382 pounds of nonperishable food to our partners at Nourish Up. That translates to over 125 meals for our neighbors. Thank you!
Since March 2020, MeckMIN has been convening regular Zoom meetings for faith, community and nonprofit leaders. These meetings allow diverse leaders to share information and resources to foster a robust, coordinated, and effective response to the needs of our community, especially our most vulnerable neighbors. We meet every other Thursday at 11 a.m. We usually get about 50-60 people. If you would like the Zoom link, please email meckmin@meckmin.org.

You’ve probably heard that “hurt people hurt people.” It’s true. Unhealed trauma leads to recurring violence against self and others. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Individuals and communities can learn skills for addressing trauma, healing relationships, and building resilience which improves the well-being of all. Healing people heal people!
In this workshop we’ll explore the types of trauma and its impact on individuals and groups, the victim/survivor cycle of unhealed trauma, the aggressor/offender cycle of unhealed trauma, and tools and techniques for breaking the cycle. We’ll also share transformative initiatives and stories.
This is an introductory workshop which will be most helpful to attendees with little to no previous training on trauma.
MeckMIN offers a number of training programs
MeckMIN offers a number of training programs on topics that are especially relevant in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism, and conflict transformation. We also offer interfaith panels for workplaces and schools. Prices and further information are available HERE
These trainings can be brought to you -- perhaps your congregation, school, neighborhood association, or nonprofit would like to host your own event. We're also offering a number of stand-alone trainings throughout 2024 including the one below. Note that this training and all of our stand-alone trainings are offered on a sliding scale -- we never want cost to keep you from attending so please pay what you can or choose to attend for free.
2024 Youth Events
Youth Summit
Aug 10, 2024, 10:00 AM – Aug 11, 2024, 4:50 PM
Myers Park United Methodist Church, 501 Queens Rd, Charlotte, NC 28207

Join us on Sat, Aug 10 and Sun, Aug 11, for an Interfaith Youth Summit. We will bring youth together from different faiths, races and socioeconomic backgrounds to learn more about each other’s traditions and serve our local community. Ticket prices are on a sliding scale/pay what you can.

This past Saturday, we inspected, sorted, prepared, and restocked the shelves at Crisis Assistance Ministry. Thanks for choosing to spend your Saturday morning with us!
Because of the cancellation of our Thanksgiving service last November, we were not able to take the annual offering which is split between Crisis Assistance and MeckMIN. The need in our community is real at any time of year, so we invite you to make a gift to the offering now. All gifts made to this fund between now and May 31 will be split evening to support Crisis Assistance Ministry's mission to provide assistance and advocacy for people in financial crisis and the mission of MeckMIN.
You can make your gift here: https://crisisassistance.org/donate/meckmin/
The donation link can also be reached by texting MECKMIN to 91999
OPEN TABLES June 18 | Trinity Presbyterian Church

Potluck and dialogue. There will be guided resources from Living Room Conversations. ALL are welcome – it is a GREAT way to meet people you’ll never encounter otherwise.
Arrive at 6 PM if you'd like to take part in a service project. We will be assembling baby gift bags for expecting parents for Baby Bumbles.
Faith Club is a long-standing MeckMIN program for women of all faiths -- we gather monthly to discuss books, essays, videos and more. As you'll see below, we have a RICH variety of topics! We also create rich, deep and lasting friendships across lines of difference. We WELCOME new members. Email meckmin@meckmin.org to learn more.
June 26 Listening is an Act of Love Story Core video
July 17 (the 3rd Wed) The Race Card Game
Aug. 28 Welcoming the Stranger by Sorens and Yang
Sept. 25 Repentance and Repair: Making Amends by Dayna Rutterberg
Oct. 20 (Sunday) Sukkah event; Discuss In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life Margaret Wolff
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.
David Sweat | David.Sweat@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Pertussis (whooping cough) is on the rise in our county due to an uptick in vaccine hesitancy. The vaccine is the best protection. It is a bacterial infection, so treatable with antibiotics. But the symptoms are terrible and it is very contagious. It can be fatal for the most vulnerable and can have significant long-term effects even on otherwise healthy people.
The most vulnerable are infants under 2 months (before they can start receiving the vaccine.) The best protection for infants is vaccinating pregnant women in 3rd trimester and for the people around them to be fully vaccinated. There are 5 childhood doses and a preteen dose. Adults should get a booster shot every 10 years.
As always, houses of faith and trusted nonprofits are well-placed to share accurate information about issues of public health. You can find good information here:
2. Non-Profit Updates
FAITH & HOUSING SUMMIT 2024 Thursday, May 30 | 8:15 AM - 3:45 PM

Faith communities across Charlotte are working together to find affordable housing solutions. Please join us for an interfaith convening on Thursday, May 30 to explore ways that faith leaders, city officials, community agencies and developers can partner to advance affordable housing options for Charlotte's residents. This is a city-led effort and they plan to put financial and staffing resources towards this work. Attendance at the Faith & Housing Summit is free. Space is limited and advance registration is required.
Join us May 30 at the Charlotte Convention Center to…
Connect through shared purpose. Bring the community together to explore pathways for communities of faith to participate in affordable housing for Charlotte’s residents.
Celebrate & Learn. Learn from examples of creative partnerships between communities of faith, public and private entities. Listen for barriers, future work and ways that connections and city/partner support can help.
Inspire & Advance. Build new connections and strengthen the work with educational tools and resources.
The Summit will begin with a coffee networking breakfast at 8:15 a.m. and will conclude at 3:45 p.m.
Learn more at the Faith and Housing Summit site.
Questions? Email us at hnsinfo@charlottenc.gov or call us at 704-336-5860.

Sterling needs your help tomorrow and next week to help proctor end of grade tests. Please consider giving your time. Sign up HERE
It is a drop frame trailer with a side door and steps. To one side waiting room, single exam room, office, and storage. To other side large room with exam tables. Supplied by a Rotary Club in Kannapolis. At one time got medical supplies from Novant (and Carolinas Health Care?) but does not have current medical supplies. Was used for health fairs and screenings at churches, things like diabetes and mainly HIV testing. Not currently active.
I have also been told that one of the tires is cut and will need to be replaced.
Talbot Holmes | Talbot.Holmes@safealliance.org | 704.367.2714
Safe Alliance | Operations Coordinator
601 E. 5th St., Ste. 530 | Charlotte, NC 28202 | www.safealliance.org
Jamie Sellers | Jamie.Sellers@safealliance.org
Family justice centers are a collaborative community model serving victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, elder abuse, and human trafficking. They are recognized as a national best practice and demonstrate proven outcomes in improving victim wellbeing and reducing rates of violence and homicide. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg family justice center—named The Umbrella Center—is anticipated to open in 2026 and will provide comprehensive, coordinated services to victims through a centralized intake, 15 onsite partners, and numerous community partners. Once opened, The Umbrella Center will help some 10,000+ people of all ages every year to transform their darkest hours into brighter tomorrows. As a critical part of many survivors' disclosure and healing journey, we hope to engage Charlotte-Mecklenburg's interfaith community in this life-changing and life-saving project.
15 different departments will provide services at the Safe Alliance Center to help victims of abuse.
If your organization or faith community are interested in developing a visiting partnership, reach out to Safe Alliance.
Looking at the option of having faith partners onsite.
Our mission is to provide hope and healing to those impacted by domestic violence and sexual assault. We serve more than 10,000 people annually in Mecklenburg County, including Lake Norman.
The Friendship Missionary Baptist Social Justice Ministry is getting ready to launch our 2024 Mental Health Symposium and we are inviting the community in to participate.
Please follow the directions to register so we can have enough food and more importantly complete the survey.

LASHANDA FAYE | lit9700@yahoo.com
Greetings to all,
I am Lashanda Faye the leader of Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Social Justice Ministry Health Subcommittee. The Health Committee is dedicated in providing an event that addresses the mental health crisis in our country by focusing on our and surrounding communities. Our objective is to improve understanding of mental health, reduce the stigma around mental health, and increase resources to access help for those who need it.
So how do we meet our objectives yearly?
· First, We look for professionals and organizations who are committed to educating and passionate about deconstructing stigma around mental health.
· Secondly, We look to connect our and surrounding communities to resources by inviting reputable organizations/professionals to speak at our events.
· Lastly, We look to create an open and nurturing forum for conversation to provide a safe space for those who live in silence to speak and find solace or select a resource to locate help privately.
We are announcing that Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Social Justice Ministry, Health Committee will be presenting its 4th Annual Loving Me: Mind, Body, Soul A Mental Health Symposium. Our topic this year is, “What are you worrying about?”
This year we will have two sessions that are in person and virtual. Our first session, we are focused on a targeted audience of 6th to 12th graders, on Sunday, June 23rd at 12pm at the conference center on the FMBC campus, 3400 Beatties Ford Road. Morning services prior to the event will also kick off the FMBC Youth Revival activities for the coming week. We are so excited to share these events as planning has included so much love, consideration and safeguarding of our children, to ensure they have a safe space to ask questions, share their concerns and access help if they need it. As adults, topics around the world can be overwhelming. Our focus on our children this year comes from, “How are our children translating what they see and hear, how do they feel about it and how are they coping?”
For our session on June 23 at 12pm, we will have our lead presenter, Dr. Na’imah Sedegah, a senior psychologist from Alexander Youth Network or AYN. AYN has been in business since 1888 and you can look at their website at alexanderyouthnetwork.org. Dr. Sedegah brings over 15 years of clinical experience as a licensed mental health professional. Assisting Dr. Sedegah will be Dr. Larry Jones. Dr. Jones is a retired pediatrician, a part of the FMBC SJM Health committee, and currently an ADHD and Life Coach through his firm Taste of Success Coaching.
Also assisting Dr. Sedegah is Rev. Chad Armstrong the FMBC Children and Youth Minister. Rev. Chad currently serves as the Special Assistant to the Senior Pastor at Galilee Missionary Baptist Church as well as the Minister to Children, Youth, Young Adults & Singles at Friendship Missionary Baptist Church. He also serves Wake Forest University as the Campus Minister for the Black Student Alliance and is a Chaplain with the Winston-Salem Fire and Rescue Department. And so much more…
There is a registration and a survey to assist with narrowing the topics and obtaining questions prior to the event. Although we have a targeted audience this year, all are welcome to attend.
Our second session has a targeted audience of Black Males on Sunday, September 29th at 12 pm at the conference center on the FMBC campus, 3400 Beatties Ford Road. Maurice Harvey the founder of Black Male Therapist of Charlotte at BMTCLT.org. We are still in the planning stages of this program and hope to have a flyer and registration soon. The September session is also a kickoff of the October Men’s Month activities.
We look forward to a wonderful program this year with the support of Alexander Youth Network, Taste of Success Coaching, FMBC Youth and Children Ministry, FMBC Brotherhood Ministry, and Black Male Therapist of Charlotte.
Please see our flyer for our first session and links to the registration and survey. Further details of our second session will be provided post this meeting once finalized.
Registration link:
2 minute Survey link:
Alexander Youth Network Link:
Taste of Success Coaching Link:
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church Link:
Falls Quaneka | Quaneka.Falls@mecklenburgcountync.gov | 704-533-1545 | MeckNC.Gov
Chantel Lowery, DrPH
Health Program Supervisor | Office of Violence Prevention | Public Health
Mecklenburg County Government
5 year Plan: The Way Forward
Available: Peacekeepers Academy – earn $15,000 to go out and do more violence prevention work
As you all may know June is Gun Violence Awareness Month. This year we are looking to expand our collaboration with houses of faith. Below I have a list of items and activities open to houses of faith. I am also interested to know if you are hosting any events in your communities that we can share with others/attend.
Available for congregations:
Gun Violence Awareness pledge cards
Hand fans
Yard signs
Youth Mental Health Aid Training on June 22nd (see below for short description)
Youth Mental Health Aid Training – This training is for any caring adult (school staff, coaches, camp counselors, youth group leaders, parents, caregivers, etc.) who interacts with youth 12-18 years old and would like to learn how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of a mental health or substance use challenge.
Please let me know if your house of faith will be interested in participating and receiving items. I will also need to know if you are interested in participating in the mental health aid training to get a headcount.
For those interested in receiving pledge cards, fans, and/or yard signs, I will coordinate a drop off or pick up once they arrive.
Thank you and please feel free to reach out with any further questions and share my contact information with anyone you think could benefit from this information.
Joe Hamby | jhamby@roofabove.org
Know someone who has a passion for serving and might be interested in joining our team for a one-year paid position as a Roof Above Fellow? This would be an invaluable learning and direct hands-on experience working to end homelessness in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. We look forward to welcoming new teammates beginning this summer!
Please reach out to Veronica Ritchie atvritchie@roofabove.org with questions.
“Trust the Whisper.”
Link to Kathy Izard and Liz Clasen-Kelly conversation on Kathy's new book, "Trust the Whisper." on Wednesday, May 29: https://raisedonors.com/roofabove/trustthewhisper
We are excited to invite you to a special upcoming evening! Liz Clasen-Kelly, Roof Above CEO, talks with author and Roof Above champion Kathy Izard about her new book: “Trust the Whisper.”
Kathy shares twenty inspirational true stories of people who listened to their quiet callings and the remarkable results that followed.
Included in her new book is the story of following her own whisper to co-lead the creation of Moore Place as well as the quiet callings of Roof Above CEO, Liz Clasen-Kelly, and Chris Locklear, Registered Nurse at Roof Above, who will join the conversation. This book will leave you paying attention to the ordinary grace in your own life and wondering: what’s my whisper?
Carla Carlisle | 704-361-3752 | carla@carlaacarlisle.com | 317-643-1046 The Compassionate Companion (TM) | Award Winning Author, Trauma Expert, Child Advocate

I've teamed up with ReCAST II (Mecklenburg County Department of Public Health) to offer some awesome programs aimed at boosting the wellness of our youth and their families. First up is "My Big Notebook: An Interactive Children’s Workbook + Training Program." It's designed for school-aged kids facing challenges like trauma, loneliness, or stress. This program teaches them healthy coping strategies, offers positive affirmations, provides helpful resources, and shares real stories. We've got 90-minute sessions tailored for both elementary and middle schoolers, along with a workshop for parents and caregivers. My Big Notebook Program has snagged some amazing awards, like the 2022 Mom’s Choice Award and the 2022 Hermes Creative Award Platinum Award. Plus, it's backed by licensed therapists, so you know it's legit.
Now, onto the outcomes we're aiming for with this program:
· Introducing concepts to boost a child’s mental health toolkit.
· Offering a supportive buddy-in-a-book for kids to lean on.
We offer training with parents and caregivers called “Navigating Wellness Together”, which helps parents learn the tools and techniques shared in My Big Notebook. It’s important to bring parents along so the whole family is focused on healthy communication and wellness.
We also offer “Train the Trainer” for leaders of your program so they may support the youth and families you serve.
There's the "Building Bridges" workshop. It's a deep dive into intergenerational trauma, exploring how our norms and traditions impact family dynamics. This one's a bit longer at three hours, but trust me, it's worth it.
Expected outcomes:
· Increasing awareness of how intergenerational trauma shapes family dynamics and relationships.
· Providing attendees with tools and strategies to address and heal from intergenerational trauma within their families.
· Fostering a supportive environment where attendees feel empowered to challenge harmful norms and traditions in favor of healthier alternatives.
And here's the best part: ReCAST II is excited to fund these training sessions for the families you serve (within Mecklenburg County).
Tina Postel | NEW EMAIL: tpostel@nourishup.org
Chief Executive Officer | Nourish Up
(formerly Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays)
1. Grand Opening of our Nourish Up Hunger Hub facility at 901 Carrier Drive on Friday, June 21st at 2PM
2. Now Hiring: FT Facility Coordinator, FT Warehouse Assistant, PT Driver https://nourishup.org/careers/
3. Volunteer needs: Grocery Home delivery drivers, Meal packing volunteers, Meal Delivery Drivers, Phone Center volunteers (bilingual a plus), reception lobby volunteers
4. HUGE NEED for Grocery Home delivery drivers; additionally, we could use Meal packing volunteers, Meal Delivery Drivers, Phone Center volunteers
5. (bilingual a plus), reception lobby volunteers https://nourishup.org/volunteer/
Please Note that Loaves & Fishes/Friendship Trays is now Nourish Up
Rita M. Dominguez, MPH, CHES® | Rita.Dominguez@cognosante.com | (P) 336-518-0904
Community Outreach Specialist – North Carolina- EAP
3110 Fairview Park Drive, Suite 800 | Falls Church, VA 22042
Enrollment Assistance Program and services. Also, hoping to connect with an organization that can host us to present our health care 101 and 102 education series in the community (Available in English and Spanish). They will come to you. Looking to offer this presentation in June. Educate the community about health care plans, options, deductibles, Medicaid, etc.
Kellie Cartwright | kellie@mecked.org | (704) 574-939
● MeckEd is a career readiness organization serving high school students in Title I schools in CMS.
● We provide students with paid work experiences, soft and technical skill training, life skill development, and positive personal and professional relationships with adult mentors who can help them to navigate career success
● MeckEd’s history goes back 30+ years in Mecklenburg County, beginning as a public education advocacy organization known as Mecklenburg Citizens for Public Education
● In the last ten years, MeckEd has experienced a tremendous amount of growth and evolution
● We had a capable & committed staff and very engaged board who have a vision for MeckEd to continue to grow and serve more community members.
● MeckEd has outgrown its current space, and is hoping to partner with a congregation who has available space in their facility. Ideally, we would love to have:
2500 Total Square Feet, that includes
1000 sf office space for 6 staff members
1000 sf meeting space for programming
500 sf storage space
● We currently serve West Charlotte, Harding, Garinger and Chambers High Schools, so a location in east, northeast or west Charlotte would be ideal
Contact Information:● Kellie Cartwright, kellie@mecked.org, (704) 574-939
All are invited to the Reimagining America Project’s Community Rally in Hidden Valley, SATURDAY JUNE 1, Noon - 2 pm, Greenville Memorial AME Zion Church - 6116 Monteith Dr. Food truck, live DJ, kids face painting, information on various groups working on racial justice voting rights and more! If you would like to host a table, reach out.
Keiba Young | fifadministration@inreachnc.org | 704-343-5205
First In Families of Mecklenburg County, a project of InReach.
4104 Monroe Rd, Building 4, Suite 170, Charlotte, NC 28205.
Providing financial support for individuals with Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and other developmental disabilities. We have summer camp scholarships available for campers with special needs and their siblings. Funding available now until all dollars are exhausted.
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)

Caldwell Presbyterian Church is inviting all to a workshop about voter registration on Saturday, June 1, 9:30-11am in Hope Community Hall. The League of Women Voters will be informing us about ways to host a successful voter registration in North Carolina. This is a free and non-partisan event. Space is limited, so registration is required. Sign up here: https://caldwellpresby.org/vote
We are excited to announce that our summer internship opportunities are now open! Our internships are project-based, providing hands-on learning experiences where you can see the results of your efforts. We welcome applications from high school students, college students, and other interested individuals.
Program Details:-Duration: June 10th - August 9th-Commitment: Minimum of 12 hours per week
-Applications are due on Saturday, June 1st at 11:59 PM ET.
The Ormond Center at Duke Divinity School is now accepting applications for the 2024/2025 Church and Community Placemaking Lab, a cohort experience to catalyze community and economic development through the utilization of church properties. The Placemaking Lab will engage religious and community leaders from six-eight locations to participate in a nine-month peer-learning experience. Applications are due by May 31, 2024. Click here to apply. For questions, contact Rev. Luke Lingle at luther.lingle@duke.edu.
Mecklenburg County, NC—Food and Nutrition Services does more than keep families from going hungry with its SNAP program (aka food stamps). It also gives them opportunities to gain skills, training to secure employment or increase employment earnings to reduce the reliance on FNS benefits.
Mecklenburg County’s Rise 2 Work program offers job training that leads to meaningful employment for SNAP recipients. Rise 2 Work is part of the voluntary N.C. Food & Nutrition Services Employment and Training program, which is intended to increase clients’ skills, careers, and ultimately their families' financial well-being.
Rise 2 Work and its partners can help clients find their next opportunity through:
· Resources, guidance and connections to skill-building programs and jobs.
· Those connections offer training, help looking for a job, high school completion, work experience, resume writing, career planning, help with transportation, and much more.
· Childcare when funding is available.
The training prepares clients for truck driving, HVAC and refrigeration repair, welding, early childhood education, culinary arts, computer and office basics, a high school GED, and much more. Residents can check out the program opportunities online or visit a Mecklenburg County Career Services Center:
· Ella B. Scarborough Community Resource Center 430 Stitt Rd, Charlotte, NC 28213
· Valerie C. Woodard Community Resource Center 3205 Freedom Drive, Charlotte, NC 28202
· Wallace H. Kuralt Career and Resource Center 301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC 28211
Success Stories: Read how three men found “Over the Road” opportunities with Rise 2 Work.
Mecklenburg County’s partners in Rise 2 Work include Central Piedmont Community College, Center for Community Transitions, Community Culinary School of Charlotte, Goodwill Industries, Urban League, NC Works, National Center on Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA), Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO), and Grace-Mar Services.
Residents can learn more at MeckNC.gov/Rise2Work.
Media Contact: Alex Burnett, Public Information Officer, Alex.Burnett@MeckNC.gov, 980-445-8716
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Assistant Director Deliberative Citizenship Initiative
Davidson, NC, United States
The Deliberative Citizenship Initiative (DCI) at Davidson College is seeking an energetic and hard-working Assistant Director. The mission of the DCI is to create opportunities for Davidson students, faculty, staff, community members, and alumni to engage with one another on difficult and contentious issues facing our community and society. The Assistant Director will assist with the development, implementation, and assessment of the initiative’s programs and components. These components include efforts to create opportunities for productive dialogue and deliberation in diverse classroom settings, outside of the classroom, and in the community.
Read full job description HERE
Jessica Montana | 980-312-4897 | MeckNC.Gov
Health Program Supervisor | Public Health | Case Management & Health Partnerships
Mecklenburg County Government
The Mecklenburg County Public Health ReCAST program invites you to the Reframing Resilience Summit on Thursday, May 30 from 9am - 4:30pm at CPCC’s Harris Conference Center (3216 CPCC Harris Campus Dr., Charlotte, NC 28208).
The purpose of this event is to continue the increased shared knowledge of the strategies, tools, and resources for trauma-informed approaches and resilience. The day-long Reframing Resilience Summit will include plenaries and sessions focused on the journey of the county, organizations, and individuals. We will be focused on our youth and families as well as the staff that serves them - providing information and resources to assist participants in recapturing their “why” to remain steady and vigilant in this work.
Registration is $20 per person, which includes lunch and continuing education credits. Register here: Reframing Resilience Summit - ReCAST II (southpiedmontahec.org)
Spanish interpretation will be provided. If anyone needs to register in Spanish, please let me know.
Register HERE
Lauren Rogers | (704) 333-8099 ext. 110
Director of Community Engagement, International House
Foundations of Cultural Sensitivity (Level 1)
Friday, May 31st from 9AM-1PM
Participants will be introduced to the foundations of cultural sensitivity, navigating cultural differences, and best practices for working with interpreters and translation tools.
Deep Dive of Cultural Sensitivity (Level 2)
Friday, June 21st from 9AM-1PM
Participants will build on the content from the previous workshop, exploring how culture plays into implicit bias, recognizing and overcoming biases, and identifying how programs and system structures are influenced by culture.
How Culture Influences the Way We Learn (Level 3)
Friday, August 2nd from 9AM-1PM
Participants will learn how cultural backgrounds influence knowledge acquisition and the way people learn, explore teaching and instructional strategies to accommodate diverse learners, and reflect on how Western culture influences educational systems and approaches.
Each of these training workshops is 4-hours long and available for 0.4 CEUs. Participants who attend the full, 3-part series will be awarded a total of 1.2 CEUs. The registration fees are $45/person per session. However, if you are an International House volunteer or intern, we will waive the registration fee for you. This fee covers all training materials, a Certificate of Completion, and light snacks and refreshments for the day. You’re welcome to share this invitation with anyone in your network who may like to attend.
Camino Social Navigation Program is collaborating with Mecklenburg County to help the Latino population experiencing homelessness access Coordinated Entry in a trusted place and in their own language. We are working on the front lines to create and implement solutions to reduce gaps and improve system effectiveness.Jocelyn Pineda, Social Worker, will be at Camino on Tuesdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Referrals are welcome; please contact her at 704 284 9665 or Jocelyn.Pineda@mecklenburgcountync.gov. If you are not aware of the program, please review the following information.
Mecklenburg County is the Lead Agency for Coordinated Entry for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Continuum of Care.
If you are experiencing homelessness or think you will be homeless soon, Coordinated Entry is your first step to connect to homeless services and homelessness prevention resources in Mecklenburg County.
When you call the Coordinated Entry hotline, please leave a message. A staff person will call you back within 2 business days to collect information about you and your situation so that they can refer you to available programs you may be eligible for like emergency shelter, street outreach, and financial assistance to prevent homelessness. The Coordinated Entry Hotline can be reached at (704) 284-9665.
Mecklenburg County Coordinated Entry CAN:
Provide friendly, compassionate service and a listening ear
Assist in identifying resources
Assist in generating creative solutions
Provide referrals to which you are eligible for shelters, outreach, diversion, and prevention, if available.
Mecklenburg County Coordinated Entry CAN NOT:
Provide financial assistance
Provide a discharge plan
Provide motel vouchers
Provide housing vouchers or low-income housing
Provide immediate shelter (some shelters have waitlists)
Provide transportation, bus passes or moving services
Act as landlords, housing providers or housing navigators
Many thanks to Keiba Young, Director of First In Families of Mecklenburg County for compiling and sharing the information below
Youth Job Expo: There will be a Job Expo at Camp North End at the Junior Achievement building located at 1701 N. Graham St. Suite 100 Charlotte, NC 28206 on Saturday, June 1, 2024, from 11:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m. Youth will be exposed to jobs and other community resources on that day. The Expo will feature representatives from Goodwill, to CPCC to PSA Airlines and more.
CM Library's Summer Break: Everyone's favorite summer program is COMING SOON! The annual summer learning program that encourages children to read, learn, and explore will run June 1, 2024 through July 31, 2024. Pre-registration will begin on May 15th. Stay tuned for more information on https://www.cmlibrary.org/summer-break.
NCIA Programs: NCIA Vocational Training Center (517 Blairhill Road, Charlotte, NC) offers FREE training for HVAC, CDL A/B, and auto technicians. Eligibility: live in Mecklenburg County, ages 18+. Career search support is provided to ensure students have permanent positions in their careers of strength and choice. Reach out to VTCCharlotte@ncianet.org or call 704-666-3070 for more information or to enroll.
Goodwill IT Specialist Training: Goodwill's IT support specialist training program is coming up soon! The program is open to anyone ages 18+. Informational sessions will be held on April 30th, May 7th, and May 16th. For more information, please click here.
Make It Happen Job and Resource Fairs: These monthly fairs are focused on workforce development taking place at 301 Billingsley Road, Charlotte, NC, from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Here are the upcoming dates:
o Wednesday, May 15th
o Friday, June 14th
o Monday, July 15th
o Thursday, August 15th
o Friday, September 13th
o Tuesday, October 15th
o Friday, November 15th
Pre-Apprenticeship & Apprenticeship Programs: She Built This City offers adult workforce development programming related to construction and trades. More information and applications can be found here.
The Harvest Center of Charlotte: The Charlotte Passport Program supports individuals who are facing homelessness, poverty, and unemployment due to a life-altering event to gain full-time employment and permanent housing. Feel free to check out their program online here.
(NEW) Hope St Food Pantry: Hope St Food Pantry will be hosting a food distribution at the Sugar Creek Library (4045 N. Tryon St. Ste A, Charlotte, NC) on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, from 11:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. No referral needed, no appointment required. No ID or financial documents required to receive food!
(NEW) Hearts United for Good: Food pantry every Wednesday from 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. at 2920 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28206
Cordelia Pool
Free swim lessons will be offered at Cordelia Pool on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10-10:30 a.m. and 11:15-11:45 a.m. Registration for each week of free swim lessons will open the preceding Saturday. The first week of free lessons begins June 24. Registration for these lessons will open June 22 at 9 a.m.
Cordelia Pool will operate only on weekends May 25 through June 9. Beginning June 10, Cordelia Pool will resume its normal summer hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 6 p.m. Cordelia Pool will be open on May 27 (Memorial Day), June 19 (Juneteenth) and July 4 (Independence Day).
Two sessions will be held each day: noon to 2:30 p.m. and 3-5:30 p.m. A $2 entry fee is required to use Cordelia Pool. The pool is located at 2100 N. Davidson St. in Charlotte.
Double Oaks Family Aquatic Center
Free swim lessons will be offered at Double Oaks on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 10-10:30 a.m. and 11:15-11:45 a.m. Registration for each week of free swim lessons will open the previous Saturday. The first week of free lessons begins June 25. Registration for these lessons will open June 22 at 9 a.m.
Double Oaks Family Aquatic Center will operate only on weekends May 25 through June 9. Beginning June 11, Double Oaks will resume its normal summer hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, noon to 6 p.m. Double Oaks will be open on May 27 (Memorial Day), June 19 (Juneteenth) and July 4 (Independence Day).
Two swim sessions will be held each day: noon to 2:30 p.m. and 3-5:30 p.m. A $2 entry fee is required to use Double Oaks Family Aquatic Center. It is located at 2014 Statesville Ave. in Charlotte.
Ramsey Creek Beach
Ramsey Creek Beach will operate only on weekends May 25 through June 9. Beginning June 12, Ramsey Creek Beach will resume its normal summer hours: Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, noon to 6 p.m. Ramsey Creek Beach will be open on May 27 (Memorial Day), June 19 (Juneteenth) and July 4 (Independence Day).
Ramsey Creek Beach is located at 18441 Nantz Road in Cornelius. Entry fees vary.
Sarah Bessey
Remembering how to love the world while still in the midst of our own evolution is complicated.
We don’t need a resolute beam of positive thinking and encouraging chirps about silver linings.
Those sentiments—a cotton candy theology of survival—melted long ago. You know this. You have likely learned it the hard way.
But what would it be like to love the world not in general but in particular? Pay attention, be mindful of loving this particular world and your particular people and your particular place and your particular self. Love is not cautious but extravagant and specific.
I’ve found—entirely by accident—that the practice of loving this in particular a few times a day is actually functioning as both an invocation and a benediction. Learning to love this in particular—whatever this means in that moment—invites the presence of God (or at least my awareness of it) and blesses as sacred where God already dwells. This has been a nice surprise.
And so I’ve landed here right now: remembering to love this in particular.