Hurricane Helene Relief Resources
The FEMA Disaster Recovery Center is up and running for Mecklenburg County.
Location: 9501 David Taylor Drive, Charlotte, NC. Open: Monday - Sunday | 7 AM - 8 PM.
It is there to help anyone, from anywhere, process their assistance applications. Share with your networks!
Providing behavioral health services (on-site and/or telehealth) to both insured and
uninsured individuals

Here’s a message on initial FEMA applications shared by the National Low Income Housing Coalition and Jacksonville State University’s Associate Professor of Emergency Management, Dr. Laura Olson.
FEMA has declared Individual Assistance (IA) for Hurricane Helene/Milton. What does this mean for you? This means you can apply for disaster assistance from FEMA to offset disaster-related expenses. You can apply by telephone at (800) 621-3362 or https://www.disasterassistance.gov/. Otherwise, you can download the FEMA weather app from Google PlayStore or the Apple Store, apply for assistance with the app, and upload receipts.
Whichever method you choose, the form has a few questions that are hard to understand. To avoid delay, please follow the following tips:
1. One of the questions FEMA will ask when you register is “Do You Have Emergency Needs”? This means during your evacuation or after staying at home during the disaster, do you need help with Gas, Medication, Food (meals, water, had no power and everything spoils), Shelter (you are staying with friends, family, or in a hotel); Clothing; or Durable Medical Equipment (i.e., oxygen, walkers, cane, glasses, hearing aids, other medical equipment). If this is true, say “YES” to this question. It can trigger Survivor Needs Assistance.
2. When asked if your home/apartment is/was accessible, answer "NO" if there was debris, tree branches, continued flooding, loss of power, damage, or destruction that prevented you from staying there after Helene. This question asks whether you can stay at your home or apartment, which can trigger the ability to receive assistance to pay for hotels or provide funding to use while you stay with family or friends.
3. When asked if utilities are out, say "YES" if they have been out for a few days to weeks. This can trigger assistance to stay somewhere other than your home or apartment or to buy fuel to power a generator.
4. When asked, “Are you willing to relocate?” say "YES" if you cannot live in your home due to damage, loss of power, etc. This question means you can stay in a hotel or somewhere else temporarily. It does not ask if you will permanently move away from your home/apartment or hometown.
5. If you purchase a generator, FEMA will reimburse you up to $629, but you must submit the receipt. If you bought a chainsaw, FEMA will reimburse you up to $219. Save your receipts.
FEMA Application Deadline November 27
Wednesday, November 27 is the deadline to apply for FEMA Individual Assistance. Everyone should apply to see if they are eligible for assistance. Legal Aid of NC and Pisgah Legal offer disaster legal services programs to assist with applications and appeals to FEMA, for homeowners and rentals dealing with damage and displacement, and for fraud support.
Please note: NC 211 is no longer handling welfare checks and missing persons reports. Folks can contact their local law enforcement agencies for welfare checks/missing persons.
Missing persons/reunification can still be done through Red Cross. https://www.redcross.org/get-help/disaster-relief-and-recovery-services/contact-and-locate-loved-ones/hurricane-helene-reunification.html
Coping after Disaster activity book https://www.cdc.gov/natural-disasters/communication-resources/ready-wrigley-coping-after-a-disaster-activity-book.html.
Please feel free to also use Child Life Disaster Relief's free, evidence-based resources that you can find here. There are printable, developmentally appropriate activity sheet, explanations for various disasters in child-appropriate language created by Child Life professionals , as well as child development guides (for infants-teens + a guide for neurodiverse children) for parents/guardians, and professionals caring for or interacting with children affected by disasters.
The Disaster Distress Helpline (DDH) is the first national hotline dedicated to providing year-round disaster crisis counseling. This toll-free, multilingual, crisis support service is available 24/7 to all residents in the U.S. and its territories who are experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
Call or text 1-800-985-5990
Español: Llama o envía un mensaje de texto 1-800-985-5990 presiona “2.”
For Deaf and Hard of Hearing ASL Callers: Please text or call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 using your preferred Relay provider.
The helpline is open to anyone experiencing emotional distress related to disasters. This includes survivors of disasters; loved ones of victims; first responders; rescue, recovery, and relief workers; clergy; and parents and caregivers. You may call for yourself or on behalf of someone else.