Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings
As of October 3, we are back to holding our check-in meetings for faith, community and nonprofit leaders WEEKLY. We will continue to address general needs in the community as well as issues related to Hurricane Helene.
These meetings are open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response, especially in partnership with the most vulnerable among us.
Meetings are held online every Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
I’ve thought a lot about the fact that there are two ways for the heart to break. It can shatter into shards and just lie useless on the floor, never to be put back together again. Or you can exercise your heart on a daily basis by taking in the little losses, the little deaths, you know, those things that are feel hard to absorb, the news that’s hard to absorb, take it and let it exercise that muscle the way a runner exercises muscles so they won’t snap under stress, and the heart has a chance then to become so supple that it will break open into largeness rather than apart in into shards. - Parker Palmer
From an interview on Kate Bowler’s podcast, Everything Happens
Episode details, including a link to the full interview, here:
We are collecting Newborn and Size 5 ONLY
For anyone who wants to publicize the Amazon Wishlist for the Diaper Bank, here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/5GZMC9KE0C1B?ref_=wl_share.
A reminder, this link will allow for people to purchase diapers and wipes and have them directly sent to the Diaper Bank and held aside for our specific event. If you prefer to drop off diapers you can do that at Advent Lutheran and Park Road Baptist Church. Details in the flyer.

Sunday, November 17 | 2:00 - 4:00 PM | Advent Lutheran Church
Calling ALL middle and high school youth to join us on Sunday, November 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church for a diaper packing service project.
Register HERE

Join MeckMIN on Thursday, November 21, at 6 PM to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving and faith diversity through prayer, music and food. There will be international food and presentations from five different faith groups.
Register HERE

Please help us share this event by posting on your various communication channels:
Thursday, December 19 | Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte
Open to ALL. Join us for a Potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths on Thursday, December 19 at 6:30 PM at Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte.
Register HERE

April 6, 2025 (evening) – Interfaith Youth Panel
May 8, 2025 (morning) - Awards Breakfast
MeckMIN offers a variety of training events, all of which can be tailored to your group, your budget, and the amount of time you have available. Here’s one example:
A one-hour panel with people of 4-5 different faiths sharing about work experiences -- what's been great, what could be better, specifics about what does or doesn't help create a sense of belonging that allows them to bring their best selves to work. Q and A is included. The target audience is anyone in the workplace including fellow employees, supervisors, and HR staff.
Timing: 1 hour
Cost: $750 (or $1,000 with additional small group work)
A one-hour panel of adults of 4-5 faiths sharing about experiences in school (their own and/or that of their children and grandchildren or members of their congregations) -- sharing what's been helpful, what could be better, and specifics about what teachers and administrators can do to create a sense of belonging within classrooms and schools as a whole. Q and A is included. We have done this quite a few times, and it is always very well-received. The target audience is teachers and administrators.
Timing: 1 hour
Cost: $500 (or $750 with additional small group work) - costs negotiable
All training can be tailored to your group. Contact meckmin@meckmin.org to talk about what we can do for and with you!
Bringing MeckMIN in supports your work AND brings much-needed funding to our work.
Presbytery of Charlotte Symposium: Exploring How to Use Church Property to House Our Neighbors
Did you know that Charlotte is a national trend-leader in the movement of how congregations are finding new life by building housing in response to the national housing crisis? Who better than congregations to build community and reimagine their financial realities by sharing God’s property? Come one and all to a day of learning, sharing and dreaming.
Where: Caldwell Presbyterian Church (Hope Hall); 1609 E. 5th Street, Charlotte
Date: Saturday, November 23rd
Time: 8:30 am to 1:45 pm
Please RSVP with a few answers at the link below:
These Thursday 11 a.m. Zoom calls will be held WEEKLY through the end of December as we work to share information and resources and to lift up needs related to Hurricane Helene – we will also continue to offer general information/resources/needs as we have been doing.
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.

Kate Dennstaedt | charlotte@justfaith.org | Office: (704) 412-8458
Local Coordinator - Charlotte,
The JustFaith Network connects you with resources and events that will sustain your commitment to the work of social change. Our EcoJustice program is being made available for free thanks to a grant from the Gaston Community Foundation. It consists of three courses:
Sacred Land: Food and Farming
Sacred Land: Food and Farming, the first program in JustFaith Ministries’ Eco-Justic Series, explores our connection with the land and our responsibility for it.
Sacred Air: Climate and Energy
Sacred Air: Climate and Energy, the second program in JustFaith Ministries’ Ecojustice Series, explores the impact of the climate crisis and equips people of faith to respond.
Sacred Water: Oceans and Ecosystems
Water is central both to our Christian theology and to our survival. Sacred Water: Oceans and Ecosystems guides small groups in discerning how they can better care for the earth’s waters, as well as the creatures and communities who live in and around them.
To learn more: go to our website at: https://justfaith.org/programs/series/eco-justice/
Below is a link to a quick survey for Faith leaders of all Faiths to share some meaningful information with the Continuum of Care to help inform our collaborative work in supporting our unhoused neighbors. Please take a few moments to allow us to hear your voice!
Leslie Leitner | leslie@aplacetoliveagain.org
KRISTINA AQUILONE, Director of Development | Kristina@aplacetoliveagain.org
SHC is a leader in Charlotte for ending homelessness. Besides pioneering the concept of providing permanent supportive housing to homeless people with disabilities, we pride ourselves on a 97% success rate of keeping our residents in stable housing.
One of the most basic needs for members of our community is a safe and affordable home. SHC provides affordable housing and support services to formerly homeless individuals and families and provides access to opportunities to change our residents’ lives forever. We build community, teach new skills, provide support for residents in recovery from addictions, and offer programs to develop healthy lifestyles. As basic as these programs may seem, they mean the difference between life and death for our community’s most vulnerable.
Residents have the support they need to rebuild their lives so they will always have a place to call home. Residents, staff, volunteers, and partners from other service agencies are part of Charlotte’s most innovative solution to homelessness. With permanent supportive housing, we spend far less than emergency shelter and save the community tens of thousands of dollars for every resident we house.
Holiday season/Colder seasons These times are when we have more needs for our residents. These needs include meals and holiday gifts. Hygiene kits and stocking stuffers are both needed
Our digital campaign, “Meet Your Neighbor” starts next week. Meet Your Neighbor looks to share authentic stories of the different needs of our clients. During the month of November, Homeless Awareness Month, and throughout the holidays we will be publishing and promoting stories of our neighbors that speak to the struggles, journey, and hope they have experienced in their life and what SHC is doing to alleviate homelessness and human suffering for Charlotte's most vulnerable neighbors. We invite you to follow along with our campaign throughout the holiday season on SHC’s social media platforms, where we will be sharing updates, stories, and the progress your contributions are making in the lives of our neighbors.
David Arcia | darcia@commonwealthcharlotte.org,
Yuly Rodriguez | yrodriguez@commonwealthcharlotte.org
Either the director of our program, Yuly Rodriguez, or I will attend to discuss our volunteer opportunities and becoming a partner location for our free tax preparation program, VITA Latino for 2025.
The IRS's Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free basic tax return preparation to qualified individuals. The VITA program has operated for over 50 years. VITA sites offer free tax help to people who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns, including:
People who generally make $57,000 or less
Persons with disabilities; and
Limited English-speaking taxpayers
To volunteer: https://www.vitalatino.org/voluntarios
Elisa Chinn Gary | elisa.A.chinn-gary@nccourts.org
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Remembrance Project (https://ithappenedhereclt.com/) is part of a national movement to tell the truth about racial terror lynchings in America, to understand how this violent history still shapes our lives today, and to help our community move toward reconciliation.
In partnership with Bryan Stevenson’s renowned Equal Justice Initiative, we tell the stories of Joe McNeely and Willie McDaniel, who were killed in the two racial terror lynchings documented by EJI in Mecklenburg County. We work to memorialize these men by collecting soil from the sites of their deaths, and by erecting historical markers and a monument.
We tell the story of two recorded lynchings in Mecklenburg County. Please visit our website and learn more about this history and then share those stories with friends, congregants and others.
1913: Joseph McNeely was dragged from his hospital bed and shot by a white mob
1929: Willie McDaniel was found on the Greer Plantation after arguing with his white landlord.
The website includes these stories, resources for sharing the story, a declaration, an essay contest and more.
There’s also a conversation toolkit on the Remembrance Project website (ithappenedhereclt.com), with suggested guidelines for doing your own, and if you’d like help, you can reach out via email there. Thank you so much for letting us share this info with you all.
The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Remembrance Project https://ithappenedhereclt.com/
CT Anderson | info@springclean.org
Our mission is to divert textile from landfills and support communities who are most impacted by climate change. We do this by our commitment to:
Repurpose donated textile material
Educate and train on sustainability
Offer flexible, gig-economy jobs that pay livable wages
Spring Volunteer cleanup: https://airtable.com/app2TVjBdRWl6Nphp/pagBTTBIenRkMFFeB/form
Corporate Volunteer Link: https://airtable.com/app2TVjBdRWl6Nphp/pagBTTBIenRkMFFeB/form
Textile Donation link: https://airtable.com/app2TVjBdRWl6Nphp/pagBMUroOZbCtLRs5/form
Designer Link:
Monique Weeks, MBA | 704-218-9054 | mweeks@cwwilliams.org
Director of EMBRACE (Maternal Health Program), Community Health Care Coordinator, C.W. Williams Community Health Center, Inc.,
Series event tonight at 6 pm, no registration required. You are invited to CW Williams Community Health Center's bi-weekly Workshop Series event this Thursday, November 7th @ 6 pm! The topic is Healthy Relationships. No registration is required. Please use the Zoom link below to join and share with your contacts. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82592463538?pwd=IbMkqZc7pkZaeZsTHxN7e4sfxzNijk.1
We are also accepting patients from prenatal to postpartum. E.M.M.B.R.A.C.E. is currently accepting maternal health patients. We provide a range of maternal care from pre-conception to post-partum. To learn more about the E.M.M.B.R.A.C.E program email maternalhealth@cwwilliams.org
We have Maternal Community Resource hubs in 28208 and 28210 zip codes in local churches. They provide diapers, wipes, pads and more. We are looking for 5 additional non-faith based hubs to add to the group.
E.M.M.B.R.A.C.E. is currently recruiting community members with lived experience to participate in our Maternal Community Health Worker/Advocate training. Participants will be immersed in a 5-week rigorous maternal health curriculum and then complete a 4-week practicum. Participants may be eligible to apply for an MCHW position with CWWCHC upon successful completion of the program and practicum. Resumes can also be sent to maternalhealth@cwwilliams.org – Flier will be sent to LeDayne to share.
Maternal Community Resource HUBs located at local churches in 28208, 28216, and 28110 (Union County) zip code areas and the flier will be sent to LeDayne to share. We are looking for 5 non-faith-based locations to host our HUB kiosks in 28215, 28213, 28206, 28205 zip code areas. These HUBs provide maternal and baby supplies for those struggling or fall short of being able to purchase these items.
Sean Barrett | (202)-579-6498 | Sean.Barrett@usdoj.gov
Conciliation Specialist, Community Relations Service | U.S. Department of Justice
We are a small part of the DOJ. We work to help communities develop the capacity to prevent hate crimes. We are a neutral third party and we don’t investigate and we are voluntary only. We are confidential. Everything we do is completely free. We work on racial and ethnic tension, hate crimes and similar. We provide mediation, consultation, dialog and more. If we can’t help you, we know someone who can.
Rachel Allman | rachel.allman@heartmathtutoring.org | 540-422-9948 (cell)
Outreach Coordinator, Heart Math Tutoring,
We need about 200 new volunteers! Has a HUGE life-long impact on students. All training and curriculum provided.
Doneta Dawson | admin@pureheartmedia.org | 513-252-2513
Doneta Dawson Ministries, Kingdom Arts Fuzions, Pure Heart Media and Revive Church are thrilled to present Night of Worship, a transformative event designed to bring together worshippers and artists from near and far for an unforgettable night of praise and unity. This highly anticipated event will take place on November 16, 2024, at 6:00 PM, at Revive Church, located in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina. The theme is “Hasten His Throne”.
Night of Worship promises to be a spiritual experience like no other, as we unite to worship the King of Kings through music, prayer, and fellowship. Artists from diverse backgrounds and experiences will come together, sharing their talents and faith to create a powerful atmosphere of worship. Attendees will have the opportunity to encounter God in a new and profound way, surrounded by voices lifted in praise.
This event isn’t just a concert: it’s a movement. We aim to bridge the gap between different communities, cultures, and creative expressions, all under the banner of worship. We are calling all artists, worshippers, and believers from across the nation to join us for this incredible night.
Special Guests and Featured Artists
We are excited to welcome special guest performers and worship leaders from all walks of life, each bringing their unique gifts to the stage. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with these artists and be inspired by their testimonies and talents, making Night of Worship a celebration of both creativity and faith.
Join Us:
Date: November 16, 2024
Time: Doors open 6:00 PM, Night of Worship Starts at 7:00PM
Venue: Revive Church, 6621 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte, NCT
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1039812315627?aff=oddtdtcreator
This night is not just about attending; it’s about participating in a community united by worship, breaking barriers, and connecting through a shared love for Jesus Christ.
We are looking for sponsors, vendors and investors. We welcome vendors to share their businesses and we seek partners and investors to support the live recording at the event. If interested in vending at this event please email info@pureheartmedia.org. If you would like to donate/Sponsor/Partner with us, please reach out to businessdev@pureheartmedia.org.
We also have an Amazon gift registry for donations for this event: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/1QTKZWCPBP31K
A percentage of the financial proceeds will go to community initiatives for teen girls in Charlotte group homes and orphanages. We also have an upcoming suitcase drive for these same teen girls.
GOAL: provide suitcases for teenage girls in the foster care system
-funds attained will provide toiletries for the girls
To give to the Suitcase drive for Teen girls in Fostercare, Group Homes, and Orphanages in Charlotte please see: https://linqapp.com/doneta_dawson?r=link
We also have an Amazon gift registry for donations to this event. That can be accessed here: https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/guest-view/1QTKZWCPBP31K
Chosen Leadership Academy (CLA) nonprofit provides wrap-around services for the whole family. This includes engaging parents, guardians, and students. CLA believes education and parental interaction will improve family dynamics such as self-esteem, respect, and positive social-emotional health. The physical wellness, sports, and health program trains students to increase their endurance, strength, and critical-thinking skills. This program demonstrates team and relationship building. Students are given financial literacy and vocational skills through community partnerships. CLA goal is to build future leaders.
www.chosenla.org (nonprofit)
Needs: Anyone that can donate soap toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, or deodorant, please send it to us
Healthy Meck invites you to register for our free advocacy training before the deadline next Friday, November 15!
Please join us on Friday, November 22 from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm for Advocate and Initiate - Training for Advocacy and Changemaking
This half-day in-person advocacy training, sponsored by Healthy Meck, hosted at the Ada Jenkins Center, and powered by Seeds of Change Consulting, is designed to empower you as a changemaker. Together, we will:
Equip You with Advocacy Skills: Learn how to articulate your mission and influence decision-makers in a way that resonates.
Develop Actionable Plans: Collaborate on strategies for community health initiatives that reflect the needs and voices of those you serve.
Build Your Confidence: Gain the tools and support to engage with policymakers and advocate for the changes you envision.
In this transformative workshop, we’ll draw connections between individual experiences and broader systemic challenges. Let’s work together to strengthen our voices and create a more equitable future for all.
Register now to secure your spot—we can’t wait to see you there!
EMBRACE ALL LATINO VOICES launched a new website with direct access to our partner NPOs and Faith groups in the community to make referrals and enroll their served populations on your programs:
WEDGEWOOD COMMUNITY CHURCH Third Annual International Holiday Bazaar
Sunday, December 1st | melsevans@yahoo.com
Wedgewood will once again host the International Holiday Bazaar on December 1st at Refugee Support Services, and we need your help! We're looking for vendors who sell handmade crafts, food, and music, and volunteers for the day of the event. All proceeds will support our immigrant community and Refugee Support Services. More details will be shared soon. For vendor inquiries or volunteer opportunities, please contact the church. Wedgewood Church <wedgewood.church@yahoo.com>
It will be held at the same location as last year, the Refugee Support Services building at 3925 Willard Farrow Drive in Charlotte.
We have created and will keep updated two Hurricane-Helene specific pages on our website:
Relief Resources – geared for you to share with impacted people – https://www.meckmin.org/s-hurricane-helene-relief-resources
Ways to Help – ways for you and your networks and communities to respond https://www.meckmin.org/copy-of-hurricane-helene-ways-to-help
If you have things to add, please email them with the subject lines:
“Possible addition to Hurricane Helene Relief Resources” OR “Possible addition to Hurricane Helene Ways to Help”
Newly added since last week:
NCDHHS Mental Health resources:
Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte is dedicated to supporting individuals and families impacted by this devastating event. They aim to connect you with the assistance and services you need as quickly as possible. To get started, please fill out the intake form, and a team member will reach out to you
Intake form: https://forcharlotte.us21.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7c402cc62722d7a8507755092&id=8815c9d23e&e=7c22e12f65
The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
The helpline is open to anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990.
Español: Llama o envía un mensaje de texto 1-800-985-5990 presiona “2.”
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing ASL Callers: Please text or call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 using your preferred Relay provider.
Support requested for undocumented survivors
If you have interest in helping or want to know more, contact me at ledayne@meckmin.org and I will connect you directly with the group.
Household Essentials:
Laundry detergent
Dish liquid
Cleaning products
Home Maintenance:
Hand tools
Chainsaw chains
Brooms & dustpans
Shovels & rakes
Appliances and Safety:
Refrigerators & stoves
Humidifiers & dehumidifiers
Carbon monoxide detectors (with batteries)
Fuel and Power:
Propane tanks
Home Repair Items:
6x6 lumber (8")
2x4 lumber (8")
2x6 lumber (10")
Decking screws (3")
Skill Saw
Corded drill set
Plumbing pipe (3"/2" schedule 40)
PVC plumbing and fittings
Flooring insulation (for under floors)
Sheet rock
Furniture Needs:
Living room and dining room furniture
Kitchen cabinets
If interested in helping with this request, contact LeDayne ledayne@meckmin.org
The Riverside Drive area is still in need of donations. If you feel called to donate locally, please visit our site to see the specific items currently being requested.
Food Donations: There is a critical need for food donations. Second Harvest Food Bank welcomes your support through food drives and contributions. For a list of requested items and how to run a drive, click the button below.
For information on all other donation needs and locations, please visit our website.
For more information and resources, please visit our website: https://charmeckresponds.org/
If you would like to help by donating your time, there is an urgent need for delivery drivers. The Diaper Bank is making regular deliveries to Western NC to provide essential items such as baby products, incontinence supplies, and period products. Due to the increased demand, they are seeking additional drivers. If you’re interested, please contact Madison via email at madison@ncdiaperbank.org.
They also need: Trucks or large vans to transport supplies such as diapers, baby formula, and other supplies.
Volunteers ALWAYS needed at the local warehouse: Includes opportunities for minors. Every two minors need an adult chaperone. There is a space for 0-3 year old daycare during the volunteer sessions.
Volunteer Driver - Email: info@ncdiaperbank.org
Volunteer Sessions: https://x.gldn.io/e/eZhSbRzojOb
If you have connections with congregations in the impacted areas who have vans or buses and might be willing to help transport survivors to Disaster Recovery Centers, please let LeDayne know, and she’ll connect you to local groups desperate for this help.
This place will coordinate distribution of the many items donated to Western Carolina, across agencies. They will need volunteers (Statesville) so keep your eyes open to learn more about how you can connect.
VOAD (Volunteer Agencies Active in Disaster), which is coordinating help in Western NC, is hosting weekly meetings and multiple committee meetings every week. LeDayne wants to stay connected but cannot be at every meeting and so is looking for volunteers who will join and report back. Reach out to LeDayne if you are interested (ledayne@meckmin.org)
We would particularly like to be represented at:
Volunteer committee: Fridays at 2 pm
DEI committee (Tues/Th am)
Spiritual and Emotional Care Wellness and Child Wellbeing (schedule TBA)
Thank you for all you continue to do to support Western North Carolina during this critical time. We are dedicated to enhancing our ability to coordinate together to best serve those who are recovering from the hurricane. The following are updates and resources shared during our statewide conversation last week:
D-SNAP (Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
D-SNAP (Spanish) is a temporary disaster food assistance program for individuals impacted by natural disasters like Hurricane Helene. In accordance with federal rules, applications for D-SNAP benefits in WNC closed on October 24 (Oct. 25 for five counties). Individuals who pre-registered for D-SNAP by October 24 at 4 p.m. but were unable to reach the call center to complete their interview received a call from county DSS officials by November 1.
As of October 30, 69,823 households (176,260 individuals) in 25 WNC counties and members of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians who live in zip code 28719 have been approved to receive benefits, which total over $42 million in financial support for western North Carolinians. D-SNAP benefits are issued on Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) cards that can be used at retailers that accept EBT cards, and benefits can be used for nine months. Households should call the toll-free number 1-888-622-7328 to change their PIN to a “difficult” PIN once they receive their D-SNAP card. If you lost your D-SNAP card, you can call the EBT Call Center at 866-719-0141 to request a replacement card.
Additional Resources for Food Support:
Debris Removal, Clean Up and Storage
Staying safe throughout the recovery process is absolutely critical. The NC Department of Public Safety offers tips and guides on topics ranging from debris removal to mold cleanup, well water testing, septic repairs and more.
What’s happening with debris?
It is important to dispose of waste from the storm properly to prevent contamination. Concerns have been raised about the locations of debris collection sites, particularly near housing areas in Buncombe County.
Please note, the debris collection site near Westmoreland and Deaverview apartments is closed. Efforts are underway with partners, including the Department of Environmental Quality, to assess other debris sites and their impact.
Burning of debris is minimized but may be necessary. Local health departments and the Army Corps of Engineers are working to provide more information.
How can North Carolinians stay safe around dust and debris?
Dust and particulate matter concerns are heightened following dry conditions post-hurricane, with respiratory symptoms being reported. A guide regarding exposure is available in English and Spanish.
Recommended precautions include staying indoors, keeping windows and doors closed, and using community spaces with filtered air if needed.
N-95 masks are advised for outdoor work or cleanup, especially in dusty conditions.
Online resources and videos are available on mold cleanup, toilet safety, well and septic system maintenance, and hand hygiene without clean water.
Private Well Disinfection and Testing
It is critical people do not drink or use water from a private well that has been damaged or flooded until it has been properly assessed for damage, disinfected, tested and cleared for use.
NCDHHS is providing free well disinfection and well water collection kits for testing that are being distributed through local health departments and other partners. About 40% of samples that have been tested to date include harmful bacteria. Please protect yourself and your loved ones by getting your private well tested.
Shelter and Housing Assistance
While shelters are still readily available, we know that people are anxious to return to their homes. A number of federal, state, and nonprofit programs are available to North Carolinians at all stages of recovery. Here are just a few:
Multi-Agency Shelter Transition Teams (MASTT) Teams are working in four shelters across Buncombe, Yancey, and Transylvania counties in North Carolina to create short- and long-term housing plans.
American Red Cross The American Red Cross currently has 7 shelters for people and their pets. View current open shelter locations.
Back@Home Program Back@Home offers housing navigation, case management, rental, and utility assistance in 26 impacted counties.
Physical and Mental Health Resources
Taking care of yourself during recovery from a disaster like Hurricane Helene is important for both residents and relief workers. Both physical and mental health are equally important.
It’s sick season. How can people access vaccines?
As a result of the storm, some vaccine supplies were lost. Local health departments are working with the state immunization branch to replenish vaccine stocks in Western North Carolina. More vaccines are being distributed to the region.
Community members are encouraged to receive seasonal vaccinations for COVID-19 and flu – especially with frequent exposure to dust and debris. Additionally, individuals should check with their healthcare providers to ensure they are up to date on tetanus vaccinations, especially if handling debris.
For those in Buncombe County, Buncombe County Mobile Services is offering free flu, COVID-19, and TDaP Vaccines. Vaccines are also available at the Buncombe County Health Department.
Where can people access mental health resources?
NCDHHS has deployed crisis counselors in shelters and communities to support mental health recovery from Hurricane Helene. The following are resources currently available to support those in Western North Carolina:
Comprehensive Services (Food, Housing, Transportation, Health and More)
It is hard to grasp all of the resources needed to support those impacted by the storm, however, many federal, state and local partners are working tirelessly to fill those gaps.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)Provides housing assistance and financial assistance. It will supplement other resources but does not fully restore losses. They also look to dispel rumors and misinformation that often follow disasters of this scale.
Healthy Opportunities Pilot (HOP) Program Operating in 18 counties in Western NC. Eligible individuals must meet clinical criteria and have Medicaid enrollment and be from one of the covered counties.
NC Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) VOAD helps to coordinate volunteer response throughout the region.
Additional Services and Resources
The next Hurricane Helene recovery webinar and tele-town hall will take place on November 20th at noon. Further details will be shared soon. We hope you can join us. Until then, for general information, access to resources, or answers to frequently asked questions, please visit ncdhhs.gov/helene
Queremos agradecerles por todo lo que siguen haciendo para apoyar al oeste de Carolina del Norte en este momento tan critico. Estamos comprometidos a coordinar esfuerzos para ayudar a quienes se están recuperando después del huracán. A continuación, incluimos algunas actualizaciones y recursos que compartimos durante nuestra conversación estatal la semana pasada:
D-SNAP (Programa de Asistencia Nutricional Suplementaria para Desastres)
D-SNAP es un programa temporal de ayuda alimentaria para personas afectadas por desastres naturales, como el huracán Helene. Según las reglas federales, la solicitud para recibir beneficios de D-SNAP en el oeste de Carolina del Norte cerró el 24 de octubre (el 25 de octubre para cinco condados). Si te preinscribiste para recibir D-SNAP antes del 24 de octubre a las 4 p.m. y no lograste comunicarte con el centro de llamadas para completar tu entrevista, funcionarios de la oficina del Departamento de Servicios Sociales (DSS) de tu condado te habrían llamado antes del 1 de noviembre.
Para el 30 de octubre, 69,823 hogares (176,260 personas) en 25 condados del oeste de Carolina del Norte y miembros de la Banda Oriental de Indios Cherokee que viven en el código postal 28719 han sido aprobados para recibir beneficios, los cuales suman más de $42 millones en apoyo financiero para los habitantes del oeste de Carolina del Norte. Los beneficios de D-SNAP se emiten en tarjetas de transferencia electrónica de beneficios (EBT) que pueden usarse en tiendas que aceptan estas tarjetas, y los beneficios están disponibles por nueve meses. Los hogares deben llamar al número gratuito 1-888-622-7328 para cambiar su PIN a un “PIN difícil” cuando reciban su tarjeta D-SNAP. Si perdiste tu tarjeta D-SNAP, puedes llamar al centro de atención de NC EBT al 1-866-719-0141 para solicitar una tarjeta de reemplazo.
Recursos adicionales para apoyo alimentario:
Retiro de escombros, limpieza y almacenamiento
Es fundamental mantener la seguridad durante todo el proceso de recuperación. El Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Carolina del Norte ofrece consejos y guías sobre varios temas desde el retiro de escombros hasta la limpieza de moho, pruebas de agua de pozo, reparaciones de sistemas sépticos y más.
¿Qué está pasando con los escombros?
Es importante limpiar los escombros de la tormenta adecuadamente para evitar la contaminación. Han surgido inquietudes sobre la ubicación de los sitios de recolección de escombros, especialmente cerca de áreas residenciales en el condado de Buncombe.
Por favor, ten en cuenta que el sitio de recolección de escombros cerca de los apartamentos Westmoreland y Deaverview está cerrado. Se están realizando esfuerzos con socios, como el Departamento de Calidad Ambiental, para evaluar otros sitios de escombros y su impacto.
La quema de escombros se está minimizando, pero puede ser necesaria en algunos casos. Los departamentos de salud locales y el Cuerpo de Ingenieros del Ejército están trabajando para proporcionar más información.
¿Cómo pueden mantenerse seguros los habitantes en Carolina del Norte ante el polvo y los escombros?
Después del huracán, el polvo y las partículas que hay en el aire son más preocupantes debido a la sequía, y hay reportes de síntomas respiratorios. Hay una guía sobre cómo cuidarte, disponible en inglésy español.
Se recomienda quedarse adentro, mantener ventanas y puertas cerradas, y usar espacios comunitarios con aire filtrado si es posible.
Para trabajar o limpiar al aire libre, especialmente si hay mucho polvo, es buena idea usar una mascarilla N-95.
Hay recursos en línea y videos sobre cómo limpiar el moho, usar el inodoro de forma segura, mantener pozos y sistemas sépticos, y cómo lavarse las manos sin agua limpia.
Desinfección y análisis de pozos privados
Es muy importante no beber ni usar agua de un pozo privado que haya sido dañado o inundado hasta que sea revisado para ver si tiene daños, se desinfecte, se analice y se declare seguro para su uso.
El NCDHHS está ofreciendo kits gratuitos para desinfección y recolección de muestras de agua de pozos, que se están distribuyendo a través de los departamentos de salud locales y otros colaboradores. Alrededor del 40% de las muestras que se han analizado hasta ahora contienen bacterias dañinas. Protégete a ti y a tus seres queridos haciendo que analicen el agua de tu pozo privado.
Asistencia de refugio y vivienda
Aunque los refugios están disponibles, sabemos que muchos desean regresar a sus hogares. Existen varios programas federales, estatales y sin fines de lucro para ayudar a los habitantes de Carolina del Norte en todas las etapas de recuperación. Aquí te compartimos algunos:
Equipos de transición de refugio de múltiples agencias (MASTT) Estos equipos están trabajando en cuatro refugios en los condados de Buncombe, Yancey y Transylvania en Carolina del Norte para crear planes de vivienda a corto y largo plazo.
Cruz Roja Americana La Cruz Roja tiene actualmente 7 refugios para personas y sus mascotas. Puedes ver la lista de refugios abiertos.
Programa Back@Home Back@Home ofrece apoyo para encontrar vivienda, gestión de casos, asistencia para alquiler y servicios en 26 condados afectados.
Recursos para la salud física y mental
Cuidarse durante la recuperación de un desastre como el huracán Helene es importante tanto para los habitantes como para quienes brindan ayuda. La salud física y mental son igual de importantes.
Es temporada de enfermedades respiratorias. ¿Cómo pueden acceder a las vacunas?
Debido a la tormenta, se perdieron algunas vacunas. Los departamentos de salud locales están trabajando con la rama estatal de inmunización para reponer los suministros en el oeste de Carolina del Norte. Se están distribuyendo más vacunas en la región.
Se anima a los habitantes a recibir las vacunas de temporada contra el COVID-19 y la gripe (influenza), especialmente por la frecuente exposición al polvo y los escombros. Además, se recomienda verificar con sus proveedores de salud si tienen su vacuna contra el tétanos al día, sobre todo si están manejando escombros.
Para quienes están en el condado de Buncombe, los Servicios Móviles del Condado de Buncombe están ofreciendo vacunas gratuitas contra la gripe, COVID-19 y TDaP. Las vacunas también están disponibles en el Departamento de Salud del Condado de Buncombe.
¿Dónde pueden acceder a recursos de salud mental?
El NCDHHS ha enviado consejeros de crisis a los refugios y comunidades para apoyar la recuperación de la salud mental tras el huracán Helene. Estos son algunos recursos disponibles actualmente para ayudar a quienes están en el oeste de Carolina del Norte:
Centro de tratamiento de abuso de alcohol y sustancias Julian F. Keith
Superando la tormenta - Recursos de salud mental y relacionados con la discapacidad
Línea de ayuda para niños con necesidades especiales de atención médica
Línea de ayuda Hope for NC, apoyo para miembros de equipos de rescate inmediato y voluntarios
Servicios integrales (comida, vivienda, transporte, salud y más)
Es difícil entender todos los recursos necesarios para apoyar a quienes fueron afectados por la tormenta, pero muchos socios federales, estatales y locales están trabajando arduamente para cubrir esas necesidades.
FEMA (Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias)Ofrece asistencia para vivienda y ayuda financiera. Complementa otros recursos, pero no restaura completamente las pérdidas. También se esfuerzan por desmentir rumores y desinformación que a menudo siguen a desastres de este tipo.
Programa Pilotos de Oportunidades Saludables (HOP) Este programa opera en 18 condados del oeste de Carolina del Norte. Las personas elegibles deben cumplir con criterios clínicos, estar inscritas en Medicaid y ser de uno de los condados cubiertos.
Organizaciones Voluntarias Activas en Desastres de Carolina del Norte (VOAD) La VOAD ayuda a coordinar la respuesta de los voluntarios en toda la región.
Servicios y recursos adicionales
El próximo evento virtual sobre la recuperación del huracán Helene se llevará a cabo el 20 de noviembre al mediodía. Pronto compartiremos más detalles. Esperamos que puedas unirte a nosotros. Mientras tanto, para información general, acceso a recursos o respuestas a preguntas frecuentes, visita ncdhhs.gov/helene.
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)
Sarai Serrano | sserrano@hispanicfederation.org | c:407.743.2291 | f:212.233.8996
NC Medicaid Expansion Program Manager
206A E Tremont Ave., Charlotte, NC 28203
114 N Center St., Mt. Olive, NC 28365
hispanicfederation.org Find us on social media
Date: Saturday, November 9, 2024
Location: Our Bridge East - 3925 Willard Farrow Dr, Charlotte, NC 28215
Event Start Time: 11:00 AM
Help Us Spread the Word
Please continue to promote the event on social media and within your network! Flyers are attached to share with your contacts.
Available Services & Workshops
Please encourage the community to take advantage of these free services and workshops, including:
Free groceries and hygiene products
Health Services: Eye exams (appointment needed, see flyer), general check-ups (glucose and blood pressure tests), and flu vaccines (100 available)
Citizenship Clinic: Free application assistance (appointment needed, see flyer)
Workshops on important topics:
Know Your Rights
Mental Health
Children’s Mental Health and Disabilities Awareness
Kids’ Activities: Free haircuts, bouncy houses, face painting, and a 360-degree photo booth
Giveaways for Kids: Free popcorn, cotton candy, and soccer balls
Entertainment: DJ, folk dances, Zumba classes, and contests with exciting prizes
We’re excited to have 28 amazing community organizations and look forward to an impactful and memorable day together.

In celebration of the American Heart Association’s 100th birthday, the American Heart Association is committed to distributing blood pressure monitoring stations to 100 faith communities across North Carolina. With nearly half of U.S. adults living with high blood pressure—many unaware of their condition—these stations will empower communities to take control of their health. By placing a blood pressure monitor in a common area and encouraging members to check their blood pressure before or after services or gatherings, you can help create a healthier, more informed community.
If you are interested in receiving a blood pressure station from the American Heart Association, please complete this interest form by today! We will select 100 organizations to receive these stations, along with educational resources and guidance to help you establish and maintain an effective blood pressure monitoring program.
Questions? Greater Charlotte Region: Shannon Emmanuel, shannon.emmanuel@heart.org
Finally, we want to make sure everyone knows that open enrollment is open to DACA recipients this year! For the first time, DACA recipients are able to enroll in marketplace health plans through HealthCare.gov. We have a CMS toolkit linked below, so please take a look and help spread the word so that everyone who is eligible and needs health insurance is able to get it.
Mark your calendars: O2E and YI Twitter Chat next Tuesday, Nov 12 at 3pm ET
In a presentation my colleague attended recently, psychotherapist and artist Nat Vikitsreth used the analogy of “The Hokey Pokey” to illustrate the need to both put “our whole selves in” to the work of justice as well as the equal need to take “our whole selves out” to pause and reset, creating rhythms of rest and action. We cannot wait for a more opportune time to rest because that time might never arrive. Rest should not be a privilege for some. Rest is a right.
Nap Ministry founder Tricia Hersey encourages us to think beyond the impulse to work tirelessly to exhaustion, recognizing rest as essential for long-term commitment to justice work. Throughout her writing and public teaching, she frames rest as an active, transformative practice rather than a passive or unproductive state. Without adequate rest, prolonged stress will harm us physically and emotionally, leading to burnout before the necessary work is complete. Resting is a strategic tool, not an act of surrender.
Read the whole article here: https://sojo.net/articles/opinion/election-critical-so-taking-time-rest
ONE WEEK FROM TODAY – Thursday, November 14 at 11 a.m.