Welcome to MeckMIN's Thursday Zoom Check-In Meetings
Our every other week check-in meeting is open to anyone interested in supporting compassionate community response to our most vulnerable neighbors. Meetings are held online every other Thursday from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Email LeDayne Polaski for Zoom access code. In addition, if you would like to receive notification when these minutes are posted, please email LeDayne and ask to be added to the Thursday meetings email list.
Click HERE to Access Zoom Recording:
Prayer from Jack Kornfield
My simple prayer was that in all things I learned to love.
That I learned to touch the ever-changing seasons of life with a great heart of compassion.
That I lived with the peace and justice I wished for the earth.
That I learned to care fully and let go gracefully.
That I enjoy abundance of the Earth and return to it from the natural generosity that is our birthright.
That through my own life, through joy and sorrow, and thought, word, and deed,
I bring benefit and blessings to all that lives.
My heart and the heart of all learn to be free.
1. MeckMIN Updates
September 26 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Wood Fellowship Hall
Please register in advance.
Faith Club is a long-standing MeckMIN program for women of all faiths -- we gather monthly to discuss books, essays, videos and more. As you'll see below, we have a RICH variety of topics! We also create rich, deep and lasting friendships across lines of difference. We WELCOME new members. Email meckmin@meckmin.org to learn more.
Oct. 20 - (Sunday) Sukkah event; Discuss In Sweet Company: Conversations with Extraordinary Women about Living a Spiritual Life Margaret Wolff
LIMITED TO 14 WOMEN If you are interested, email LeDayne at meckmin@meckmin.org
Sunday, October 27 | 1:00 PM
University Soup Kitchen
Family friendly so feel fee to come with your youth or children.
Register HERE

October 6 | 2 PM | Belk Chapel, Queens University

Join us on Sunday, October 6, at 2 PM, at the Belk Chapel in Queens University, for a wonderful panel in which women from Christian (Protestant & Catholic), Muslim, Buddhist, and Sikh traditions speak on the status and ministerial roles (clergy and lay) of women in their respective traditions.
Register HERE
OCTOBER 29 12:00 to 1:30 PM | The Park Expo & Conference Center | 800 Briar Creek Rd, Charlotte, NC 28205
Topic: Communities of Faith Impacting the Community for Good

Wellness Moment Leader: Rev. Dr. Zaria Davis
Speaker: Federico Rios
Lunch provided by Serengeti Kitchen -- A grant from Foundation for the Carolinas covers these events. If you are able to make a donation toward the cost of your lunch, it will help us to extend the life of the grant, allowing us to have more of these lunches!
Purchase a lunch ticket HERE
Nov 17th with Advent Lutheran in support of the Diaper Bank.

An interfaith youth diaper wrapping party will be held Sunday, November 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Advent Lutheran Church. Open to middle and high school youth (and adults accompanying them.) Attendees are welcome but not required to bring diapers to donate.
There will be: Time to get to know youth from other faiths, a short intro into why the work of the Diaper Bank is needed, a service project wrapping diapers for distribution, and snacks.
We should have registration and a flyer available soon -- please let us know if you want to be on the mailing list to get youth-specific flyers.
Register HERE
MeckMIN offers a number of training programs on topics that are especially relevant in our society today. Training programs include skills and mindsets for effective conversations when we disagree, trauma awareness and resilience, racism, movement for social change, activism, and conflict transformation. We also offer interfaith panels for workplaces and schools. Prices and further information are available HERE
These trainings can be brought to you -- perhaps your congregation, school, neighborhood association, or nonprofit would like to host your own event.
MEETINGS for FAITH, COMMUNITY, and NONPROFIT LEADERS - Every other Thursday via Zoom
Upcoming Dates are:
October 10 and 24
November 7 and 21
December 5 and 19
If you are not yet receiving our regular email newsletter be sure and sign up here: https://www.meckmin.org/contact-us
Mecklenburg County Health Department
David Sweat | David.Sweat@mecklenburgcountync.gov
Covid-19 Response Unit Director
Everything is improving in terms of COVID. It is very high but dropping. There are also fewer hospitalizations. Flu activity remains low in NC right now. This makes it the perfect time to get the seasonal Flu shot and the seasonal COVID shot. Get both before the end of October!!
Liz Graham | Mecklenburg County Marketing Coordinator | 704-245-5715
Community Service Grants
Mecklenburg County would like to encourage local organizations to apply for Community Service Grants. These are available each year in four areas. To learn more about this and other funding opportunities, attend the information session Oct. 17 from 9 - 11 a.m., at the Valerie C. Woodard Conference Center Auditorium located at 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 5000, Charlotte, NC 28208. Registration is encouraged, but not required.
Apply under one of the four goal areas that reflect the County’s goal areas:
Connected Community
Economic Opportunities
Healthy Community
Safe Community
County Advisory Boards
Interested in serving the community? Apply today for an appointment to a Mecklenburg County Advisory Board, Committee, or Commission. Citizen involvement is a key element to open government. It provides an opportunity for public input in the decision-making process. Individuals interested in serving are asked to submit an application online or contact the County Clerk’s Office, at 980-314-2939, or Clerk@MeckNC.gov. Applicants must reside in Mecklenburg County to qualify for an appointment. Learn more at MeckNC.gov.
CoC Equity & Inclusion Committee - Vacant Seats
The CoC's Membership/Nominating Committee is seeking applications to fill two vacant seats on the CoC's Equity & Inclusion Committee:
The Equity & Inclusion Committee is responsible for developing and implementing plans and processes to assess if CoC policy and resource allocation decisions positively impact inequities among homeless individuals and families in the community.
The CoC's Youth Action Board (YAB) is seeking new members!
The YAB is a youth (ages 18-24) with lived experience committee on a mission to eradicate youth homelessness. If your agency serves youth who have or are currently experiencing homelessness, please encourage them to complete the application linked below. For any questions, please email Cltyouthactionboard@gmail.com.
Residents Invited to Attend County Resource Open House Events
Mecklenburg County At-Large Commissioner Leigh Altman invites residents to two County Resource Open House events that will feature presentations related to various County services and partners. Community members will also have an opportunity to speak with staff, visit resource tables, and share insights with County leaders.
Registration is encouraged but not required and light refreshments will be served. Doors will open 30 minutes prior to the start of each event.
Thursday, Oct.10, (6 – 7:30 p.m.) - Oasis Shriners, located at 604 Doug Mayes Place Charlotte, NC 28262.RVSP Here.
Saturday, Oct. 26, (10 – 11:30 a.m.) - Valerie C. Woodard Conference Center located at 3205 Freedom Drive, Suite 5000, Charlotte, NC 28208. RSVP Here
Maria “Joy” Hill, BA | maria.hill@mecknc.gov | Work cellphone: 704 560-8786
Shannon Winsjansen | Shannon.Winsjansen@mecklenburgcountync.gov
This is a new program, IECMH (Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health). Program Creation: Received American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to provide services and supports to families within Mecklenburg County beginning in 2023 and running through 2026 In order to be eligible, a family must live in Mecklenburg COunty and have a child under three. Services are free to eligible families who reside in Mecklenburg County, have young children birth to age 3, and parent/caregiver has concerns like the ones below: They can help with a range of issues including.
Feeling overwhelmed with being a new parent
Helping build a strong relationship with their baby or toddler
Helping families support their child with regulating emotions and behavior
Dealing with difficult events such as-loss of a loved one, frequent moves or changes in caregivers, scary events such as break-ins, car accidents, or community violence
Ongoing significant stress due to divorce, substance use or domestic violence at home.
They are hoping to connect with organizations for referrals to get the services out to more folks. They do not support diaper needs - mental health services only.
Provide support to families with children birth until age 3. We can accept referrals for any age, we just need to have first appointment prior to third birthday. We provide assessment and then short-term treatment services through a variety of models including Attachment Biobehavioral Catchup and Child Parent Psychotherapy. Most families receive 10-16 sessions. All assessments and services are provided free of charge.
We provide support for trauma exposure, behaviors, attachment, parenting, and/or adjusting to life with a newborn. The only requirements for enrollment in the program are that the family lives in Mecklenburg County and is requesting support.
Please contact us with questions at CDSA-IECMH@mecknc.gov. We have licensed clinicians ready to help and provide evidence-based early childhood models for mental health services such as Attachment and Biobehavioral Catchup (ABC) and Child Parent Psychotherapy (CPP).
To make a referral, please complete the referral form here: https://health.mecknc.gov/maternal-and-child-health/infant-and-early-childhood-mental-health-services. Please indicate that referral is for IECMH in “reason for referral” box or contact us over email at CDSA-IECMH@mecknc.gov or call our referral line: 704-336-7130.
Please feel free to call or e-mail me for any questions.
Cindy E. Noble | Office: 980-343-1006 | 980-343-6202
Magnet Programs Specialist
How to get engaged with magnet programs: Registration period and lottery period are still pending but info will come soon. Once that opens, you can use your pin to register for many of hte magnet programs like Montessori, language immersion and more. There will be many open houses as well.
We are excited to welcome new and returning families to CMS.
Would like to give you an overview on how to access CMS schools and theme-based learning opportunities.
As it stands this is a two part process
Registration with CMS
At a point the 25-26 school year’s registration period will open
During this time an online application inclusive of necessary supporting documents can be completed and uploaded
The application will be processed and receive a SID And PIN via Mail
You can stop there if you are happy with your assigned neighborhood school
If you would like to explore additional options, magnet schools and programs may be a good fit
Lottery Application
Typically lottery seasons comes a few weeks after the registration period
During this time you can explore magnet schools and program options by exploring online, at school open houses and information sessions etc.
You can then submit your lottery application at any time during the scheduled window choosing up to 3 different magnet school or magnet program options
Typically, you will receive the results within 3-4 weeks and will be automatically enrolled if you are seated at any of your lottery selections
i.If not, the child would automatically remain at the neighborhood school
We have a variety of magnet programs Montessori, Dual Language, International Baccalaureate just to name a few
We encourage interested parties to explore the CMS choice website to begin exploring what CMS has to offer
Keep in mind that the district is quite large so you will notice it is organized by 3 transportation zones that help make transportation feasible and functional across our schools.
Focusing on schools in your own zone, make you more likely to receive the benefit of transportation if that is something that is important to you
Registration and lottery dates are still pending so stay tuned to CMS website and social media for updates!
CMS website: CMSk12.org
CMS Choice Website: cmschoice.org
CMS Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CharMeckSchools/
CMS Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/charmeckschools/
2. Non-Profit Updates
The views and opinions expressed below are those of the speakers/presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the MeckMIN board or our member organizations.
Carmen Aguilera (She/Hers/Ella) | carmenaguilera@circledeluz.org
Bilingual Case Manager, Circle De Luz
Circle De Luz works with Latina girls. They are recruited in 7th grade adn followed through 12th. THey get mentorship and wrap-around programs for the whole family. They also offer a $5000 scholarship for those who graduate. They are not currently open for enrollment but hope to be soon. It is a funding question.
If you want to get involved, there are multiple volunteer opportunities. Please reach out and she can help you find the right spot. Being bilingual is helpful but not a requirement.
Circle de Luz Scholarships

At Circle de Luz, we are close to our Mija goal to fund 8 scholarships for our new cohort of Latina girls coming from West Charlotte. We have funded 7 out of the 8 scholarships thanks to our Mija donors! We need 10 more donors who can commit to donate as little as $10 - $15 monthly to be able to welcome our Class of 2030!
Mija donors collectively empower and make post-secondary education dreams a reality for 8 girls in our community. Please consider signing up if it is in your possibilities and/or help us share with others! All information is available here: https://circledeluz.org/become-a-mija
Mijas can be individuals, families, friend groups, businesses, Employee Resource Groups (ERG), academic clubs, or organizations from anywhere in the world.
Learn more and sign up here to support our incredible niñas:
Ariel Smith | ASmith@careringnc.org | Mobile: (704) 617-2624
Consortium Coordinator |
Care Ring and the Consortium is working to lower the rate of black infant mortality. The Consortium focuses on access to high quality care and they are looking for volunteers and partners to help them reach their mission to work on maternal health for Black families. Reach out if you are interested in getting involved.
NC COUNCIL OF CHURCHES: Overdose Prevention Workshops
Donna Parks Hill | donna@nccouncilofchurches.org
David R Tillman | tillmand@campbell.edu
Work on helping faith communities respond to the overdose crisis. They can come out and provide in whatever structure works for you. The workshops can focus on defining what the crisis is, local resources, how you can help and more. Someone in recovery often comes to speak. They also talk about how to advocate for the correct use of resources.
Mary Ferreri | maryf@emeraldschool.org | (M) (347) 698-3081 (O) (980) 299-2017
Founder & Principal
Emerald is a non-profit, private recovery high school. They offer partial and full scholarships and have NEVER had a family who could not come because of financial barriers. Schedule a tour and see what they are doing. All students have had a mental health struggle and many have had struggles with drugs and alcohol. It has a family feel and there is a real mix of ages. Transportation is not currently provided but may be in the future. They have a capacity of 50-60 students and are not yet filled so check it out. It is accredited and students go on to higher education and other successful futures. Please get a sense from this video: https://youtu.be/ZqrAUrtc1ok?si=nSoHS6_JvU-H2yPI
Deziree Patterson | dpatterson@perscholas.org | Senior Manager of Strategic Partnerships
Per Scholas North Carolina, a nonprofit headquartered in Charlotte, offers free technology training to advance economic opportunity and mobility. We offer free 12-to-15 week courses in IT support, cybersecurity, AWS Cloud and more and then help you find a job afterwards. Per Scholas is an IT training group. Talent is everywhere but opportunity is not. They try to provide that opportunity to low income and low opportunity groups. They have work for volunteers who want to do resume review, mentorship and more.
The organization prepares people traditionally under-represented in technology for well-paying careers. About 78% of Per Scholas' learners are people of color, and 50% are women.
Companies that donate to Per Scholas fund the courses. Many students land jobs at these companies. Graduates are working in tech roles at UPS, Charter Communications, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and other employers.
The courses include a full day each week of professional development instruction on topics like emotional intelligence. Learners have 1-on-1 coaching sessions to improve their elevator pitches, resumes and professional communication skills.
Prospective students go through an application and admissions process to determine they are a good fit.
We are always looking for learners, along with companies that would like to support this work! Learn more at https://perscholas.org/locations/northcarolina/.
Mirn Swaim | MSwaim@communitylinknc.org
Development and Marketing Associate
Community Link is one of Charlotte’s oldest non-profits, founded in 1929. They enable individuals to obtain and sustain safe, decent and affordable housing. It offers several programs to assist your congregants:
Community Link’s Homeownership Education and Counseling includes monthly asset building and financial empowerment workshops, plus one-on-one financial counseling for each person’s home buying journey. The program also provides information on how to access down payment assistance. $75 for the program; a “Get The Facts” introductory class is free.
Foreclosure prevention -Free one-on-one counseling to help homeowners avoid foreclosure and stay in their homes. If you know someone who is facing foreclosure and want to reach out, email Mirn.
Relocation for safety - Free travel vouchers for people escaping domestic violence who have a safe haven elsewhere in the country.
Free tax return preparation - Last year, Community Link and partners prepared more than 2,000 tax returns for free for low-to-moderate income households. The agency needs volunteers for 2025 as both tax preparers and greeters, and we’ll train you! Training sessions start in December.
Community Link is hosting its Fall Networking Event on Thursday, October 24 from 5 to 8 pm, 601 East 5th Street. Join us to learn how you can volunteer for our tax preparation service and other work. RSVP HERE.

Jaylan Cole | Jcole@cwwilliams.org
Monique Weeks, MBA (She/Her) | mweeks@cwwilliams.org
Director of EMMBRACE (Maternal Health Program), Community Health Care Coordinator, Certified CHW, 704-218-9054
C. W. Williams Community Health Center is hosting a workshop series entitled "Healthy Relationships". Thursday, 9/26/24 @ 6 pm
This interactive session is designed to empower participants with the tools to build and maintain respectful, fulfilling relationships. Presenter will be from Mecklenburg County DSS and presenting on healthy relationships. The workshops are offered every two weeks and they welcome anyone to come and offer to present.
Link to join:
Jussica Haynes | jussicahaynes2@mecklenburgcouuntync.gov
Brooke Nartey | Brooke.Nartey@mecklenburgnc.gov
ICO4Meck Perinatal and Lactation Program has free breastfeeding friendly signage available to post at your organizations for patients, clients and coworker knowledge. See the attached samples for reference.
Contact Jussica or Brooke for more information regarding the posters. Please provide them with the following information and they will deliver the posters to you.
Which poster size would you prefer for each sample selected? 18x24 or 24x36?
How many copies of each poster selected would you like?
Which site locations (list addresses) would you like the signage delivered to? Who would be the point of contact for each delivery site?
OTHERS ON THE CALL (as time allows)
Terry Albanese, MS | 315.247.8256
Program Officer Consultant
It's that time of year again at the ABC Board to promote our grant programs, community information sessions, and volunteer grant evaluator opportunities.
They give back in many ways. They have four different grant programs and community info sessions are coming up next week and the week after. Register here:
All of their grants revolve around substance abuse recovery and prevention. There is a special initiative to implement the “too good for drugs” education program. It is going to open on October 15th and they are looking for grant evaluators as well.
Nimish Bhatt | 704.491.1186
5th Oct 11:15 am to 12:45 pm Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday celebration at uptown statue.
700 East Trade Street Charlotte NC 28205
Front of District Court House in Gandhi Park.
Kindly confirm your presence and support as guest every year.
World Wellness & Unity festival 2024.
We will walk from Dr. MLK to Gandhi statue at 11:15 am sharp.
Amy Korb | amy.korb@redcross.org | 704.221.8862
American Red Cross can help you figure out how to prepare for potential problems with Hurricane Helene and future natural disasters at www.redcross.org. We expect some damage but it is uncertain how much at this time. Financial donations allow us to support people in shelters. We also welcome volunteers (a two-week commitment, fully financially supported).
Galilee is hosting voter registration drives (in conjunction with St. Peter's). today from 10 am - 2 pm in the Flag Hall (back building) and on Tuesday, October 1 from 12 pm - 4 pm, also in the Flag Hall. Here are a few good reasons to attend and bring friends and family members with you!
To register if you are a first-time voter
If you are already registered, to make sure your address on file is current
To find out about early voting dates, polling locations, and acceptable types of voter identification
Refreshments will be provided
Avery Payne | avery@ncdiaperbank.org
For this week - diaper need awareness week - they are partnering in 6 walmarts across the city for donations or go to https://www.wsoctv.com/9diaperdrive/ to donate. Last year they only got donations to cover 4% of the diaper needs in the community. Financial donations go a little further than diaper donations because they have relationships that allow them to buy diapers at a discount.
In addition to providing diapers, the Diaper Bank is available for disaster relief.
If there is any community in our area that is heavily impacted by hurricane Helene, DBNC has a long history of providing disaster relief to families across the state after natural disasters and/or big storms.
Donita Dawson
What: Night of Worship with Doneta Dawson
When: Saturday November 16,2024 @6pm
Where: Revive Church 6621 Beatties Ford Rd., Charlotte, NC 28216
Kingdom Arts Fuzion is a not for profit initiative of Pure Heart Media. We provide community gatherings in Mecklenburg County to bridge the gap between creatives and the church. We are currently looking for partners and sponsors for an event called the Night of Worship that will be a place of Gathering to worship God and use our arts for him. I have more information sharing a detailed overview of Kingdom Arts Fuzion our vision, mission, target audience and benefits of partnering with us. Please admin@pureheartmedia.org for more information on partnering and sponsoring Kingdom Arts Fuzion.
What’s on your ballot?
If you live in North Carolina, you can look up a sample ballot here.
You Can Vote Fridge Card
Click here to download a fridge card with key dates and deadlines!
Steps to Ensure Your Vote Counts
Confirm Your Registration: NC Residents | SC Residents
Confirm Your Polling Place: NC Residents | SC ResidentsView early voting sites for Mecklenburg County.
Charlotte Absentee Ballot Deadline: Request by October 29 at 5:00pm for Charlotte voters. Review ID requirements here.
New NC Voting Laws: Ensure compliance with the latest voter ID laws here.
Need an ID? Apply for a free one here.
Can’t travel? Contact Cindy Brinkley at the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections (704-336-2133).
No valid ID on Election Day? Request the Photo ID Exception Form to vote with a provisional ballot.
College Students (or Parents of College Students!): Ensure you’re prepared to vote by checking the guidelines here.
Mecklenburg County has all the information you need to cast your ballot in 2024. There are a few key action steps and dates all voters need to remember before Election Day on Tuesday, Nov. 5. First, check your voter registration to make sure your information is up to date. And don’t forget — voters need a photo ID to vote in North Carolina elections. Most voters can use their driver's licenses, but there are many types of accepted photo IDs. Voters without an ID can still vote with a provisional ballot. Read 10 facts about photo ID from the N.C. Board of Elections.
Do you plan to vote by mail? You can request an absentee ballot online, or download and print your absentee ballot request form and mail it to the Mecklenburg County Board of Elections. Voters who plan to vote early in person can do so Oct. 17 through Nov. 2 at any one of 33 sites across Mecklenburg County. Finally, Election Day voters can look up their precinct, assigned polling place, and district information. For more information about elections, visit Vote.MeckNC.gov.
Learn About Your Candidates and Issues
Temple Beth El, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church, the League of Women Voters and other organizations host one of the few nonpartisan candidate forums that covers both state and local races. Register here.
2024 Election Tip of the Week: Send in Your Ballot Soon if You Plan to Vote by Mail
Leading up to this fall’s election, the Center will offer a variety of tips for nonprofits about nonpartisan voter registration and voter education. Share these tips with your staff, board, and the people you serve.
This week’s tip: Send in your ballot soon if you plan to vote by mail.
There are three ways to vote in North Carolina:
In person on Election Day on Tuesday, November 5;
In person during the Early Voting period between October 17 and November 2; and
By mail through an absentee ballot.
The Center strongly recommends that nonprofits encourage their staff, volunteers, and the people they serve to take advantage of the in-person Early Voting period. But some people who are served by nonprofits (and some nonprofit employees and volunteers) may have circumstances that make in-person voting difficult.
Three factors could make voting by mail a particular challenge during the 2024 election:
Election officials warn that the U.S. Postal Service is not always reliable in delivering ballots expediently – or at all.
Adding to that challenge, a new North Carolina law requires mail-in ballots to be received by Election Day, so Postal Service delays could cause some voters’ mail-in ballots not to count even if they are mailed well in advance of Election Day.
And absentee ballots are going out later than planned this year. Originally, the NC State Board of Elections (NCSBE) and local election boards had planned to begin mailing out absentee ballots on Friday, September 5. However, a North Carolina Supreme Court ruling from last week forced election boards to throw out 2.9 million ballots and reprint them to remove a presidential candidate from the ballot, delaying the mailing of absentee ballots. Earlier this week, NCSBE announced that it would begin sending absentee ballots to military and overseas voters who have requested them on September 20 (that’s today!) and to other voters who have requested them on September 24.
With these potential challenges to absentee voting, nonprofits might consider three messages for their staff, volunteers, and clients who plan to vote by mail:
If you haven’t done so, request your absentee ballot now! You can request it online through the Absentee Ballot Portal or by completing a paper form and mailing it to your county board of elections.
Once you receive your absentee ballot, complete it and mail it to your county board of elections as soon as possible. This can help ensure that postal delays don’t cause your ballot not to count.
Once you submit your absentee ballot, check on Ballot Trax, NCSBE’s ballot tracker, to ensure that your ballot has been received.
The city has several resources to help potential homeowners.
House Charlotte Program: This program offers deferred and forgivable loans up to $30,000 for qualified buyers to cover down payments, closing costs and interest rate reductions. It supports purchases up to $300,000 for existing homes and $315,000 for new constructions. For more details, visit House Charlotte.
Housing Counseling Services: The city provides counseling on financial literacy, pre-homeownership preparation and foreclosure prevention. These services cover budgeting, credit repair, mortgage loan approval and more. Learn more at Charlotte Housing Counseling.

In support of Hunger Action Month, NC MedAssist will be hosting a free food giveaway in partnership with Hearts & Hands Food Pantry
Date of Food Giveaway: Friday, September 27, 2024
Time: 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Pick Up Location: NC MedAssist OTC Free Store, 4428 Taggart Creek Road, Suite 101 Charlotte, NC 28208
Stop by to pick up a food bag and grab some over-the-counter meds while you are here! Order your OTC Meds online here and skip the lines.
Please note: Food supplies are limited so get here early!
For questions, call 704.350.3587 or email otc@medassist.org
En apoyo al Mes de Acción contra el Hambre, NC MedAssist organizará entrega de comida gratuita en asociación con Hearts & Hands Food Pantry
Fecha de la entrega de alimentos: Viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024
Tiempo: 10:00am a 2:30pm
Lugar de entrega: NC MedAssist OTC Tienda Gratis, 4428 Taggart Creek Road, Suite 101 Charlotte, NC
¡Pase a recoger una bolsa de comida y tome algunos medicamentos de venta libre!
Tenga en cuenta: La cantidad de alimentos son limitados, llegar temprano!
Si tiene preguntas, llame al 704-350-3587 o envíe un correo electrónico otc@medassist.org
Skip the lines! Place your OTC order online for convenient pick up!
Scan the QR Code below to go to our online order form. Thank you!

Escanee el codigo QR a continuacion para realizar a pedidos en linea. Gracias!
Here are 2 upcoming City events Community Area Training & Homeowner Board Trainings: Neighborhood Organizations, HOA’s and Neighborhood Coalitions and Community non-profit groups.
Please share and mark your calendar for the upcoming Community Area Planning workshops. You are invited to participate for a virtual or in person workshop to share your input about projects & programs that will support future development in the community. These plans complement the 2040 Comp Plan and are an important part of the City’s planning framework. Registration is required. CLICK HERE. Scroll all the way down until you see the meeting that fits your schedule. See the attached flyer above for more detailed instructions.
The Next Chapter: Neighborhood Succession Planning
October 14, 2024 | 6:00pm-8:00pm | Belmont Regional Center
Strengthening Your Board: Tools and Techniques for Effective Leaders
November 13, 2024 | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Allegra Westbrooks Regional Library
Building Community Ties: Enhancing Partnerships
December 3, 2024 | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Hickory Grove Library
Multigenerational Engagement: Strategies for Fostering Community Involvement
January 14, 2025 | 6:00pm-8:00pm | Belmont Regional Center
All training and registration information can be found on our training and engagement webpage. For any questions regarding training opportunities, please contact Ansley Romero at Ansley.Romero@charlottenc.gov.
We are just starting to invite volunteers to prepare to help us with our VITA Latino program for next year.
If you know of people who may be interested in helping us, please share these links with them:
Buenas Finanzas - VITA Latino volunteer website: https://www.vitalatino.org/volunteer
Volunteer invitation 2024: https://mailchi.mp/commonwealthcharlotte/vl25-volunteer
Thank you,
Have you seen our VITA Latino results? Click here
¿Has visto los resultados de VITA Latino? Míralos aquí
Ya recibe nuestro boletin informativo? https://www.vitalatino.org/boletin
Lisa Shackelford | shack@drinkeatrelax.com | w: (443) 759-5388 x104
Advertising & Promotions
Drink Eat Relax Events
3535 Clipper Mill Road, 2nd Floor Baltimore, MD 21211
1-800-830-3976 | f: (410) 878-9911
Ballantyne’s Backyard to host the Carolina Holiday Light Spectacular
Charlotte, NC – Last year the Carolina Holiday Light Spectacular hosted over 50,000 happy guests who were mesmerized with the beautiful display of lights and wonder. This year, that number is expected to double and we would love for your NON-PROFIT to raise money through ‘The Light Up Program’, simply by enjoying the show.
HOW IT WORKS: We will give your non-profit a SPECIAL CODE in order to save 10% off when your supporters/families/personnel purchase tickets and we will also give your non-profit a 10% Kick Back Commission to use as you see fit. This event is for everyone…young and young at heart! Each ticket purchased is discounted and there are NO Blackout dates or restrictions. With this, some tickets will be as low as $9.00! There is no limit on the number of tickets that can be sold and there is NO minimum number of tickets that must be purchased.
How can your group not take advantage of this great offer? It’s a win/win…WIN!
The Carolina Holiday Light Spectacular will again transform Ballantyne’s Backyard, Dec. 5 - 29 from 5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. daily, into an outdoor enchanting walking trail filled with over a million illuminated lights, larger-than-life holiday installations and new scenes that will dazzle all visitors. This is a holiday event tailored for all ages. There will be 30% more lights and expanded displays compared to last year’s event - guests will experience a Winter Wonderland
complete with dozens of magical over-sized snow globes, hundreds of decorated trees, the NewLight Castle (a 30’x40’ walk-thru structure), The Alpine Avalanche Snow Tube Slide, Santa every night through Dec. 23, ballerinas and other performers on select nights, activities for the kids, a Moon Bounce, and a Holiday Village complete with boutiques, shops and rotating Food Trucks offering seasonal fare. Certain LIVE performances are not every day – please check the
website for scheduling.
The walk-thru experience allows guests to enjoy the lights and scenes at a leisurely pace, lasting as little as an hour or more. We’ve improved the pathways and made them either concrete or decking, making them suitable for scooters, strollers and wheelchairs, though some inclines are present. Wear comfortable shoes!
Please reach out to Lisa Shackelford to secure a SPECIAL CODE for your NON-PROFIT. If you have any questions, please call 443-759-5388 x104 or email Lisa directly at shack@drinkeatrelax.com.
Check out our website for more information on the event, https://ncholidaylights.com/
Earn Your NON-PROFIT Money!! The Carolina Holiday Light Spectacular would love to partner
with you!
They say nobody is coming to save you, but many people have saved me, even if they didn't intend to.
It can be as small as a smile from a stranger, a nudge from an animal, words from a writer, the lyrics to a song, an observant
We are all saving each other every single day in tiny
seemingly insignificant ways.
Next meeting – Two weeks from today - Thursday at 11 a.m.