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October 31, 2024 | Faith, Community and Non-Profit Leader Check-In Meeting

Writer: meckminmeckmin

Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings

As of October 3, we are back to holding our check-in meetings for faith, community and nonprofit leaders WEEKLY. We will continue to address general needs in the community as well as issues related to Hurricane Helene.

These meetings are open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response, especially in partnership with the most vulnerable among us. 

Meetings are held online every Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.


Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:



Honoring Our Common Connection and Our Uniqueness

We gather this morning as one community

A community united by common ideals:

Love, justice, diversity, freedom, mutual care, equity.

Yet look around. Look at the faces of those around you. Each face represents an individual

Every one of us with our own story, needs, strengths, and faults.

[We come together] today honoring our common connection

And also the uniqueness that lives within each of us.

-Adam Slate (published on the UU Worship Web Library,




We are collecting Newborn and Size 5 ONLY

For anyone who wants to publicize the Amazon Wishlist for the Diaper Bank, here's the link:

A reminder, this link will allow for people to purchase diapers and wipes and have them directly sent to the Diaper Bank and held aside for our specific event.  If you prefer to drop off diapers you can do that at Advent Lutheran and Park Road Baptist Church. Details in the flyer.


Sunday, November 17 | 2:00 - 4:00 PM | Advent Lutheran Church

Calling ALL middle and high school youth to join us on Sunday, November 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church for a diaper packing service project.

Register HERE


Join MeckMIN on Thursday, November 21, at 6 PM to celebrate the spirit of Thanksgiving and faith diversity through prayer, music and food. There will be international food and presentations from five different faith groups.

Register HERE

Please help us share this event by posting on your various communication channels:


Thursday, December 19 | Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte

Open to ALL. Join us for a Potluck dinner and a chance to have a conversation around the table with people of various faiths on Thursday, December 19 at 6:30 PM at Unitarian Universalist Community of Charlotte.

Register HERE


  • April 6, 2025 (evening) –  Interfaith Youth Panel

  • May 8, 2025 (morning) - Awards Breakfast 



MeckMIN offers a variety of training events, all of which can be tailored to your group, your budget, and the amount of time you have available. Here’s one example: 


Topics include: Types of Trauma; The Effects of Trauma; Victim/Survivor Cycle of Unhealed Trauma; Aggressor/Offender Cycle of Unhealed Trauma; Breaking the Cycle; Transformative Initiatives and Stories

Timing: 3 to 4 hours

Cost: $1000 ($500 for current MeckMIN members)


A basic introduction can be offered in 90 minutes. Cost: $250 ($125 for current MeckMIN members) Can also be offered as a full-day session or weekend retreat with additional topics. Price negotiable.

For a full list of trainings we offer visit our website for prices and further information: HERE The (reasonable and negotiable!) fees for these programs support the work of MeckMIN – and the skills, knowledge and connections created are invaluable. 



Finally, we have an active speaker’s bureau of local members representing a wide range of cultural and faith traditions, and we’re happy to connect you. Email us at


These Thursday 11 a.m. Zoom calls will be held WEEKLY through the end of December as we work to share information and resources and to lift up needs related to Hurricane Helene – we will also continue to offer general information/resources/needs as we have been doing. 

The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations


Good Health on the Go:

Meck Co. Public Health has a new service—medical vending machines aElla B. Scarborough Community Resource Center at 430 Stitt Road in Charlotte. The help-yourself kiosks hold Narcan, COVID-19 tests, and sexual health kits. All items are free to residents, who register for the medications on their phones for verification. This is the first of a planned series of machines.

Voting Info:

Saturday, Nov. 2 is the last day to vote early in the 2024 General Election. Voters can visit any of the 33 early voting sites in Mecklenburg County, and are encouraged to check their voter registration before heading out. (Note: Residents can register and vote on the same day.)Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 5) voting is open 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Voters must cast their ballots at their assigned precinct on Election Day and must bring a photo ID to vote in North Carolina elections. (Note: Voters without an ID can still vote with a provisional ballot.) For additional info:


Question from Member Pastor: 

Do you have any organization that assists with deposit and first month rents that I can reach out to? I have a single mom, survivor of intimate partner violence. Thanks in advance


Roof Above is a comprehensive homeless service provider serving 1,200 people per day through a spectrum of services ranging from street outreach, day services, emergency shelter, and permanent supportive housing. 3311 people are experiencing homelessness in Mecklenburg according to HUD. That is  a 20% increase over last year and even a big increase since August. for more info. 

Room at the Inn

December 2nd is the kick off. You don’t have to be ready by kick off so if you have an interest to be a host site you can contact

Education Opportunities

We are happy to come to your congregation, your business or your non-profit to teach more about homelessness. Rev. John Cleghorn also has a new book out with amazing stories and research.“Building Belonging: The Church’s Call to Create Community & House Our Neighbors”

Buying from Caldwell Presbyterian Church donates all profits to “Easter’s Home” - which is the 21-unit housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness, on the property of Caldwell Presbyterian Church.


Winter is coming. Our QT Street Outreach Team needs sleeping bags and other winter gear to give to neighbors who are unsheltered. Can you help?

Affordable Housing Resource

Here is a new resource to raise awareness about affordable housing resources in North Mecklenburg: Affordable Housing Helps All – We all are affected by the availability of affordable housing.

Point In Time Count (PIT Count)

The 2025 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count will take place on the night of January 30, 2025 and during the day of, January 31, 2024. The PIT Count is when our community comes together to survey each person experiencing sheltered or unsheltered homelessness on one night. It is also when we capture temporary and permanent housing capacity and inventory across the housing continuum. The Point-in-Time Count and Housing Inventory Count are required activities for the Continuum of Care (CoC) to receive federal homelessness funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD).

The 2024 data will include anyone experiencing homelessness, and the capacity to temporarily and permanently house this population, as HUD defines it on the night of January 24, 2024. The unsheltered homelessness census involves engagement with individuals who are not already receiving services, and therefore, typically requires significant in-person contact.

For the 2024 PIT Count, Charlotte-Mecklenburg will return to leaning on volunteers to complete the unsheltered portion of the PIT. We will expand coverage to canvas all of Mecklenburg County. Stay tuned for how you can make the planning team aware of locations where you know people experiencing unsheltered homelessness may be sleeping. We will need over 100 volunteers to conduct surveys throughout the day on Thursday, January 25, 2024 so we will need your participation! Please sign up using the link below.

Like previous years, Charlotte-Mecklenburg will complete the sheltered homelessness census and HIC (Housing Inventory Count). The relevant data for these activities should already be in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) as a part of regular data workflows completed by staff when an individual enters an emergency shelter or transitional housing facility. For the purposes of the HIC, providing and updating organizational capacity in HMIS involves communication and coordination among providers and HMIS staff.

Data from the 2024 Point-in-Time Count will be released with the 2024 State of Housing Instability & Homelessness Report in Fall 2024.

Ways to Engage


Mecklenburg County will soon open volunteer registration for the 2025 PIT Count, which will take place in January of 2025. If you’d like to learn more about people experiencing unsheltered homelessness, consider participating. You’ll be assigned to go out into the community with someone trained in street outreach. Volunteer for the 2025 Mecklenburg County PIT Count

The book Joe Hamby talked about by John Cleghorn:

“Building Belonging: The Church’s Call to Create Community & House Our Neighbors”

Buying from Caldwell Presbyterian Church donates all profits to “Easter’s Home” - which is the 21-unit housing for people experiencing chronic homelessness, on the property of Caldwell Presbyterian Church.

Nov 9 | 4-6 PM | GROW CAFÉ (5342 Docia Crossing Rd Charlotte, NC 28269)

Jomaira Ortiz | 

Co-founder/Executive Director

Join Aventura Consciente and Rooted Hearts Ministries for an afternoon of fun and connection while supporting local autistic-serving organizations. At this event, Cheeses and Things will teach us how to create a custom charcuterie board and leave with new friendships and a full heart. $40 and space is limited so reserve your spot today. 

Doneta Dawson | | 513-252-2513

Doneta Dawson Ministries, Kingdom Arts Fuzions , Pure Heart Media and Revive Church are thrilled to present Night of Worship, a transformative event designed to bring together worshippers and artists from near and far for an unforgettable night of praise and unity. This highly anticipated event will take place on November 16, 2024, at 6:00 PM, at Revive Church, located in the heart of Charlotte, North Carolina. The theme is “Hasten His Throne”.

Night of Worship promises to be a spiritual experience like no other, as we unite to worship the King of Kings through music, prayer, and fellowship. Artists from diverse backgrounds and experiences will come together, sharing their talents and faith to create a powerful atmosphere of worship. Attendees will have the opportunity to encounter God in a new and profound way, surrounded by voices lifted in praise.

This event isn’t just a concert: it’s a movement. We aim to bridge the gap between different communities, cultures, and creative expressions, all under the banner of worship. We are calling all artists, worshippers, and believers from across the nation to join us for this incredible night.

Special Guests and Featured Artists 

We are excited to welcome special guest performers and worship leaders from all walks of life, each bringing their unique gifts to the stage. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect with these artists and be inspired by their testimonies and talents, making Night of Worship a celebration of both creativity and faith.

Join Us:

This night is not just about attending; it’s about participating in a community united by worship, breaking barriers, and connecting through a shared love for Jesus Christ.

We are looking for sponsors, vendors and investors. We welcome vendors to share their businesses and we seek partners and investors to support the live recording at the event. If interested in vending at this event please email If you would like to  donate/Sponsor/Partner with us, please reach out to

We also have an Amazon gift registry for donations for this event:

A percentage of the financial proceeds will go to community initiatives for teen girls in Charlotte group homes and orphanages.  We also have an upcoming suitcase drive for these same teen girls. 

Natalie Norman |

President, Assistance League of Charlotte

Assistance League of Charlotte is a nonprofit member volunteer organization dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families in need within our community. For over 30 years, we have proudly served the Charlotte area through philanthropic programs aimed at providing essential resources, educational support, and a pathway to brighter futures. We feed, we clothe, we mentor, we educate—all to improve lives through hands-on programs that make a lasting impact.

  • We feed: In partnership with Second Harvest, we fund and staff several mobile pantries and weekend backpack programs at CMS schools, ensuring students have access to nutritious food during the weekends and breaks. We also fill new Habitat for Humanity homes with essential kitchen supplies and pantry items.

  • We clothe: Our Operation School Bell program supplies new school clothing, winter coats, and school supplies to children in need in over 40 CMS schools, so every child can start each day ready to learn with confidence.

  • We mentor: Through our Mecklenburg County Teen Court program, we offer juvenile offenders a second chance, guiding them through a restorative justice process that holds them accountable while providing mentoring and peer support.

  • We educate: Our scholarship program supports students who dream of attending college, helping them pursue higher education, including community college, without the burden of financial stress. Our community awards help area children afford summer camps, music lessons, and STEM programs. 

Our thrift shop, located on Old Pineville Road, is our primary fundraiser, in addition to grants and donations. Entirely volunteer-run, the shop has become a staple in the community, where we foster and treasure our relationships with both our donors and customers.

If you’re looking for a way to make a difference, I invite you to consider supporting or joining the Assistance League of Charlotte. We’d love to send our Speakers Bureau to speak at your organization, sharing more about our mission and impact. And if your team would like to get hands-on, we’d be delighted to arrange for your group to assist us at our donation door on a Saturday. Whether through a donation, shopping at our thrift shop, or becoming a volunteer, your involvement would be deeply valued and impactful. 

Apryl Lewis | | 7049129294

Consultant & Advocate

Check out this newest database of learning materials that is free to users. It contains technology, career prep, financial help and more. You need a library card which is free to sign up for. It is one place to house resources and they aim to grow the database even more. 

In addition - immediate emergency!  A hotel is about to displace about 75 people. Apryl was looking for water because their water was shut off.  The people on the call pointed her towards NourishUp (704-523-4333 ask for TIm) and 

Please also reach out to her if you have youth programs with spaces open

She Dreams In Color Foundation was founded in May 2022, we are a quickly emerging nonprofit. Our mission is to fund mental health therapy sessions for marginalized women, which we define as Black, Indigenous, Hispanic, Asian and other women of color, who live below Federal Poverty guidelines which is $39,000 for a family of four, and who live in six health disparity zip codes here. We start by providing a health care package of eight sessions and will allow the therapists to determine how many more are needed.

Our funds will go to locally owned mental health practices that reflect the community we serve. This allows for better cultural sensitivity and economic development of small businesses here. Statistically, 75% of therapists are women and 25% identify with a minority group so our funds will likely go to traditionally disadvantaged small business owners.

Our mission is to also destigmatize mental health needs and seeking care for all people. We do this through online storytelling content, which has been shown through NIH research to effectively reduce stigma. We host events where mental health is woven into stories, art, music, community, and small business engagements. 

I am proud of the demographic we have reached in two years through our events and online content. We have built a community that includes all generations 15 to 70+ years old, from varied ethnicities and religions, and cultures. And at the core, they share stories and experiences to connect. In person and online communities are vital in the work to address mental health needs and seeking care. When you look at our website, I suspect you'll see yourself in there somewhere because we've worked hard to make everyone feel seen, heard, and welcome.


  • $100 = 1 hour of mental health therapy

  • Our Telly Award Winning interview series & podcast 

  • The Queens Tea Party: May 4, 2025When you buy a ticket to The Queen's Tea Party, you're providing one hour of mental health therapy to a Charlotte woman who couldn't otherwise afford it. 


Rescheduled for Thursday Nov 14th from 1-5 at 618 College Street

Patrice Brown-Anderson), SPF Rx | | M: 704-891-2624 | F: 704-531-4414 

Sr. Program Manager, Carolinas CARE PartnershipE: 


We have created and will keep updated two Hurricane-Helene specific pages on our website:

  1. Relief Resources – geared for you to share with impacted people –

  2. Ways to Help – ways for you and your networks and communities to respond

If you have things to add, please email them with the subject lines: 

“Possible addition to Hurricane Helene Relief Resources” OR “Possible addition to Hurricane Helene Ways to Help”


JustServe Specialist, Greater Charlotte and Piedmont Areas

At JustServe we believe in building unity through community service. is a web platform where the volunteer needs of organizations may be posted and volunteers may search for places to serve in the community, providing opportunities to help those in need and enhance the quality of life in the community.  We have two volunteer opportunities to share:

Hurricane Helene showed us the utter devastation one storm can cause to property, ecosystems, and life. However, the aftermath of Helene has also brought out the best of humanity as strangers and neighbors come together to support one another and begin down the long road of restoration.

River cleanups are a necessary part of this process, which is why Catawba Riverkeeper is working diligently with partners throughout the region to assess areas impacted by the storm and create a comprehensive plan for restorative cleanups moving forward. Cleanup information and registration links are posted below as they become available. Check in regularly for more opportunities to help restore the communities and natural places we love! 

Volunteers needed for sorting/packing OTC medications for Hurricane impacted areas.

FEMA APPLICTION Deadline November 27

Wednesday, November 27 is the deadline to apply for FEMA Individual Assistance

Everyone should apply to see if they are eligible for assistance. Legal Aid of NC and Pisgah Legal offer disaster legal services programs to assist with applications and appeals to FEMA, for homeowners and rentals dealing with damage and displacement, and for fraud support.


Disaster relief quick doc guide for applying for aid online.


DO NOT bring in donations or volunteers unless you have a local partner! Uncoordinated donations are resulting in unneeded supplies that monopolize storage space. Utilize the coordination resources below.


  1. Utilize

  2. List your volunteer need on Hands On Asheville 

  3. Contact United Way to get your opportunities listed and matched to volunteers.


  1. Crisis Cleanup Phone Volunteers: English and Spanish volunteers are desperately needed. Volunteers must be associated with an organization registered in Crisis Cleanup. Info is located at

  2. NCVOAD:

  3. United Way 211:



Local Reports & Top Issues in the Impacted Zone

Reports from the impacted zone were shared. Some themes from experiences on the ground included:

  1. NEED TO SELF-IDENTIFY: Organizations in the impacted zones are looking for individuals with a need for muck and gut services to self-identify as it’s becoming harder to find those in need of help.

  2. HOUSING: Temporary housing solutions like tiny houses and hot tents are much needed.

  3. TRANSPORTATION: Due to the loss of many survivors’ personal vehicles, locals are seeking temporary transportation solutions to get around the area.

OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)

Available Services & Workshops

Please encourage the community to take advantage of these free services and workshops, including:

  • Free groceries and hygiene products

  • Health Services: Eye exams (appointment needed, see flyer), general check-ups (glucose and blood pressure tests), and flu vaccines (100 available)

  • Citizenship Clinic: Free application assistance (appointment needed, see flyer)

  • Workshops on important topics:

    • Know Your Rights

    • Mental Health

    • Children’s Mental Health and Disabilities Awareness

  • Kids’ Activities: Free haircuts, bouncy houses, face painting, and a 360-degree photo booth

  • Giveaways for Kids: Free popcorn, cotton candy, and soccer balls

  • Entertainment: DJ, folk dances, Zumba classes, and contests with exciting prizes


We’re excited to have 28 amazing community organizations and look forward to an impactful and memorable day together.



Amee Roome asks, “Does anyone know where a person who owns a small house cleaning business can get help with clients who are refusing to pay what they owe?”

Answer: Legal Aid,  and the Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy, 704-376-1600, 


Keiba Young | | 704-536-6661

First In Families of Mecklenburg County is a project of InReach. We provide financial support to individuals with an intellectual/developmental disability (i.e., Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy or Traumatic Brain Injury). 


HEALTHCARE MARKETPLACE (Notification from Charlotte Legal Advocacy)

Health Insurance Navigator Project Manager, Charlotte Center for Legal Advocacy 

We are thrilled to announce that a new Open Enrollment period for the Marketplace is approaching. After extensive advocacy efforts this year, a new rule benefiting the immigrant community has officially taken effect. Starting on November 1, DACA recipients and some other lawfully present residents will be eligible to participate in the Marketplace, provided they meet all other requirements. To celebrate this significant milestone, We will host an event focusing on the significance of the final rule, which will benefit more than 20,000 North Carolinians statewide. 

Please help us share this wonderful news with your patients, consumers and partners. Health Insurance Navigator will be having appointments available from 1:30 PM to 8:00 PM in our office. Walk-ins are welcome and they can also call to secure an appointment. 



Location: Our Bridge East - 3925 Willard Farrow Dr, Charlotte, NC 28215

Event Start Time: 11:00 AM


Available Services & Workshops

Please encourage the community to take advantage of these free services and workshops, including:

  • Free groceries and hygiene products

  • Health Services: Eye exams (appointment needed, see flyer), general check-ups (glucose and blood pressure tests), and flu vaccines (100 available)

  • Citizenship Clinic: Free application assistance (appointment needed, see flyer)

  • Workshops on important topics:

    • Know Your Rights

    • Mental Health

    • Children’s Mental Health and Disabilities Awareness

  • Kids’ Activities: Free haircuts, bouncy houses, face painting, and a 360-degree photo booth

  • Giveaways for Kids: Free popcorn, cotton candy, and soccer balls

  • Entertainment: DJ, folk dances, Zumba classes, and contests with exciting prizes


We’re excited to have 28 amazing community organizations and look forward to an impactful and memorable day together.




Voting is underway in North Carolina, and election officials want to remind voters to check if their ballot was counted this election season.

Some voters have concerns about whether their vote has been counted correctly.

Here's how to ensure your vote has been cast and counted.



~ A Note from Ayya Sudhamma of the Charlotte Buddhist Vihara ~

As our country heads towards possible changes in the power structure of government, with unknown impacts to the social fabric and unpredictable interactions among our fellows, let’s stay focused on what we can do to stay peaceful and beneficial to others.

According to the Buddha, if you “act or speak with a defiled state of mind, suffering will follow…” But if you “act or speak with a pure state of mind, happiness will follow you” everywhere, always.”

Let us remain focused on wholesomeness, kusala, in all our actions of body, speech, and mind.  When we stay wholesome, we offer the world around us a peaceful shelter.  And our words and actions coming from a wholesome place will cut through the noise to have an outsized positive and lasting impact.

The Buddha said,

“Let us live so very happily, 

loving among the hostile.  

Among hostile people, 

let us live with love.”  - Dh 197

“There is no fire like greed, 

no crime like hate, 

no suffering like the aggregates, 

no bliss beyond peace.”  - Dh 202

For the greatest good, and to enjoy peace no matter what, let’s center ourselves in unconditional love, harmlessness and good intentions. 

May you be happy.


ONE WEEK FROM TODAY – Thursday, November 7 at 11 a.m.






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