Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings
As of October 3, we are back to holding our check-in meetings for faith, community and nonprofit leaders WEEKLY. We will continue to address general needs in the community as well as issues related to Hurricane Helene.
These meetings are open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response, especially in partnership with the most vulnerable among us.
Meetings are held online every Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
It is said that when asked by someone where to start healing the world's problems, Mother Teresa said, "Do what is right in front of you."
Thursday, December 19 | Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte
Open to ALL. Join us for a Potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths on Thursday, December 19 at 6:30 PM at Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte.
Register HERE

April 6, 2025 (evening) – Interfaith Youth Panel
May 8, 2025 (morning) - Awards Breakfast
MeckMIN offers a variety of training events, all of which can be tailored to your group, your budget, and the amount of time you have available.
Here’s one example:
Topics include: Types of Trauma; The Effects of Trauma; Victim/Survivor Cycle of Unhealed Trauma; Aggressor/Offender Cycle of Unhealed Trauma; Breaking the Cycle; Transformative Initiatives and Stories
Timing: 3 to 4 hours
Cost: $1000 ($500 for current MeckMIN members)
A basic introduction can be offered in 90 minutes. Cost: $250 ($125 for current MeckMIN members)
Can also be offered as a full-day session or weekend retreat with additional topics. Price negotiable.
Jonathan Hill, Executive Director | 704-432-4802 | jonathan.hill@charlottenc.gov
Keep Charlotte Beautiful, He/Him/His
Housing & Neighborhood Services

We’re pleased to announce the return of the City of Charlotte Tree Care Grant! In order to celebrate the rich biodiversity found in our urban forests, educate the public on how to take action to maintain our canopy, and protect our forest for years to come, the city’s Community Engagement Division and Landscape Management Department team up to provide eligible neighborhood organizations citywide with matching grants of up to $3,000 for the following activities:
Neighborhood canopy health assessments and/or limited, in-depth tree health assessments (by a certified arborist)
Small tree/ sapling pruning
Vine removal
Tree care educational events/ film screenings/ celebrations
Invasive plant removal
Bark scale treatment
Mulching NEW IN 2024
Participants are reimbursed for purchases made (no advance funds are available) and must match their grant through volunteer hours and cash/in-kind contributions.Applications for this year’s grant are due by January 6th, 2025. Projects must be complete by December 2025.
To find out more about the grant, including how to apply, please register for our upcoming virtual pre-registration workshop:
Monday, November 25th: 6:00 PM-7:30PM (Microsoft Teams)
Please e-mail kcb@charlottenc.gov with any questions regarding the grant. We look forward to sharing more information with you about this fantastic opportunity on November 25th!
Betsy Abraham | Betsy.Abraham@MeckNC.gov

Mecklenburg County’s HOMES property tax relief program, aka Helping Out Mecklenburg homeowners with Economic Support, provides up to $648 to qualifying Mecklenburg County homeowners, and more if they live in Charlotte or Davidson. Already this year, more than $3 million in funding has been awarded to homeowners! New applicants and previous grant recipients are encouraged to complete and submit the easy, one-page application online, by email, or by mail. The deadline is Friday, Nov. 22 for homeowners to apply. The application can be found at MeckNC.gov/4HOMES.
These Thursday 11 a.m. Zoom calls will be held WEEKLY through the end of December as we work to share information and resources and to lift up needs related to Hurricane Helene – we will also continue to offer general information/resources/needs as we have been doing.
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.
Redia Baxter | 704.501.8258 | rbaxter@therelatives.org | Volunteer Engagement Officer
Casey Field, Major Gifts Officer
The Relatives was founded in 1974 by members of the Dilworth United Methodist Church. After outgrowing the church basement, The Relatives moved to a home on East Boulevard where it continues operating today. The East Blvd Youth Crisis Center serves youth ages 7-17 and is Mecklenburg County’s sole emergency shelter serving youth and adolescents. In 1988, The Relatives became the designated Safe Place agency for Mecklenburg County and in 2003, The Relatives merged with Alexander Youth Network.
In 2010, The Relatives expanded programming to serve young adults ages 16-24 with access to counseling, GED tutoring, and employment readiness through our On Ramp Resource Center.
In direct response to the number of homeless young adults visiting On Ramp, The Relatives created our Housing program in 2016, serving young adults ages 18-24. We utilize a scattered site housing approach and provide program participants with a gradually reducing subsidy. This is the only housing program in Mecklenburg County serving the often hidden population of homeless young adults.
Stay tuned for a January Faith Partners Day that will bring together houses of worship across the faith spectrum to support these youth. And reach out to learn more about their expansive programming and work.
Terry Bradley | Terry.Bradley@charlottenc.gov

The City is gearing up for an extensive Martin Luther King Day celebration including the following events:
Atrium Health Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Service
This event, which occurs on the actual birth date of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., is held to commemorate the life and death of Dr. King. The brief service includes a wreath-laying ceremony and will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at Marshall Park from noon to 1 p.m.
Divine 9 Panel Discussion Join for a conversation with the Divine 9! Divine 9 members of our community will come together to share and discuss. The panel will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 15, at the Stratford Richardson YMCA from 6-8 p.m.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Parade The holiday parade is back! Whether you plan to attend or participate, mark Saturday, Jan. 18, off on your calendar. The parade will march down Tryon Street, beginning at Ninth Street and ending at Brooklyn Village Avenue. More than 100 community organizations, marching bands and step and drill teams will participate. Highlights will include floats with the student winners of the CMS MLK Art and Writing Contests and local performance groups. If you or your organization would like to sign up to be in the parade, register by Friday, Dec. 13. Fee information and rules can be found on the parade registration form. Explore the parade route.
Atrium Health Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Growing the Dream Award Growing the Dream is a luncheon held to recognize Mecklenburg's unsung heroes and community members who work to foster unity and promote diversity and multiculturalism in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. The award gives the opportunity to recognize individuals for the following qualities:
Designed to recognize the unsung heroes of our community.
Honors community members and leaders who foster unity to promote diversity and multiculturalism.
Grassroot citizens and leaders who embrace service and helping someone else to grow.
Called to serve others and consider it an honor to serve others.
Grassroot citizens who persevere despite the hardships in their lives.Nominate a deserving community member by the deadline of Friday, Dec. 13!
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Annual Medallion Award In celebration of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, we are looking for members of the community who embody his contribution to the civil rights of our community and the freedom to be great without limitations. We ask that you, the community, nominate those who exemplify the work of Dr. King for annual awards given in his honor.The Medallion and Keeper of the Dream Awards celebrate members of the community who step up for others when walking away is the easier thing to do. These members of the community inspire others through their actions. Take a moment and think about who that is for you and nominate them for the 2024 Medallion and Keeper of the Dream Awards. Read more on “Nominate who you think deserves the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Medallion Award.” Please submit your 2025 Medallion Award nomination by Friday, Dec. 13.Nominees should meet the following criteria:
Be a resident of Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
Promote the ideals of racial equality and social justice as espoused by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. including, but not limited to:
Celebrating and promoting the worth of all human beings.
Pursuing equal rights by non-violent means.
Encouraging people of diverse cultures to live together in a spirit of love and acceptance.
Active involvement in community service.
Resisting injustice wherever it is found.
Promoting inter-group relations and understanding.
Can not be a current member of the Community Relations Committee.
Can not be a current member of the Martin Luther King Jr. Planning Committee.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. P.E.A.C.E. Basketball Showcase presented by Back to the Basics Academy This year’s showcase will be held on Saturday, Jan. 18, at West Charlotte High School. Admission to the showcase will be $10.Back To The Basics is a nonprofit organization located in the Greater Charlotte region that was formed in 1997 to provide youth of all economic backgrounds a greater opportunity for Amateur Athletic competitions.
Atrium Health National Observance and CMS Arts Writing Contest Awards This event will be a multimedia display of the arts, featuring Charlotte-Mecklenburg School students in spoken word, music and dance performances, as well as their paintings, sculptures and other works of art. The program will engage people of all ages in reflecting on the words of Dr. King as a moral opinion leader. It will be Sunday, Jan. 19, from 4-6 p.m. at the Parr Center Theater on the campus of Central Piedmont Community College.
Amy Crippen | crippena@queens.edu
The Center for Digital Equity is the backbone organization for a collective impact strategy bringing together residents, public, and private sector partners to co-create solutions allowing every resident the opportunity to thrive in our modern culture. The Center for Digital Equity (CDE) is an evolution of two key community initiatives; Digital Charlotte and the Charlotte Digital Inclusion Alliance and is housed at Queens University of Charlotte.
The CDE consists of 5 workstreams guided by an advisory board and a community council.
Policy, Advocacy, and Ecosystem Development
Data, Program Measurement, and Research
Device and Connectivity
Digital Navigation and Technical Support
Digital Literacy and Skilling
In addition, CDE partners with Spectrum and the City to provide free in-home internet to a number of apartment buildings throughout the city. This partnership will continue through 2025 but residents have to sign up. To discover if your building qualifies, enter your address at spectrum.com and it should show up as free. You can also call 311 or reach out to CDE to connect with a digital navigator for help.
Supported by a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Center for Digital Equity is focused on empowering organizations to deliver digital inclusion resources in the Charlotte community. |
PUBLIC COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING Dec 5th – Virtual | 3:30 - 5:00 PM
You’re invited to our public monthly Community Council meetings! At the Center for Digital Equity (CDE), we value the input of all Mecklenburg County residents, whether you just want to listen to the conversation or whether you’d like to become a resident or organization partner of the CDE. Each Community Council meeting is held the first Thursday of the month from 3:30 – 5:00 pm. Most meetings are virtual (see Zoom invite link below).
Time: 3:30pm – 5:00pm
Virtual Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkf-mprDgvE9HfqLkuHUA01fjTHD6eFk1Z
What is the Community Council?
The community council is a resident, public, private collaboration focused on producing recommendations on how Mecklenburg County can become the most digitally equitable community in America. Any resident in Mecklenburg County or public and private sector partner who operates within the county is welcome to join the council. The community council is governed by a co-created charter and led by workstream co-chairs who are elected by partners of the CDE.
Interested in becoming a member of the Community Council? Visit our Partner Engagement Landing Page to learn more and request to join our ecosystem of partners.
Braielyn Peoples| Executive Director | braielyn@peoplesprivatelearning.org

We provide intensive academic support for 3rd - 9th grade students in the areas of Mathematics and ELA. This age of student doesn’t have a lot of support for their academics. Our mission is to ensure the continuous growth and success of all students through community partnerships. Peoples Private Learning (PPL) will honor our mission by providing an extended academic sector where students can receive individualized tutoring. We build strong relationships with schools, teachers, and parents. We know we can't do it alone, so we find diverse and dedicated individuals in our community to partner with us in this work.
Our work stems from having similar backgrounds as the students we serve. We are Charlotte natives, former low-income community citizens, former CMS Title 1 students, and former Title 1 educators. We saw the need to create a plan for all students to have access to high quality academic support. We know that the community pouring into us is the reason why we thrive today. We are back in our old neighborhoods but this time it's to assist disproportionately affected students of color, those impacted by poverty, and other vulnerable populations such as ELL students.
Renaissance West Partnership
February 2025 they will serve 60 students. This campaign is called “All We Can Do”. We are asking what you can do. Can you be on the board? Can you donate? Can you volunteer? They also have a supply list that you can contribute to. They are also a part of Giving Tuesday in conjunction with Share Charlotte, Lowes and Optimist Hall. Reach out if you have your own ideas as to how to help.
Volunteer: https://forms.monday.com/forms/f0c75e4a82c1f6f5e33c43adbaec5591?r=use1
Board Interest: Email - Support@peoplesprivatelearning.org

Kate Dennstaedt, Local Coordinator - Charlotte, Office: (704) 412-8458
Are you passionate about protecting our planet? The North Carolina Council of Churches, in partnership with JustFaith Charlotte, presents an exciting series of eco-justice programs tailored for churches across North Carolina.
Join us in one of our transformative 8-10 week programs:
Each program is thoughtfully designed to educate, inspire, and equip participants to champion environmental sustainability and become agents of change. Grounded in principles of respectful conversation, our sessions include:
Prayer and Spiritual Practices
Dialogue and Active Listening
Weekly Relationship-Building Activities
Thanks to a generous grant from the Gaston Community Foundation, we are thrilled to offer our programs FREE to the first 200 participants! Don’t miss this unique opportunity to be part of a movement that makes a difference.
Indigenous Justice: The Land is Not Our Own has also been awarded a similar grant for 2025 - FREE to the first 200 participants
Info re: program can be found here https://justfaith.org/programs/series/indigenous-justice/
Send email to info@justfaith.org for more details on how to get a group started.
Jill Henley | 910-975-4618 | jilljhenley@hotmail.com
Children of the World Learning Center is a multicultural, dual-language, four-star licensed preschool in East Charlotte. Located at Central United Methodist Church, our mission is to bring together children and families of diverse cultures, languages, and incomes. We operate on a sliding tuition scale so that all families have access to high quality preschool.
To raise money for student scholarships, we will be hosting our fourth annual Light Up the Winter Night fundraiser on Saturday, December 14, 4:30-7:30. In keeping with our mission of celebrating our commonalities as well as diversity, we are recognizing festivals of light celebrated by different cultures and faiths throughout the world. Lighted Christmas trees will be sponsored by local businesses and organizations, and there will be a celebration. We would love for community groups to set up displays as well. We are particularly interested in having booths that represent a diverse display of religious and secular holidays that feature light. The booths can be simple with nothing more than a display or they can be more interactive with someone to teach participants about a special holiday or celebration.
If you would like to know more about Children of the World Learning Center or our Light Up the Winter Night event, please feel free to email or call Jill.
To REGISTER: https://childrenoftheworldlearningcenter.org/events
Sr. Bishop Jacquelyn Holland | bishopjdhii@gmail.com.
Rev. Lenora
Suited Southern Swag supports and brings visibility to Masculine Identified Lesbians of Color. Their 2018 fashion show featured models who were Masculine Identified Lesbians. They are planning another fashion show for June 7th 2025. Part of the proceeds will go to establishing a scholarship fund for Young Lesbians, and of LGBT Youth of color, who will be going to school and they plan to give the first scholarship at the fashion show along with a donation to Time Out Youth.
They are looking for an inexpensive venue to host the event. It must be an organization that is open and affirming as it is imperative that the models and constituents feel safe. Looking to connect with other affirming congregations.
In fall they hope to do a “Fall Women in Leadership” clergy event. Stay tuned for more info.
Thursday, January 16, 2025 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Lesley Peace | Peacel@christchurchcharlotte.org
The Christ Episcopal Church Outreach Commission is pleased to host a gathering of our nonprofit community partners and grant providers on January 16, 2025, at the Galilee Ministries Center from 3:30 – 6 pm. This event will provide an opportunity for collaboration, networking, and sharing insights as we work together to strengthen and work in service with our community. We look forward to fostering deeper and meaningful connections and exploring new ways to support the vital work being done by our partners. This is an opportunity to learn from others and collaborate.
Where: Galilee Ministries of East Charlotte, 3601 Central Ave
Date: January 16, 2025
Time: 3:30 - 6 pm
There is no fee to attend, but we kindly ask that you register in advance at this link: Registration Link
Join us for an immersive pilgrimage, January 23–26, that takes a deep dive into the complex history of race, reconciliation, and celebration in the Carolinas. This journey will lead participants through historically significant sites in Charleston, Wilmington, Greensboro, Salisbury, and other impactful locations, each with unique stories of resilience, resistance, and transformation.
Guided by knowledgeable facilitators, this pilgrimage invites participants to reflect on the past and how it shapes our present. Through visits to key landmarks, engaging discussions, and moments of personal reflection, we will honor the legacies of those who struggled for justice and equality, examine the lingering effects of this history, and envision pathways toward healing, reconciliation, and hope for the future. Whether you’re committed to racial justice or simply eager to learn more about this shared history, this pilgrimage is open to all. Join us to deepen your understanding, build connections, and foster a spirit of community and growth.
Registration: Deadline is December 1.
We have created and will keep updated two Hurricane-Helene specific pages on our website:
Relief Resources – geared for you to share with impacted people – https://www.meckmin.org/s-hurricane-helene-relief-resources
Ways to Help – ways for you and your networks and communities to respond https://www.meckmin.org/copy-of-hurricane-helene-ways-to-help
If you have things to add, please email them with the subject lines:
“Possible addition to Hurricane Helene Relief Resources” OR “Possible addition to Hurricane Helene Ways to Help”
Time-sensitive Hurricane Helene need:
We're working with Community Technical Assistance, Inc. to address unmet needs of historically marginalized communities deeply impacted by Hurricane Helene -- We've taken on the task of working with one church - an AME church - supplying food boxes to a hard-hit underserved community and we'll need EVERYONE's help in filling the boxes (via Amazon) BY NOVEMBER 30.
Go to Amazon and put the church as the delivery point.
Willowtree AME Church
POC: Rev. Anthony Radcliff
2500 Willowtree Church Ave
Morganton, NC 28655
See below for the current needs. All needs to be to the church by 11/30. IF YOU CAN HELP, EMAIL LEDAYNE BY MONDAY NOVEMBER 25 TO TELL HER WHAT YOU ARE BUYING
Here is the link to what's needed: Mecklenburg Metropolitan Interfaith Network
Good afternoon, NC Inclusive Disaster Recovery Network.
Join us on Tuesday, November 26 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM for the monthly NC Inclusive Disaster Recovery meeting. The agenda is attached. Spanish-English interpretation provided.
Buenas tardes, NC Inclusive Disaster Recovery Network.
Únase a nosotros el martes 26 de noviembre de 2:00 a 4:00 p.m. para la reunión mensual de Recuperación de Desastres Inclusiva de NC. Se adjunta el orden del día. Se proporcionará interpretación español-inglés.
Sundiata Peoples <NCIDR@mdcinc.org> for the Zoom link
Objectives y Objetivos
First, we will review key messages about ways to donate and volunteer, but our main focus is on policy-related opportunities. En primer lugar, revisaremos los mensajes clave sobre las formas de donar y ser voluntario, pero nos centraremos principalmente en las oportunidades relacionadas con las políticas.
We will make time for relationship-building to welcome new participants. Haremos tiempo para la construcción de relaciones para dar la bienvenida a los nuevos participantes.
Then, we will discuss policy related to Helene and long-term recovery including disability integration, housing, environmental justice, immigration, access to legal services, and voting. After a quick overview, we'll enter breakout rooms to allow participants to go deeper. Luego, discutiremos la política relacionada con Helene y la recuperación a largo plazo, incluida la integración de la discapacidad, la vivienda, la justicia ambiental, la inmigración, el acceso a los servicios legales y el voto. Después de una descripción general rápida, ingresaremos a las salas para grupos pequeños para permitir que los participantes profundicen más.
Take good care,
Sundiata PeoplesProgram Associate, Rural Prosperity and Investment, MDC Inc. inclusivedisasterrecovery.org | MDCinc.org
Stabilizing housing is crucial for Western N.C.'s recovery from Hurricane Helene. Displacement due to job loss further burdens those facing eviction or foreclosure and overwhelms support organizations and small businesses losing their workforce. Insufficient housing aid and slow rental assistance exacerbate the crisis in both rural and urban counties. Join Just Economics of WNC as they urge local WNC faith, business, community, and government leaders to support increased rental assistance from the state of North Carolina and call for an immediate eviction moratorium. Add your name to the letter being sent to Governor Cooper, the Council of State, Chief Justice Newby, and NC General Assembly members, asking for immediate action. Click here to sign.
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)
Liz Schob | ebschob@gmail.com

Wedgewood: A Social Justice Community is presenting the Third Annual International Bazaar. It will take place at Refugee Support Services, 3925 Willard Farrow Drive, Charlotte, North Carolina, on Sunday, December 1, 2024, from 12 to 4 p.m. Admission is free and it is free for vendors. There will be gifts and more. The refugees keep 100% of their proceeds and non-refugees are asked to donate a portion of their profits to Refugee Support Services.
Keiba Young fif@inreachnc.org and 704-536-6661
First In Families of Mecklenburg County is a project of InReach. We provide financial support to individuals with an intellectual/developmental disability (i.e., Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy or Traumatic Brain Injury). We will be distributing turkeys and food boxes this Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Link To Get Turkey Ticket We have 40 slots left.
Samantha Turner, state coordinator, Chair of the Southern Piedmont Circle.
Save the date, Sunday afternoon, Jan 26th for a Charlotte collaborative event with social justice orgs and community activists.
You are invited to CW Williams Community Health Center's monthly Workshop Series event this Thursday, November 21st @ 6 pm. The topic is Accessing Maternal Healthcare through Medicaid. No registration is required.
Please use the Zoom link below to join and share with your coworkers, family and friends.
Tomorrow is the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Celebration at 5:30pm at Promenade on Providence Shopping Center. This is the big kick-off. The event remains in the Charlotte area until December 8th, when it moves to the Atlanta Area for the rest of the holiday season. https://www.hopp.bio/givingmachinecharlottetoatlanta
Tanya Varanelli (consultant)
Nurses Serving Our Neighbors is a non-profit faith-based ministry of licensed volunteer nurses and others who advocate, navigate, and educate while we accompany our neighbors in need within the Charlotte community. They are currently seeking a part-time program coordinator to organize and administer the logistics and communication in support of our holistic health advocacy programs. This individual builds and maintains strong relationships with the volunteers who serve our neighbors. In addition,https://www.nsoncharlotte.org/hiring
Doneta Dawson
NIght of Worship raised $400 for our suitcase drive. Working to get the suitcases to teen girls. They often are moved and have no bags to move from one place to another. We hope to raise more and we also welcome new or gently used cases for these girls in foster care.
Danyae Thomas
The Park has opened and is managing Gilfield Park, a Senior Living Facility (55 and up) off Beatties Ford Road. They are hoping to gift each of the 80 residents with a holiday box and are seeking donations of non-perishable and household goods in increments of 80 to include in the box. They will be open for drop offs from Dec 6-12, 9 am to noon. If interested in supporting please contact programs@theparkcdc.org
JANUARY 2025 Reimagining America Project
Health and Healthcare in Your Community:An Active Listening Session, January 25th.
David F. Keely, M.D. Family Medicine & Public Health, Co-Chair, Health Justice Committee
We are the Health Justice Committee of The Reimagining America Project. Our committee’s mission is to illuminate the health disparities in communities of color that result from social determinants of health as well as structural racism in the healthcare delivery system and to reimagine healthcare with outcomes not determined by race or ethnicity.
In order to heal the health wounds from disparities in American healthcare, we have to first understand their cause. A critical, but often overlooked, ingredient of that understanding comes from active listening to impacted persons.
Therefore, rather than providing another presentation about health and health care disparities where experts tell the audience what the problems are and what policies and services are needed, we have instead chosen to listen deeply to the experiences of individuals whose lives are literally at stake. We have compiled a list of key questions regarding health and health care that will be presented in a small-group format led by facilitators familiar with each issue. Facilitators will circulate between groups so that all participants might have a chance to answer and discuss each question. We will collect demographic information but no personal identifiers.
The group sessions will be transcribed and responses to key questions will ultimately be compiled into a document provided to you the participants, as well as to healthcare system leaders, educators, public health officials, policy makers, and the media. The goal is to advocate from participants’ lived experience more effectively in the healthcare arena for improved, more accessible, essential health services.
Gun locks will also be available at this event.

You can go to the American Cancer Society website to help them end their nicotine addiction. TODAY is the annual GREAT AMERICAN SMOKEOUT (and vape-out!) sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Please visit
https://www.cancer.org/cancer/risk-prevention/tobacco/great-american-smokeout.html for resources on helping a friend or family member.
Melissa Philadelphia | 704-631-1023 | melissa.philadelphia@atriumhealth.org,
Community Navigator, Acute Social Needs Team Department of Community Health
We’re giving away new clothes, shoes, and much more to support our community! Come out and enjoy a day filled with generosity and connection.
Date: December 14, 2024
Location: West Mecklenburg High School
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm
Spread the word and bring your friends and family! Let’s make this holiday season extra special together. For more information, contact melissa.philadelphia@atriumhealth.org, or Jasmine.Pebbles@atriumhealth.org
The Silver Hub Day Party, hosted by Charlotte CSA and Village HeartBeat.
Navigating the Medicare maze can be a nightmare. That's why we've partnered with Cigna Healthcare to get all your Medicare questions answered at a free and fun day party. On Friday, Nov. 22, QCity Metro and Cigna will crash the Silver Hub Day Party at First Baptist Church-West. This "Thanksgiving hoedown" will include lunch, line dancing and a Medicare Q&A session with a Cigna rep. The party will have a country-western theme, with lots of music from Beyoncé's "Country Carter" album. So come decked out in your cowboy/cowgirl best.
Date: Nov. 22, 2024
Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Place: 1801 Oaklawn Avenue, Charlotte, NC, 28216
Learn more & RSVP here. (Lunch-hour drop-ins are welcome.)
Community Resource Fair on Thursday, December 19th from 5:30-7pm.
At the SchermCo Foundation, we partner with Title I schools to aid with family empowerment and engagement.
If you are an organization that serves the community by providing resources, programs, or services and are interested in tabling, we would love to have you present. Statesville Road Elementary has a large and growing Spanish-speaking population that has expressed needs regarding housing, physical/mental health, financial literacy, workforce development, and more.
Mondays, December 2 - 23, noon - 1 p.m.
The hallmark of Advent is preparation while waiting. We wait for the incarnation by preparing for its reality, ensuring that when the nativity occurs, we are ready. Similarly, as we await new procedures directed at our undocumented neighbors, we must prepare rather than wait passively.
During Advent, the Council will offer information sessions every Monday at noon to prepare ourselves to stand with our undocumented neighbors, over 360,000 of whom reside in North Carolina. Many of these neighbors live in households with family members who are U.S. citizens or those with legal documents allowing them to stay. How can we prepare to help these families stay together?
This week, the North Carolina General Assembly overrode the Governor’s veto of HB10, a portion of which made it state law for all sheriffs to notify Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) when an undocumented person is detained. What can we do to assist those arrested before ICE intervenes?
Join us during Advent as we wait and prepare. Register now to participate live, or to receive the recordings after the event.
I believe God protects me from nothing. And sustains me in everything. So then you stay anchored in the sustenance and then we become sustenance for each other.
We become God’s sustenance in the world. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
– Greg Boyle
NEXT MEETING: Two weeks from today - Thursday at 11 AM